Gu Yanluo was silent, her eyes intriguingly staring at Qin Wuwang who was forcing her to sleep.

Her pupils, in the dim light, were filled with a kind of cool charm that captured people's hearts.

She didn't tell the person in front of her.

It's not that she doesn't sleep, but that she can't sleep.

She has been in this world for two years.

The only time she slept peacefully was when she stayed in the hotel with him.

Countless nights, in the dark, she liked to numb herself with alcohol and cigarettes, and then wait for the dawn.

Qin Wuwang was patiently urging her.

"Hurry up! Yanyan, come to sleep."

After a while, Gu Yanluo dispelled the darkness in her eyes and finally took off the coldness of the wind and frost.

She clenched Qin Wuwang's cold hand, sat on the edge of the bed, side-glanced at Mai Cesxi, "That collector is very special, Cesxi, are you sure... you can handle it?"

Ma Cesxi wrapped her arms around Mengmeng and imprisoned her in front of her.

She has a long straight black hair with a princess cut, and her fair and delicate face is covered by a mask.

She wears a mysterious black nun's uniform, with a white waistcoat from the neckline to the shoulders, and a platinum cross inlaid with countless diamonds hanging around her neck.

She looks like a pious and chaste female saint.

She is quiet and indifferent, spotless, and seems to have a holy heart.

But the strange thing is.

All ten of her nails are painted a strange black.

This is contrary to holiness.

Cersei lowered her eyes, asked instead of answering, and said gently: "When have I ever disappointed you?"

Gu Yanluo curled her lips and smiled mysteriously, "Okay, you go."

Cersei covered Mengmeng's chattering mouth and said gently: "Find someone to lead the way."

Gu Yanluo glanced at Xiao Ling, then looked at Qin Wuwang, "Lend you Xiao Ling?"

Qin Wuwang responded, looked at Xiao Ling, and said coldly: "Lead them."

Xiao Ling had to put down the silver box, "Yes." Then, he led the two "little girls" who came out of nowhere to the Tibetan family.

For Xiao Ling, the Tibetan family is a dangerous place full of treacherous things.

It's not that he looks down on people.

These two girls look about the same age as Miss Gu.

What can they... do?

The Tibetan family is full of evil ways!


After the people left.

The ward fell into silence.

Gu Yanluo's velvet skirt was stained with dust from the outside. She would not sleep without a shower.

Asking the hospital nurse to find a loose female hospital gown, Gu Yanluo took a shower in the bathroom of Qin Wuwang's ward.

On the bed, Qin Wuwang leaned against the headboard, listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, and his blood was surging.

Yanyan is back.

I can hold her and sleep again.

This feeling is indescribable.


About an hour later...

Qin Wuwang almost fell asleep.

Gu Yanluo dried her fluffy long hair and walked out of the bathroom lazily. In her hand, she was still holding a blood-red jade Buddha that was strung with gold beads and red ropes, glowing with strange light, and was extremely rare.

She sat down by the bed, lifted the quilt, and lay down, with one hand behind her head, and with the other hand, she threw the "blood-red jade Buddha" in her hand to Qin Wuwang.

She said calmly, "A gift."

The bed was just big enough for both of them.

Qin Wuwang was stunned, staring at the top-quality red jade Buddha in his hand.

Blood jade is extremely rare, and its value is over 10 million. This quality is the best of the best, and it is in short supply.

He has received countless valuable gifts.

But none of them is as precious as this piece of jade.

Gu Yanluo closed her eyes and said, "This is my personal belonging. Although blood jade is evil, it can overcome evil with evil. Wear it in the future, witchcraft will not invade, evil will not enter your body, and you will be safe for the rest of your life."

This jade is nourished with blood, her blood.

As soon as Gu Yanluo finished speaking, she heard the person next to her tearing off the IV needle on the back of his hand.

She suddenly opened her eyes, turned sideways, looked at Qin Wuwang fiercely, stretched out her hand, and held his wrist, "What are you doing?"

Qin Wuwang frowned and said in a muffled voice: "The drip is in the way, I can't hug you to sleep."

Gu Yanluo: "..."

Gu Yanluo could only lie on the other side of the bed, which was the side where the drip was inserted on the back of Qin Wuwang's hand.

She fixed the drip for Qin Wuwang, put on the blood jade Buddha for him, fixed the knot, then raised her hand, lifted her long hair to the side of her chest, and lay lazily on her side, resting her head on Qin Wuwang's shoulder.

Gu Yanluo's slender white arm was elegantly placed on Qin Wuwang's thin waist.

She found a comfortable position, closed her eyes, and suddenly found...

Heart, unusually peaceful.

For the first time.

Gu Yanluo took the initiative to rest her head in his arms.

In the past, he was buried in her arms.

Is this considered... throwing yourself into his arms?

Qin Wuwang smiled charmingly and dotingly, and he turned sideways and used the arm without the IV to wrap around the person in his arms, hugging her tightly and patting her back.

He was like coaxing a treasured baby.

His slightly deep and magnetic voice was extremely intoxicating, "Go to sleep."

Perhaps, for you, IIt's also special, right?

Qin Wuwang's eyes were deep, staring at Gu Yanluo's beautiful profile from a close distance. He couldn't help but bend down and kiss her forehead, and his pale cheek gently rubbed her little face.

"Good night, Yanyan, sweet dreams."

Gu Yanluo's lips were pressed against the strong chest of the man in front of her.

Her voice was lazy and hoarse, "Yeah."

A strong sense of fatigue came over her, and Gu Yanluo took off her cold defenses and successfully fell asleep.

At the same time, she realized something later.

It turned out that it was mutual redemption.

Before the dawn, everything was dark.

Qin Wuwang was her dawn.

Just for this point.

This sickly beautiful baby, she also took care of it.


Qin Wuwang and Gu Yanluo fell asleep together, and the years were quiet and good.

Xiao Ling, who took Lu Meng and Cersei to the Tibetan territory to "make trouble", was not so comfortable.

He drove a helicopter expressionlessly and headed for Guixu Mountain in the far suburbs of Kyoto.

The winter night was deep and the stars could be seen in the sky.

Looking down from the helicopter, Guixu Mountain was just below.

In the dark night, the moon was shrouded by dark clouds, and crows were circling over Guixu Mountain, which was extremely strange.

Hundreds of ancient mansions were scattered throughout the Guixu Mountain, lined up one after another, with bright yellow lights, shining brightly, illuminating the entire mountain, mysterious and spectacular.

The most magnificent one was the ancient house on the top of the mountain.

Xiao Ling was very arrogant and parked the helicopter directly at the gate of the ancient house on the top of the mountain.

The propeller rolled up the fallen leaves and raised dust.

Lu Meng and Cersei jumped down from the hatch without hesitation.

One moving and one still, one in front and one behind.

Lu Meng flew up the steps, banged on the door with her fists, and shouted in a baby voice: "Open the door! Open the door! Don't hide inside and keep silent!"

Soon, the ancient red gold door slowly opened.

Two puppets made of dried corpses, holding white lanterns, appeared behind a strange old man in a black satin robe.

The old man said hoarsely, "Who are you and what are you doing?"

Lu Meng was stunned, looking back at Cersei, "Why are we here?"

Meng Meng's brain is not good, and she can't remember.

Cersei smiled, "Revenge."

Meng Meng nodded, facing the old man, and shouted, "We are here for revenge!"

Xiao Ling held his forehead and sighed, what is this?

The red iron door was closed with a "bang", and the old man's low curse came from the gap of the door: "You are sick."

The next second, Lu Meng turned around and kicked the red iron door weighing thousands of pounds, and it fell down with a "clang" and hit the ground.

Mengmeng stepped over the threshold, rolled up her sleeves, clasped her fists and said politely: "I don't fight old people, I come to seek revenge! Who wants to kill that weakling? Come out and fight!"

Mengmeng turned around and looked at Cersei again, and said cutely: "What's the name of that weakling?"

Cersei didn't know, so she looked at Xiao Ling, "What's his name?"

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