He wanted to destroy this jade. Once the Pangu jade at this time node was destroyed, it would be equivalent to destroying part of Pangu's vitality, using the new avenue to defeat the ancient avenue to improve his own avenue.

The reason why Cangming knew this was that he learned during the gestation that his roots were very special.

He was conceived from the chaotic space, and was conceived by many demon gods' essence blood, life source fluid, the gas of creation, and even the chaotic soil and other things, which followed the luck of the long river in the chaotic space.

Therefore, he had a certain understanding of the ancient existences such as Pangu and the Chaos Demon God.

This was also because the power of the long river wiped out the avenue of the demon gods and their will in the demon gods' essence blood and life source fluid, which enabled him to be born smoothly.

It was also because of this that Cangming knew more about the horror of these ancient existences. Even if a drop of blood or a drop of life source fluid flowed in the future, it could cause chaos in time and space and the destruction of order.

Even, maybe Pangu left his bone marrow inside Buzhou Mountain and stored it at each time node, which was done by Pangu on purpose in order to be able to walk out of the ancient years.

Cangming had to be careful.

Cangming looked at the Pangu Jade in his hand, which was crystal clear and filled with a strong breath of life. Just drinking a drop of it would make a person immortal.

In the Jade, there was an ancient avenue, and the order was intertwined, as if connecting the ancient years, observing the avenue of a majestic existence.

This was a great temptation, and even Cangming couldn't help wanting to swallow it.


At this moment, in the endless years, the breath of the avenue permeated, and a vast power of heaven descended. The entire time and space changed in an instant, and even the order of heaven and earth changed. A familiar yet unfamiliar avenue filled the entire time and space, as if it had turned into the will of heaven, dominating the past and the future.

"Daoist friend, this Pangu Jade Marrow is best not to be used lightly!"

A grand and majestic voice sounded in the years, which shocked Cangming.

Cangming looked up at the top of the mountain.

On the top of Buzhou Mountain, there were thirty-three virtual shadows, shrouded in mist, with thousands of paths intertwined, and all things in the world appeared, changed, derived, and invisible, and finally turned into a handsome and tall man wearing a golden imperial robe and an imperial crown.

He stepped out of the mist, and every step was a few years of Yuanhui, as if he was going upstream from the ancient years, and walked step by step from the top of the mountain.

"The top of Mount Buzhou represents the years at the beginning of the world, eternally frozen. So far, no one has been able to reach the top. Fellow Taoist came down from the top of the mountain. So it seems that Fellow Taoist should have been born on the top of the mountain?"

"No, that's not right. You are wandering in the thirty-three heavens of time. You are the Lord of Heaven!"

Cangming's eyes flickered, penetrating the past and the future, peeping into the traces of time, and soon understood the origin of the person who came.

This is not that this person came down from the top of Buzhou Mountain. The other party seemed to come down from the top, flowing through the years from the ancient years, but in fact, his true body was not on Buzhou Mountain.

This is a confusion in time and space. If it weren't for his profound cultivation, it would be difficult to see.

But Cangming knew that the person who came was an ancient god, and his strength was no weaker than his own.

"There is no trace of fellow Taoist in the years, all of them are illusions left behind deliberately, even in the future era of immortals, there are illusions left by fellow Taoist, but fellow Taoist is not a Daluo Immortal, how did he do it?"

At this time, the visitor had already stood in front of Cangming, but frowned.

He said:"Now is the era of Shinto, in the future Immortal will replace Shinto, the gods who created the way will become the past, and it will be impossible to step into the future from the years, but fellow Taoist seems to be different!

" Cangming smiled slightly:"How about fellow Taoist Haotian? Although I can't really peek into the full picture of the future, blocked by the fog, but I can deduce one or two, even if the Daluo Immortal comes in the future, fellow Taoist will still be the Emperor of Heaven, holding up the last piece of sky for Shinto!


"So what? The gods are forever silent, Donghuang Taiyi cannot walk out of the years, the way of gods is declining, suppressed by the way of immortals, the will of Daluo covers the entire prehistoric world, turns into the will of heaven, and dominates the order of the prehistoric world. Even if this emperor survives to the future, he will still be alone and restricted everywhere!"

"In the future, various religions will not accept the rule of Heaven, and will establish their own order in the multiple worlds and the infinite universe in various places, spread the way of immortality, establish the throne of God, and establish many gods and kings. Sooner or later, Heaven will be hollowed out!"

"There are also humans who rise up and want to go against the will of heaven, which has led to many variables. This emperor is just a puppet!"

Haotian sighed

"So, fellow Daoist has already taken that step and walked ahead of me?"

Cangming's expression became serious.


Haotian sneered:"Daoyou are joking, how can that step be so easy to take? Dao has no end, and creation has no end. The future Daluo Immortals shrink the timeline, claiming that it is God's will, and turn the beginning and end of the prehistoric world into a time ring, intending to be omniscient and omnipotent, but they don't know that there is no beginning and no end. Forcibly cutting the years and condensing them into a ring will only trap themselves in it. How ridiculous is this?"

"What do you mean by"Daoyou and I agree to this?"

Haotian's words made Cangming frown.

"I am the only one who continues the path of God, but you are the variable. You and I are destined to be enemies. We will fight on this chessboard, destroy the other chess pieces, and become the only two chess players!"

Haotian said

"Is this the way you want to break the impasse? Or, you came to this era and want to change the Shinto era and impact the Immortal Era? But you don't want to find the one in heaven?"

Cangming was not surprised that Haotian wanted to break the situation. After all, all the ancient gods in the world wanted to break the situation, and even the Daluo Immortals in the future wanted to break the situation.

These supreme beings wanted to break the situation, firstly to seek the way and rewrite the destiny that had been determined, and secondly to dominate.

It's okay in this era now. Although the gods rule the world and Donghuang Taiyi suppresses the world, there are already heroes competing for hegemony and a hundred flowers blooming.

But in the future, the appearance of Daluo Immortals will lock the fate of the prehistoric world. This kind of lock is nothing if there is only one Daluo Immortal, but if there are too many Daluo Immortals, something will definitely happen.

After all, as a Daluo, no one wants to be restricted by others, not to mention that there are ancient gods planning in the years.

Even in the more ancient years, there were Pangu and three thousand demons, and they must not be willing to live in the past forever.

What surprised Cangming was that the other party actually chose him.

This choice is not to cooperate with him, but to become a fateful enemy with him?

"No, they are enemies, but also cooperation? We play a game of chess alone and use them as chess pieces. As for Donghuang, fellow Daoist!"

Haotian shook his head

(PS:Haotian God, in mythology, is the supreme emperor of ancient times, representing the emperor of heaven, the Lord of heaven. He is not Hongjun Tongzi, nor is he the Jade Emperor of Taoism!)

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