In the suburbs, in the funeral home in the north of the city, the sound of sirens gradually became clearer.

In front of the ruins of the No. 45 mourning hall.

The real fifth child of the Gu family, Gu Xijue, is missing and his life and death are unknown.

Zang Lan, the illegitimate son of the special family Zang, used a corpse to make a puppet, pretending to be Gu Xijue, and used a trick to "lure the enemy into a trap" in an attempt to kill Gu Yanluo live and avenge Lin Yuyun, the adopted daughter of the Gu family who had been secretly in love for a long time.

In a hurry, the cold fourth child of the Gu family, Gu Yunjue, cruelly stepped on the chest of Zang Lan, the instigator! He asked viciously: "Where is my fifth brother!"

Zang Lan's chest collapsed, his ribs were broken, and he vomited blood. He smiled grimly: "He's dead! I accidentally killed him! He was not good to Yun'er before, retribution! You will never know where he is!"

The three brothers from the Gu family who came were all livid and extremely angry.


Seeing this, Gu Yanluo gently pushed Qin Wuwang away, dragged Lin Yuyun's horrible corpse expressionlessly, and came to Zang Lan.

Zang Lan's face was pale, the veins on his neck and forehead expanded, and his eyeballs were bloodshot, which was extremely horrifying.

If she could not move, people would almost think that she was also a corpse.

The iron cage was connected to high voltage electricity + conductive dilute sulfuric acid, and the voltage generated was more than a little stronger than the voltage when Qin Qing was rescued that night.

Gu Yanluo wiped the blood oozing from her nose and swallowed the fishy sweetness in her throat.

She squatted down, grabbed the hair of Lin Yuyun's corpse, approached Zang Lan, and smiled strangely and evilly.

"Destroy the body, tell me where Gu Xijue is, your choice, I give you three seconds."




Gu Yanluo was about to twist Lin Yuyun's head off...

Zang Lan glared fiercely, "He ran away!"

Gu Yanluo stopped, stroked Lin Yuyun's hair like a dog, and hugged the body.


Zang Lan: "Gu Xijue ran away! I wanted to hypnotize him and let you kill each other! In order to stay awake, he stabbed himself four times and ran away!"

"..."Four stabs? A ruthless man?

"But..." Zang Lan smiled sinisterly, "Four stabs, from early morning to now, he can't survive, right?"

Gu Yunjue's face was solemn, and he immediately picked up the phone.

"Call the Gu search team! The fifth young master is seriously injured, and the Special Investigation Bureau and the Transportation Department will check all surveillance and search the whole city!"


The sirens are getting closer and closer.

There was even the roar of some kind of sports car engine.

Zang Lan coughed up blood, his chest collapsed, his ribs were broken, and he seemed unable to move, as if his spine was broken when the beam collapsed.

Gu Sijue stared at his sister in horror, "Yan'er, your eyes are bleeding... your nose is bleeding too..." He squatted, approached Gu Yanluo, and asked nervously, "What's wrong with you?"

Gu Yanluo dodged Gu Sijue's hand.

She squatted on the ground, hugged her shoulders with her arms, lowered her head, and kept biting the tip of her tongue, using the smell of blood to stay awake.

Gu Yanluo was in severe pain all over her body, and the residual pain from the electric current was like a wave, constantly gnawing at her central nervous system.

But she seemed to like this feeling, the pain nerves were paralyzed, and she was calm and relaxed.

She said indifferently: "Well, it's okay. It must be the dust and wind that blinded my eyes and scratched my eyeballs."

Gu Sijue was shocked: "Nonsense!"

Gu Chengjue was shocked, "Little sister, you don't look good, you can't die!"

Gu Yunjue kicked his second brother fiercely! A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!

Then he grabbed his sister and approached. He reached out and held Gu Yanluo's pale face, full of worry. He carefully examined her, bent down, and planned to pick her up and send her to the hospital.

But in a blink of an eye, Gu Yanluo was taken away by Qin Wuwang.


The heart was like being hit by a heavy hammer, trembling with pain and heartache.

Qin Wuwang knew why Gu Yanluo was like this.

In the iron cage, she was electrocuted.

He reached out and kept wiping the blood from Gu Yanluo, his voice was low and trembling.

"You can hide, why don't you? Why do you have to be locked in a cage? Are you asking for trouble?"

Don't think you can fool him. Qin Wuwang saw clearly that Gu Yanluo was trapped in the electrified iron cage on purpose! She is torturing herself.

Gu Yanluo wiped away the deep pain in her eyes.

She murmured in a lazy and deep voice.

"When God gives a great task to a man, he must first make his mind suffer, his muscles and bones work, and his body hurt."

"Steel is made by thousands of hammers and steel, and talents are made by perseverance."

Gu Yanluo smeared the blood on the corner of her mouth, licked her fingertips, and smiled charmingly: "Because... I'm coquettish."

Qin Wuwang: "..."

The three brothers of the Gu family: "..."

Qin Wuwang felt stuffy in his heart.

It was a feeling of being unable to breathe and choking with pain in his heart.

The more indifferent Gu Yanluo was.

The more he was heartbroken.

Why do you want to torture yourself?

What have you been through?

It createdYou like this?


Gu Yanluo suddenly broke away from Qin Wuwang!

She knew that she was about to develop hallucinations!

She would lose control.

"Xiao Ling!" Gu Yanluo's eyes were cold, "If your master is sick, will you carry adrenaline and tranquilizers with you! Or cardiotonic drugs?"

Xiao Ling frowned, "Yes."

"Give them all!"

Xiao Ling always carried these things with him.

Xiao Ling immediately took out the injection needle, took out the cardiotonic drugs, tranquilizers and other drugs, and gave them all to Gu Yanluo.

With messy black hair, Qin Wuwang's dark handsome face looked gloomy.

He was filled with a cold air that kept strangers away.

He watched Gu Yanluo's trembling hands as she drew the tranquilizer liquid.

He saw that the veins on her arms were all bulging, which was horrifying.

The pain was in her body, and the pain was in his heart.

He suddenly took a step forward, stretched his arms forward from behind, and embraced Gu Yanluo in his arms. He took the syringe from her hand, lowered his head, and put his handsome face against Gu Yanluo's sweaty face.

He said in a low and cold voice: "I'll do it."

Gu Yanluo's hand froze: "..."

Qin Wuwang's voice was low and charming, and he coaxed: "Be obedient."

Qin Wuwang skillfully gave Gu Yanluo an intravenous injection, injecting one and a half tranquilizers.

Two doses were too large, and Gu Yanluo would fall into a deep sleep.

One and a half, although Gu Yanluo was drowsy, she was still conscious.

After the injection, Qin Wuwang hugged Gu Yanluo horizontally around the waist and held her in his arms.

He lowered his eyebrows and eyes as if no one was around, and gently rubbed Gu Yanluo's bloody lips with his thin lips, sucking and kissing, like a demon, unable to extricate himself.

This scene.

Actually stunned the three brothers of the Gu family.

Beast? My sister is in such a state, why are you still taking advantage of her?

Just at this moment.

Dozens of Special Investigation Bureau cars, with dazzling police lights, drove into the suburban North Funeral Home with great momentum.

But the one leading the way was actually a red Lamborghini supercar with a flaming pattern!

The supercar rushed to the ruined mourning hall like a flaming beast, and stopped at the bottom of the steps after drifting and braking!

The scissor door of the sports car opened.

A seriously injured but still strong boy rolled out of the car, fell to the ground, took a few breaths, climbed up coldly, and spat blood on the ground wildly.

The boy had dyed his hair red, was unruly, handsome and rebellious.

Although his body was wrapped in gauze, he still rushed up the steps arrogantly.

He was extremely angry and barked:

"Where is that bastard Zang Lan! I'm going to stab him to death! He dared to plot against me for a whore who flirted with other women! He also wanted to kill my mentally ill sister. I'm going to destroy him!"


Even if you don't like the work of a dog-like author, please don't give it 1, 2, or 3 stars. It's really not easy to write. Please forgive me.

I'll update today. Thank you.

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