"We are finally back, so the next step is to taste the delicious food of Glala giant crocodile and swamp snake."

Qin Mo is also very much looking forward to the deliciousness of these two ingredients at this time, especially the Glala giant crocodile. The meat of the Glala giant crocodile is quite good. Don't look at the ingredients that Alu and others got later. Basically every kind of food is better than Glala Giant Crocodile is good.

But who is Alu? He is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Food. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is one of the princes of IGO.

For ordinary people, the meat of Glala Giant Crocodile is not It’s so common.

Qin Mo also tasted the delicacies of the captive world in the Baron Islands. He ate snake frogs. Because the meat of the Swamp Snake and Glala Crocodile was too big and needed further processing, Qin Mo just caught it. Several snake frogs came to eat.

The snake frogs with a capture level of only level 1 also allowed Qin Mo to taste the deliciousness of the food in the captive world, especially the liver of the snake frogs. Qin Mo was unable to process it further due to the environment at the time.

He could only take out the liver and roast it, but even so, he missed the delicious taste of the snake frog. After working as a chef in Barati for several years, Qin Mo honed his cooking skills and had eaten it himself. There are a lot of foods in this world.

The quality of the food in the pirate world is indeed much better than what Qin Mo had before traveling through time, but compared with ingredients such as snake frogs, they are still a level lower.

The meat of the snake frogs is roasted by the flames. After roasting, the texture is very chewy, and this texture does not hurt the teeth at all. The texture can be said to be first-class, not to mention the taste. The meat is very fresh and tender, and after the flame roasting, the fat flowing out of it only needs a simple The seasoning is the most delicious thing Qin Mo has eaten since he traveled through time.

The taste of liver is slightly worse because it is simply roasted with flames, but even so, it is quite delicious, compared to the taste of meat. On the next level, if the taste can keep up, then the taste of meat will be completely thrown away.

No wonder Alu said that the liver of snake frogs is extremely delicious, even if simple and crude cooking methods are used, it is still so delicious.

Qin Mo’s In addition to the Glala Giant Crocodile and Swamp Snake, there are also several snake frogs in the space. Because the taste is very good, Qin Mo plans to bring them back and cook them in other ways.

Of course, the highlight now is the Glala Giant Crocodile and the Swamp Snake. Swamp snake.

The camping turtles are active in the waters near the Baron Islands. With the strength of the camping turtles, it is naturally quite easy to hunt.

So Qin Mo does not need to worry about the other party's food. After taking a hot bath in the bathroom, Qin Mo came to the kitchen and took out a piece of meat from the Glala giant crocodile and a piece of marsh snake meat that had been cut before.

When cutting it, Qin Mo knew the texture of the meat very well, as if the outer skin was simply restrained. The props for meat are the same. The moment it is cut, the meat bursts out.

For example, it is equivalent to wrapping a piece of meat in a plastic bag and then compressing it continuously. After compressing to a certain level, cut one side of the plastic bag. , the meat inside finds a release gap and is squeezed out directly from the gap.

This is true whether it is the meat of the Gela La Giant Crocodile or the Swamp Snake.

Qin Mo does not intend to make a large amount of complicated dishes, the Gela La Giant Crocodile The meat of the crocodile can be made into pan-fried, roasted and stewed. The meat of the swamp snake can be cooked in the same way, but Qin Mo plans to add a snake soup.

By the way, I also added the liver of the snake frog that I got before to try it, and there is also a pan-fried snake frog liver.

These are some of the ways Qin Mo has prepared it.

After all, he is also a chef, so naturally he cannot treat himself badly.

"I don’t know when I will be able to get the Melk kitchen knife or the method of making the Melk kitchen knife. The current kitchen knife may not last long."

Qin Mo also discovered a problem with the kitchen knife in his hand when he was processing the ingredients. The kitchen knife in his hand can only be regarded as average. Now it is not so easy to use when processing the meat of the Glala giant crocodile and the swamp snake meat.

If he wants to use more advanced ones in the future The ingredients of the food will probably face the same problem as Komatsu. You must know that as the level of many ingredients increases, the defense power is also very amazing.

Although the ingredients of the captive world of gourmet food, no matter how advanced they are after cooking, an ordinary person can It can be eaten.

But it is not so friendly to chefs. For chefs in the captive world of gourmet food, strength and kitchen knives are the key.

Without strength, even Komatsu’s kitchen knife made from the fossilized teeth of the Dragon King cannot cut. For some ingredients, the kitchen knife is not sharp enough or hard enough, so there is a possibility that the kitchen knife will eventually break.

Now Qin Mo doesn't have a suitable kitchen knife in his hand. If it doesn't work, he can only try to find those famous knives to use for cutting vegetables.

Of course, That was what happened after that. Now the kitchen knife in his hand is still barely usable.

After death, the defense power of Grala Crocodile and Swamp Snake has obviously been reduced a lot. Otherwise, Komatsu cannot cut through the opponent's defense alone..

With the help of the Demon King's hearing, Qin Mo can hear the changes in the texture of the meat when he cuts the knife and the subtle changes in the texture of the meat during the cooking process.

This was also discovered when roasting snake frogs before.

In addition to fighting, the Demon King's five senses are also The most suitable trick for chefs.

This also reminds Qin Mo of one of the Five Tigers in the Little Master world, the prodigal Yan Xian. He has super hearing and can accurately control the dishes by listening to sounds. The devil's hearing is even more incredible. , so now Qin Mo has also added it to cooking.

When cutting meat, this ability can also very accurately judge the strength and position of the knife cutting into the meat, etc., saving Qin Mo a lot of effort.

The most important thing is The most important thing is to control the heat. By hearing the sound of the ingredients in the pot changing, you can accurately judge whether it has reached the optimal level.

In this way, Qin Mo completed the dishes quickly. With such a physical bonus , combined with the Demon King's hearing, Qin Mo can now easily control dozens of stoves to cook at the same time.

So there is no need to worry about the food getting cold.

At this time, the largest table in the restaurant is full There are all kinds of dishes with strong fragrance.

Fortunately, this is the body of the camping sea turtle, and it is in the sea, so there is no need to worry about the fragrance attracting others.

Otherwise, everyone would be confused by such a fragrance.

There are also storage inside the camping sea turtle. With a large amount of oxygen, you only need to float up once every once in a while to absorb the oxygen, which is quite convenient.

"So let’s try the taste of the Glala giant crocodile meat fried on the iron plate first!"

Qin Mo looked at the iron plate fried pork that was still making sizzling sounds.

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