Rural Dad

Chapter 40

Green mountains, green waters, blue sky and white clouds, a winding river passing through the fields.

On the country road, Zhao Han was walking in front.

Gun Gun staggered behind.

Da Huang ran in front with his tongue out and legs spread out, stopping to wait for Zhao Han after each run.

"Fuck! Hanzi, why is there a panda following you! You are so daring, it's really too much!" The butcher Liu Hai happened to meet Zhao Han and stared at Gun Gun with wide eyes.

Zhao Han argued: "What punishment? I didn't keep it in captivity, it just relied on me."

He waved his hand, and Gun Gun ran over to act like a spoiled child, shaking his big butt.

"How did you do it? Please teach me a tutorial. I also want to trick a panda down the mountain, the same mount as Chi You, that's so cool." Liu Hai was envious.

Zhao Han spread his hand: "Isn't it just a panda? There is nothing, I don't think there is any panda in the family." "Roll! This forced you to pretend to be a soldier before, but to go to work in the inflatable doll factory. , Rolling, let's go. "Liu Haiyan stared at Zhao Han's back. He also wanted to have a panda!!!! Zhao Han met many villagers along the way. Everyone was surprised after seeing the panda. Every time Zhao Han said low -key, I didn't know what the situation was. The method can only be reluctant to leave it. The villagers want to kill him when they hear this. "Oh, Boss Zhao is here to inspect the work." The weeding worker joked after seeing Zhao Han.

Zhao Han said with a smile: "Please work harder, can we finish this area today?"

"No problem, we just start from the largest orchard." The villager replied.

"Wow! That's a panda behind you, Hanzi!"

Someone saw Gungun coming slowly.

"It's really a panda! I haven't seen a panda coming down the mountain for many years. This panda is so fat."

"Look, the panda is hugging Xiaohan."

Zhao Jiang explained with a smile: "This panda ran to my house last night and didn't leave after it came. This thing even eats braised pork."

"Really? If the national treasure enters the house, your family will be blessed!" Rural areas are more superstitious about these things.

"It's strange to say, when Hanzi came back, his orchard was full of monkeys. Yesterday I saw that monkey not only didn't steal the fruit, but also used a stick to drive away the stealing birds. Now the panda has entered the house, so I think Hanzi is a very lucky person!"

Everyone agreed, and all kinds of opinions came out at once. If it were in ancient times, so many strange phenomena would be enough to support Zhao Han's shouting that destiny is in my hands.

After chatting with everyone for a few words, Zhao Han took GunGun to his own orchard.

"Chijiji!" "Chiji."

Jiji came out with the monkeys to greet them, but after seeing GunGun, they all dared not approach from a distance.

After all, pandas are also cute animals... beasts!

"It's okay, it doesn't bite." Zhao Han comforted Jiji, and then asked: "Where are you taking me this morning? Let's go now."

"Chiji!" Jiji led the way in front, running on the ground for a while, climbing up the tree for a while, and looked very active leading Zhao Han into the forest.

Most of the trees in the forest are pine trees, with a few fir trees, as well as various wild fruit trees, azaleas...

The ground is full of dry pine needles, which are rustling and easy to slip when stepped on, but very cool.

There are birds flying around in the forest and chirping non-stop.

After walking for about half an hour, the monkeys that were chirping non-stop became quiet.

Finally, they stopped in front of a cave.

"Chiji!" Jiji pointed at the cave and kept chirping with gestures, but there is a difference between humans and monkeys, and Zhao Han really couldn't guess what it wanted to express this time.

However, based on the traces at the entrance of the cave, this cave should have been the habitat of this group of golden monkeys in the past.

"Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof!"

Suddenly, Da Huang ran in front of Zhao Han and roared fiercely at the entrance of the cave as if facing a great enemy.

Zhao Han also heard a rustling sound coming from inside.

It seems that something is about to come out of the cave.

"Chirp!" "Chirp!"

The monkeys became restless, their calls filled with fear, anger and other emotions.

Only Gungun sat on a rock, hugging a bamboo shoot he had just picked on the road and smacking his lips.He ate it with his mouth full and delicious, with the demeanor of a master who stood still.

But he looked a little silly.

Zhao Han took a few steps back, staring at the hole, he wanted to see what it was.

Soon he saw a pair of scarlet eyes.

Then a snake head appeared in sight.

It was a snake head the size of an adult's fist, and the half of the body stretched out was as thick as a bowl.

Zhao Han believed it even if he said it could eat people!

This is obviously a python.

It looks a bit like a rat snake.

The reason why I say it looks like is because Zhao Han has never seen such a big rat snake!

Rape snakes are common in Sichuan Province, also known as king cobras, ferocious and highly poisonous, usually only two or three meters long.

And the one in front of him is at least five or six meters long!


The giant rat snake slowly spits out its tongue.


Jiji grabbed Zhao Han's trouser leg and pointed at the giant rat snake and kept shouting. It was obvious that the rat snake occupied their habitat, and it wanted Zhao Han to help drive it away.

"Back off first!" Zhao Han took the lead to back off.

But Gun Gun was still eating bamboo shoots.

"Gun Gun, come here!" Zhao Han shouted.

Gun Gun ignored him at all.

The giant rat snake approached Gun Gun, raised its head high and made a threatening sound at it.


Gun Gun suddenly threw away the bamboo shoots and roared, showing its sharp fangs. He pounced on it and slapped the giant rat snake's head with his big claws. The rat snake's head was instantly smashed, and its body was still twisting and twitching.

Then Gun Gun brushed off his clothes and left, and slowly crawled back, continuing to pretend to be cute and eat bamboo shoots.

Zhao Han: "…………"

He finally believed that pandas were really beasts!

"Chijiji! Chijiji!"

The monkeys shouted excitedly.

Then Jiji rushed into the cave.

Soon Jiji came out again, but when he came out, he was holding two bamboo tubes in his hands. He stood up and handed the bamboo tubes to Zhao Han while chirping.

Zhao Han smelled the wine, with the fragrance of peach blossoms, very mellow, and it was a kind of enjoyment to inhale it into his nose.

"Is this the legendary monkey wine?"

Zhao Han muttered to himself, and then his eyes gradually brightened, staring at Jiji with burning eyes.

"I didn't expect you to make wine."

He found another way to make money!

"Chijiji." Jiji took a step back in fear.

Guarding the orchard, picking fruits, and making wine, Zhao Han was destined to go further and further on the road of exploiting monkeys.

Capitalists would cry when they saw him.

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