Rural Dad

Chapter 121

At 4:30, Zhao Han arrived at the kindergarten.

He always came late to pick up his children because it was not so crowded at this time.

In the kindergarten, Yang Xue, Xingxing and Guoguo were chasing a ball and kicking it back and forth.

The crisp laughter echoed in the playground.

"Auntie, pass it to me! Pass it to me!"

Guoguo jumped and waved and shouted.

Zhao Han likes to watch football very much.

Especially when Yang Xue was running, the ball was trembling as if it was about to jump out.

Successfully attracted Zhao Han, an old football fan.

Women are sensitive, especially to private parts. Yang Xue soon felt that someone was peeking at her baby's granary. She turned her head and saw Zhao Han.

With a shy hum, her two white and tender hands slightly lifted her long skirt, revealing her white and jade-like calves, and kicked the ball towards Zhao Han.

Zhao Han chuckled, raised his hand, and caught the flying ball in his hand.

"Wow! Dad is so good!" Guoguo cheered.

Xingxing pouted: "I can do it too."

"Brother is bragging." Guoguo doesn't believe it.

In her heart, dad is the best. There are things that only dad can do, and no one else can do it.

Zhao Han threw the ball aside and teased Yang Xue: "You want to murder your husband."

"I want to murder the pervert." Yang Xue said coquettishly.

Zhao Han looked around: "Where is the pervert?"

Xingxing and Guoguo raised their hands and pointed at him.

"Hehe~" Yang Xue was overjoyed and laughed: "Even the children know it's you."

"Tsk, it seems that you don't have enough homework." Zhao Han looked at the two children with a dark face.

Xingxing smiled: "Okay, Dad, please buy me more test papers. Doing test papers makes me happy."

"Wow, Guoguo is not happy. Guoguo, don't want it, don't want it." Guoguo was pitiful.

"Okay, Guoguo, don't be afraid. Daddy won't buy you test papers." Yang Xue coaxed her, and then glared at Zhao Han coquettishly: "Children are at the age to play, why do so many test papers?"

This is not conducive to the development and growth of children.

Do what you should do at your age.

Xingxing, a perverted genius, is an exception.

"Okay, say goodbye to auntie, we are going home." Zhao Han looked at Xingxing and Guoguo and said.

Guoguo hugged Yang Xue and kissed her: "Goodbye, auntie, remember to miss Guoguo."

"Wish auntie a happy holiday." Xingxing was much more formal than Guoguo, and she didn't act like a child most of the time.

Yang Xue pinched his cheeks and smiled gently: "Auntie wishes Xingxing a happy holiday. If you have any fun, tell me on Monday."

Xingxing was desperate. Just talk. Why did you pinch my face? You are such a nasty adult.

Is it a sin to be too cute?

"Wait for me by the car." Zhao Han said.

Xingxing took Guoguo and ran out.

Yang Xue said coquettishly: "Do you have anything else to do?"

The wind came, blowing the skirt flying, making the skirt look more close-fitting, revealing the curves of her delicate body.

The graceful and undulating lines made people feel excited.

"Nothing, I just want to kiss you." Zhao Han hugged her into his arms and started to bite her.

The red lips were soft, tender and full of touch.

Of course, Zhao Han's hands were not idle either.

Going down along the smooth jade back, the slender waist and plump peach buttocks were all visited one by one.

After kissing goodbye, Zhao Han left.

Yang Xue looked at Zhao Han's back with a blushing face, biting her red lips, and went upstairs with her legs clamped.

She had to change her pants before going home.

Because women are made of water.


At five o'clock, Zhao Han arrived home.

"Xingxing!" "Guoguo Guoguo!"

Tongtong and Beibei were very happy.

"Brother Tongtong, Sister Beibei, I don't have to go to kindergarten tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we can play together."

Guoguo also seemed very excited.

Only Xingxing looked indifferent.

People's joys and sorrows are not connected, he just thinks they are noisy.

Xingxing would rather play with Gungun and Jiji.

At least they won't always pester him and ask stupid questions like these three stupid kids.

Guoguo, Tongtong and Beibei are playing outside the yard.

Xingxing went into the yard alone to find Xiaoba: "Master Ba, let's play together."

"Don't bother me, Master Ba, I'm picking up girls." Xiaoba stared at his phone and waved his wings without raising his head.

Xingxing pouted: "There are opposite sex but no humanity."

"Your father is right, I'm not even a human, where does the humanity come from?" Xiaoba disagreed.

It will become the first bird in the history of birds to pick up a human woman, which will surely go down in history!Don't ask where the history books of birds come from.

If you ask, it means that it plans to write one itself.

Zhao Han went over and confiscated the phone directly: "A man should not indulge in love affairs all the time. I have a task for you. Tomorrow, workers will come to pick fruits. You should let the birds watch and see who hides and eats fruits secretly, or deliberately underestimates the number."

Four orchards are ripe at the same time. It would be too difficult for monkeys to pick fruits on such a large scale.

So Ye Yingying recruited workers to pick fruits.

At the same time, the company will send people to count the number.

But as long as they are human, they have selfish motives.

Zhao Han has already paid them wages, so he will not allow them to take advantage of him.

"Okay, okay, I will definitely notify the birds. Give me your phone first." Xiao Ba jumped on him.

Zhao Han refused: "Go notify the birds first."

This guy has been obsessed with online love recently. Zhao Han wants to prevent him from delaying work for women.

"You're holding the cell phone to control the parrot, right?" Xiao Ba gritted his teeth: "In that case, I'll listen to you!"

Use the hardest tone and say the most cowardly words.

Flap your wings and fly away to inform the flock of birds.


At the same time, in northern Myanmar.

The headquarters of a certain fraud gang.

In a house, two strong men holding iron bars are beating a naked young man.

The young man was covered in blood, and he just curled up on the ground subconsciously, shaking and screaming constantly.


A middle-aged man wearing sunglasses shouted.

The two strong men stopped beating.

The middle-aged man sat on a chair, raised one foot and stepped on the young man's head, and took off his sunglasses: "Call your family and ask your family to call 100,000, otherwise I will take your kidneys first, and then take your dog life."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll call, I'll beat." The young man begged for mercy with a pale face.

He was scared, he was really scared.

He had seen this group of people kill people with his own eyes.

He was from Dian Province, Xiaguo, and was deceived by a high-paying job online. He was told that he was going to work as a customer service representative, but in fact he was asked to do telecom fraud, specifically to defraud Xiaguo people.

He refused, and was beaten, and forced to call home and ask his family to send money to redeem him.

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

A woman walked in and whispered in the ear of the middle-aged man holding sunglasses:

"Brother Mu, Xie Hu is in trouble."

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