Rural Dad

Chapter 133

In the private room No. 012 of Zhonghua Building.

Everyone was toasting, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was hot.

Zhao Han was very interested in the daily work of grassroots police, and kept pestering Chen Hao to ask about it.

"Director Chen, are there many serious cases in a small place like our Taiping County?" Zhao Han asked with a glass of wine.

Chen Hao shook his head with a drunken look on his face: "Small places like this used to be very chaotic, and people often died, but now there haven't been any major cases in three to five years."

"Then it seems that it's difficult for you to make meritorious contributions and get promoted!" Zhao Han said jokingly.

"Who said it wasn't." Chen Hao sighed, but then laughed: "But it's good that there are no major cases, which shows that the social security environment is good."

"That's right, isn't your mission to maintain the security environment?" Zhao Han clinked glasses with him.

Chen Hao said mysteriously, "You must have had a lot of blood on your hands when you were in the army."

"Don't talk about that." Zhao Han smiled but didn't answer.

Chen Hao chuckled, "I've been a policeman for 20 years, and I can smell the smell with my nose."

"Cheers to your nose." Zhao Han raised his glass.

Chen Hao drank it all in one gulp, "Now I'm looking forward to catching a serious criminal and making a great contribution."

"Then think about it, maybe the serious criminal will come to your door in a while." Zhao Han teased.

Chen Hao smiled bitterly, "Dream on."


The door of the private room was kicked open roughly.

"Zhao Han! Do you know me..."

Brother Mu rushed into the private room with a dozen of his brothers holding knives, and then he suddenly seemed to be choked by chicken feathers, and his voice stopped abruptly.

At least fifty or sixty policemen in police uniforms in the private room turned their heads and stared at them.

The epaulettes on the shoulders are so dazzling.

Gathered together, they are just like stars twinkling.

At this moment, the private room is terribly quiet.

Time seems to have been paused.

Mu Ge stood there in a daze.

This scene is too scary!

The men behind him were also dumbfounded, and they were so scared that their mouths were dry, and they quickly hid their knives behind their backs.

"That... I went the wrong way, I went the wrong way, sorry, sorry..." Mu Ge's face turned pale and he squeezed out a dry laugh while slowly retreating outside.

"It's really delivered to the door." Chen Hao muttered to himself, and he sobered up instantly. He almost yelled with red eyes: "Press them all down!"

A group of drunk policemen rushed out in a swarm, and that was all credit!

"Fuck! Retreat!"

Mu Ge yelled and turned around and ran.

His brothers also fled.

"Catch them! Pay attention to protecting the people!"

Chen Hao shouted as he rushed out, and at the same time took out his mobile phone to call the police on duty for support.

Zhao Han also rushed out.

He could feel that the group of people were really murderous bandits, and he had to prevent them from taking hostages.

In the private room, a group of police wives also cried and shouted their husbands' names and tried to chase them.

"Everyone be quiet, calm down, we will only distract them and make the scene more chaotic!" Yang Xue ran to the door to stop the women.

Although she was also worried about Zhao Han and was also frightened, she was still able to remain rational.

Yang Xue knew very well that a group of women like them would not be able to help at all if they went out, but would only cause more trouble.

So all she could do was to make less trouble.

And prevent others from making trouble.


The hotel corridor was in chaos.

Someone who heard the noise wanted to open the door of the private room to see, but was quickly scolded by the police.

Zhao Han grabbed the intercom of a terrified waiter and yelled: "The police are investigating the case. Tell the manager to close the elevator immediately and evacuate the customers from the stairs!"

"Block the stairs!" Chen Hao was also experienced and immediately arranged for people to block the stairs.

This would not only protect the evacuation of people upstairs, but also block all the gangsters on this floor when the elevator was already closed.

Prevent them from escaping to other floors.

"Don't move! All of you squat on the ground with your heads in your hands!"

"Go to hell! Whoever comes up will be killed by me!"

Although Mu Ge is from northern Myanmar.

But he has defrauded Xia people, killed Xia people, kidnapped Xia people, and organized drug trafficking to Xia country.

It can be said that he has committed many crimes. Once he is caught in Xia country, he will definitely die.

So their resistance is very strong.

The corridor is too narrow, there are too many people, and it is too chaotic.

Mu Ge and his men have been forced to the end of the corridor and are trying to break open the door of a private room.

Perhaps they heard the chaotic shouting outside.

The customer in the private room had locked the door.

So Mu Ge and the others were at a loss for a moment.The method succeeded.

But breaking the door is only a matter of time.

By then, they will have hostages in their hands.

So they can't stand off like this any longer.

Zhao Han jumped up.

He stepped on the wall diagonally as if he knew Qinggong, and used the force to fly over the crowd and rushed to the front of the team.

This scene shocked everyone.

Mu Ge also widened his eyes. Zhao Han was so skilled, and he actually wanted to kidnap Zhao Han?

He suddenly realized something.

This time he came to Xia Country completely for greed.

"You... Don't come over, Zhao Han, it's all because of you! If you hadn't caused me to lose 80 million, I wouldn't have gone deep into danger!" Mu Ge stared at Zhao Han with red eyes and roared in a broken defense.

Zhao Han frowned: "I don't know you."

At first, he thought it was the enemy he had made when he was on a mission abroad before.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Mu Ge spat out two words: "Xie Hu."

"You are members of the criminal gang in northern Myanmar!" The captain of the criminal police team suddenly remembered that the Qingshi Town Police Station reported a case related to northern Myanmar a few days ago.

The main culprit who was arrested was called Xie Hu.

Mu Ge's eyes were cold and he didn't speak.

Obviously he agreed.

Zhao Han suddenly realized: "I didn't expect you to dare to come to my house. Who gave you the courage?"

"Zhao Han..." Mu Ge wanted to speak.

Zhao Han sneered: "Are you trying to delay time so that you can break open the door of the private room and hijack hostages?"

Mu Ge's face changed. Obviously, the purpose of his conversation with Zhao Han was this - delaying time.

Zhao Han rushed over suddenly.

"Village Chief Zhao!" Chen Hao exclaimed. There were more than a dozen vicious knife-wielding criminals!

But what happened in the next second shocked the whole audience.

Zhao Han rushed to Mu Ge as fast as a cheetah and kicked him directly out.

Then he grabbed the wrists of the two criminals with both hands, and bent them hard. With a snap, the broken hand bones pierced through the skin, and blood gushed out.


The two criminals covered their broken hands and screamed.

"Go!" Chen Hao finally reacted, wrapped his coat around his fists, and led the charge towards the criminals.

Although the other policemen were afraid, they also rushed forward without hesitation at this moment.

Fear is human nature.

But since they have put on this police uniform, they cannot retreat and must always stand in front of the people.

Face the blade of the criminals!

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