Ion hit him lightly and was about to blame him for giving such a dangerous weapon to a child.

But Zoro took the knife without saying a word, and then reproduced a famous scene

"A demon sword? I've heard of it."

Zoro pulled out the sword and looked at it carefully, then raised his lips and threw the sword into the sky.

"Then let me see which is stronger, the legendary curse or my luck."

As he said this, he raised his left arm, lowered his head, closed his eyes and waited for the judgment of fate.

This crazy move really scared everyone. Nami screamed and quickly covered her eyes and dared not look.

The other guerrilla members looked at him with admiration and praise.

They didn't understand why the captain had to bring this kid with him before.

Now, regardless of other things, this courage alone won the recognition of everyone, and they regarded him as a member of the guerrillas in their hearts.

Ain frowned and put his hand on the snow on his waist.

This child is indeed a natural swordsman, but his behavior is too reckless.

She immediately concentrated her attention and prepared to stop the third generation of Kitetsu before he cut off his arm.

But the next scene was beyond her expectation.

Kitetsu, who was spinning and falling rapidly, seemed to be really convinced by him.

The back of the knife just passed his arm and went straight into the deck. The entire blade was immersed in it, which was enough to show its sharpness.

Zoro opened his eyes, looked at the third generation of Kitetsu under his feet, and grinned:

"It's a really good sword, I'll take it without hesitation."

Luffy, who had been silent the whole time, couldn't hold back any longer, and laughed triumphantly with his hands on his hips:

"Hahaha~ Today I have Zoro, which is like adding wings to a tiger. It is really a great fortune."

After receiving such a high evaluation from Luffy, Zoro bent down to take back the Kitetsu and smiled happily:

"I won't let you down."

Just as the two looked at each other, heroes appreciating heroes.

Ai En, with a gloomy face, punched each of them and knocked them to the ground.

"You two idiots, if you do something dangerous like this again, I'll show you how I'll deal with you!"

After saying this harshly, Ain dragged Luffy into the cabin.

After the two of them left, Nami came to Zoro, kicked him in disgust, and taught him a lesson in the tone of a senior:

"New soldier, look at what you have done. You have damaged the deck. Go get the tools and fix it!"

Covering the big bump on his head, Zoro bared his teeth and shouted unconvinced:

"You stinky girl, who give me orders?"

Nami didn't answer, and followed Ein's example and punched Zoro, knocking him down completely.

"Humph, this is the price of underestimating your seniors."..

Just as Zoro was starting his new life on the warship,

Koshiro in the Shimotsuki Gym also returned to his room, ready to give Luffy a surprise.

"Hello, is this Betty? I met an interesting navy man and would like to recommend him to you....."..................

East China Sea, Zangar Kingdom.

This country is one of the more than 170 member states of the World Government and is a supporter of the government.

Secretly, the Zangar Kingdom has long been infiltrated by the Revolutionary Army and a large-scale uprising may break out at any time.

And now, the commander of the Revolutionary Army's Eastern Army, Belo Betty, is in charge of the country, directing the final preparations before the uprising.

It was at this time that she received a call from Koshiro.

"You want to recommend a navy to me? Don't be ridiculous.

Those lackeys of the World Government, the trash who claim to be righteous, can't get along with us.

If you came to me to talk about this, I'm sorry, I'm busy and don't have time to listen to your jokes."

Faced with Betty's impolite tone, Koshiro smiled bitterly and didn't intend to keep it a secret.

"Betty, this navy is very special, he is the grandson of Iron Fist Garp.

He is a, uh, young man with a lot of personality.

Believe me, the person I recommend is not wrong."

Koshiro thought that what he said was enough to impress Betty.

But Betty still didn't care and said coldly:

"Hey, so what if he's the grandson of the hero Garp. Why would a young master born with a silver spoon in his mouth give up his bright future and join us terrorists?"

Koshiro's mouth twitched, 'You can ask your leader Long about this, he did the same thing at the time.’

"Ahem, believe me, you can observe him first.

Or ask Long, Long will definitely be interested in this kid."

""Tsk, I get it. If you have nothing else to say, I'll hang up."

Betty snorted coldly and hung up the phone without waiting for Koshiro to reply.

"If we rely on the bunch of rubbish in the navy, the world would have been over long ago."

She complained quietly, not taking it to heart.

But after thinking about it, she still found a pen and paper, wrote down the information provided by Koshiro, and called the intelligence officer.

Betty handed him the note and ordered:

"Pay attention to the intelligence of this kid, and notify me immediately if there is any new information."

After a pause, she hesitated for a moment and added:

"Send a copy of his information to headquarters and ask the leader if he wants to contact him."


At this time, Luffy had no idea that his information had been passed on to the Revolutionary Army by a petty person.

He set out again, this time his target was the sniper from Xiluobu Village.——GOD·Usopp!

Luffy came up with a more effective way to recruit this timid, boastful, long-nosed guy......

After arriving at Xiluobu Village and finding out Usopp's address from the villagers,

Luffy led his men here and knocked on the door.

"Knock knock knock~ Is anyone there? I'm here to check the water meter."

He was lucky. Usopp had just come back from outside and opened the door immediately when he heard someone knocking.

"Check the water meter? But I don't have one at home....Forehead...Hai Hai Hai, Navy!!!"

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