Qin Wuwang was originally immersed in the cruel fact that Gu Yanluo was about to leave.

He felt a dull pain in his chest and felt dizzy.

He even lost the strength to get angry and almost couldn't stand.

He even thought about the back-up plan, how to stay, what else to do.

However, his mood was like riding a roller coaster. He was still in the deep cold pool one second, and soared into the sky the next second.

This sense of gap almost made his heart palpitate.

What did she just say?

Reply to the message casually.

Play with the phone casually?


Qin Wuwang was too lazy to think about who Winslow was, who A Meng was, who Cersei was, and what was the relationship between him and Yanyan.

His slender and distinct fingers reached out to Gu Yanluo's phone and slowly picked it up.

He looked at it openly.

He frowned and quickly glanced at the WeChat chat interface between Gu Yanluo and "Sao Bao".

His eyebrows relaxed.

This person should be Ji Xiao.

But since that night when Ji Xiao called Gu Yanluo.

Gu Yanluo never replied to any of his messages.

What is differential treatment?

This is it.

Yanyan accompanied him, watched over him, and spoiled him 24 hours a day.

But what is Ji Xiao?


Qin Wuwang probably didn't even notice it himself.

At this moment, he looked smug, with an evil light flashing in his eyes.

As if he was the only one favored by the empress.

But soon.

The joy in Qin Wuwang's eyes disappeared, his pupils shrank, and he froze.

There was only one Ji Xiao in Gu Yanluo's WeChat address book.

Just her mother?



At this time, Gu Yanluo's seductive voice sounded, "Qin Wuwang, come take a bath."

Qin Wuwang turned around and grabbed Gu Yanluo's mobile phone and plunged into the bathroom.

The bathroom was filled with steam.

The halo of the bathroom lamp exudes warmth.

Gu Yanluo combs her hair in front of the mirror, and the enchantment between her eyebrows makes her look beautiful.

"Should I help you unbutton and loosen your belt, or do it yourself?" Gu Yanluo glanced at Qin Wuwang teasingly, and found that he was still gloomy, so she raised her eyebrows, "What? Did Ji Xiao scold you?"

Qin Wuwang walked behind Gu Yanluo, lowered his head, put his chin on her shoulder, grabbed the phone, tightened her waist from behind, turned on the phone again, and pointed to the WeChat address book with only Ji Xiao.

With a heavy nasal tone, he said in a muffled voice: "You didn't add me."

"You didn't ask me to add you either."

"..." That's right, who would think of this when they are together every day.

"This is a new phone, and the number is also new. I don't have any friends in China, and I don't know anyone. I don't use WeChat when I am abroad."

She uses an old-fashioned mobile phone, the kind that cannot be located and tracked.

This kind of smart phone is easy to be eavesdropped and tracked. The global positioning system can find the location at once. For her, it is useless and dangerous.

Qin Wuwang put one hand around Gu Yanluo's waist and quickly sent a message to Ji Xiao with the other hand.

[I'm not going back. Get out of here. ]

The message has been sent.

Blocked and deleted.

Qin Wuwang threw Gu Yanluo's phone into the toilet.

Then, he gave Gu Yanluo a heavy kiss on the cheek, as if marking it as a property.

Gu Yanluo: "..." Yes, it's OK, as if the phone is free.

"I'll buy you a new one." Qin Wuwang's voice was clear and hoarse, "Buy a new phone card, too. You can use consecutive numbers. We'll do it together." Couple numbers.

"..." Toss it, let him toss it.

Gu Yanluo thought about it and heard that keeping a happy mood is beneficial to the condition.

So the world is big, the patient is the biggest, just let him do it.

In front of the sink, Gu Yanluo turned around in Qin Wuwang's arms and faced him.

"Do you want to soak in the water?"


Gu Yanluo raised her hand, her fingertips wrapped around the button, and unbuttoned Qin Wuwang's shirt.

With her eyebrows lowered and her eyes drooping, Qin Wuwang's burning eyes were fixed on Gu Yanluo's focused appearance of unbuttoning the button. He couldn't help but reach out and gently stroked Gu Yanluo's porcelain-white cheek with his fingertips.

Feeling the reality of her close proximity.

Satisfied and palpitating.

In the misty bathroom, Qin Wuwang's shirt fell to the ground.

In the halo, his fair skin showed a seductive jade texture.

The texture lines were perfect, sexy and tight.

If it weren't for Gu Yanluo's extraordinary determination and the fact that she had seen all kinds of storms in her previous life, she really couldn't stand such an outstanding figure.

Charming, really charming.


Gu Yanluo's curled and slender eyelashes concealed her beautiful eyes.

She lowered her head with a half-smile, and in a seductive manner, loosened the gold-buckled belt on Qin Wuwang's trousers and unzipped his trousers for him.

Qin Wuwang's skin trembled as he breathed.

His pupils slowly shrank, and his chest rose and fell.

Gu Yanluo raised her hand and grabbed Qin Wuwang's neck with a smile, pulling her hand closer, steamingIn the mist, her lips were close to his.

Her breath was as fragrant as orchid, and her voice was as charming as a charm: "Do you want me to accompany you to take a bath?"

Qin Wuwang raised his eyebrows, "..." Otherwise?

Qin Wuwang was so seduced that he couldn't extricate himself, and his soul was floating.

But Gu Yanluo changed his face in an instant.

The smile in her eyes disappeared, she sneered, and gave him a big eye roll, "Wash yourself."

After saying that, she poked Qin Wuwang away with her fingertips, gathered her nightgown, and left the bathroom leisurely.

Just let it go?

That can't be done.

Qin Wuwang looked at the mirror, stroked his chin wickedly, and with a smile on his thin lips, he turned around and rushed out the door.

Before Gu Yanluo left the master bedroom, he stepped forward, picked up Gu Yanluo by the waist, and held her in his arms with extreme strength.

"Counterattack? Qin Wuwang, you are amazing." Gu Yanluo pretended to be amazed.


Qin Wuwang didn't understand this kind of words.


"You can call me husband."

"..."Qin Wuwang, you are going to die.

Gu Yanluo's lazy bun was loose, and her long hair fell down like a waterfall.

As the world spun, she felt Qin Wuwang carrying her back to the bathroom.

Her hand was against his heart, and her eyebrows were raised, feeling very fresh.

Qin Wuwang kicked.

With a "bang", the bathroom door closed.

The bathtub was already full of water.

He carried Gu Yanluo horizontally and walked in, sitting in the bathtub.

In an instant, water seeped out and splashed.

The bathtub was large and deep, flooding Qin Wuwang's neck and soaking Gu Yanluo's nightgown.

Qin Wuwang closed his eyes and relaxed his whole body.

The water temperature was slightly high, which dispelled the chill in his heart.

Gu Yanluo raised her eyebrows, knelt in the bathtub coldly, and stared at him with her beautiful eyes half-closed, as if she was about to get angry.

Qin Wuwang turned a blind eye, took a breath, and immediately sank into the water.

The next moment, he stretched out his hand and pulled Gu Yanluo in front of him close to him, forcibly grasped her delicate neck, and crushed her lips with an amazing and domineering force under the water.

Underwater, holding your breath for one minute is a kiss for one minute.

Gu Yanluo suddenly stood up, put her hands on Qin Wuwang's chest, and a dangerous dark light filled her beautiful eyes.

"Qin Wuwang, you deserve it..."

You deserve to be abused, or... you can't bear it? Don't care about his body? Just abuse him directly.

Qin Wuwang emerged from the water and opened his evil phoenix eyes. Water droplets stained his extremely long eyelashes, shining with luster, handsome and charming, and thrilling.

He lazily put his arms on both sides of the bathtub, relaxed his whole body, and tilted his neck back.

He looked like he was opening his arms and legs, waiting for you to clean up.

There was a charming evil light in his eyes, and he curled his lips.

"Yan Yan, don't you want my body?"

There are countless women in the empire who want him, but he only loves this one in front of him.


Tsk tsk, face is a good thing, you really don't have it.


It's wonderful, wonderful.

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