The trial of the murder of the daughter of a wealthy family in Kyoto has been in full swing and has entered a white-hot stage. Jiang Qingyun alone has been engaged in a verbal battle with several prosecutors. After several rounds, he has turned the disadvantage back.


Gu Hongying, who is far away in a private hospital, although unable to accompany his daughter, is also closely following the trial remotely.

His handsome and weathered face is tired.

He stays by the side of his unconscious wife Qin Qing.

Not far behind him, on the sofa, sits his second son Gu Chengjue.

The live broadcast of the trial is broadcast on the LCD TV.

Jiang Qingyun's sharp words and brave battle of wits with the prosecutors, his sonorous voice echoed in the ward-

"The prosecutors want to use the so-called justice to resonate with the jury and generate empathy, and use her chaebol background to attract prejudice to prove that she is guilty of manslaughter. It is already unfair!"

"What is the law! The law is ruthless. The prosecutors have insufficient evidence. My client suffers from a series of complete mental illnesses. I can provide evidence and proof. My defense is in line with the imperial law. I can prove that she is not guilty. This is the law! The law is merciless!"

Gu Chengjue slapped his thigh and was very excited: "Dad, give Jiang Qingyun a raise!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the live TV screen turned into a snow screen, indicating a signal failure.

Gu Chengjue was stunned, "Why is it broken?"

Pei Zongqing finished the phone call at that time and entered the ward.

"Boss Gu, the fourth young master called and said that the trial was in chaos, which might be bad for the eldest lady. I have ordered the public relations technical team to hack into all live broadcast platforms and TV stations, interrupt the live broadcast, and re-release it after the trial video is edited."

Gu Hongying: "Yes."

"Dad, you said... can my little sister be released in court?"

Gu Hongying's eyes were as cold as winter, unfathomable, and he didn't say a word.


The final word!

The cold voice of the judge echoed at the trial scene-

"After discussion by the collegial panel, according to Article 974 of the Imperial Law... the defendant is not guilty of manslaughter. Now, according to law, the defendant is not guilty and is released in court!"

The sacred, solemn and solemn corridor outside the court.

Reporters and media swarmed in countless numbers, and the flash lights were dazzling.

The bodyguards of the Gu family chaebol and the people who maintained order in the court rushed out of the trial scene.

Squeezing the media aside, a wide aisle was opened up.

The first to appear were the gentle Gu Sijue and the cold and indifferent Gu Yunjue.

Then, the real protagonist appeared.

Countless reporters couldn't help but snap photos crazily!

Gu Yanluo was wearing Gu Yunjue's black coat, with a cold expression and a sharp aura.

She put her left hand in her pocket, her figure was extremely tall, and her domineering walking posture entered everyone's sight.

What was shocking was.

She was holding a person with her right hand, a noble, beautiful, pale and sickly man.

She walked in front, and the cold wind in the corridor blew up the hem of her shawl coat, which was both cool and lustful.

The man walked behind, expressionless, handsome as a god.

The two held their fingers tightly.

They didn't care about being photographed in the face.

"Miss Gu! Is everything you said in court true! Have you slept with Young Master Wang?"

"What is your relationship with Young Master Wang?"

"Are the Gu family and the Qin family going to have a century-long marriage?"


Gu Yanluo looked down on everything, with a look of contempt and disdained to answer any questions.

But it was Qin Wuwang.

"Young Master Wang! How about you speak up and reveal something?"

Qin Wuwang lowered his eyes and glanced at the reporters, letting Gu Yanluo walk hand in hand, with evil and unbridled anger in his eyes and threatening words.

"I hope you write that she slept with me."

"I don't want to see any media smear her."


Gu Yanluo: "..." You bastard, are you afraid that others don't know that you slept with her?

What's the matter?

Do you want to tie her up with this?

Are you still dreaming of making her responsible?



Gu's lawyers and prosecutors also appeared.

"Lawyer Jiang! How much money did Gu Hongying give you to help Gu Qianjin get rid of the crime? You used to be a prosecutor, so is this considered a betrayal?"

"The client wants me to defend her innocence. This is my duty as a lawyer. It depends on my ability, not money."


Gu Yanluo sneered. How much influence does the Gu family chaebol have?

As soon as she left the court, she took Qin Wuwang's hand and walked down the stairs quickly step by step.

Under the gloomy snowy sky, there was a crowd of people like a dark cloud pressing down on the city. The crowds were crowded and the voices were noisy, but the atmosphere seemed wrong.

It seemed that her release in court without guilt had angered the public, and the protests were rising!

There were people shouting——

"Down with the evil chaebol! Uphold civil justice!"

The bodyguards of the Gu family chaebol forcibly controlled the scene.

Gu Sijue and Gu Yunjue ran out quickly to protect their sister.Sister.

Gu Yunjue angrily ordered: "Control the troublemakers!"

Gu Sijue calmly: "Little sister, let's go back to the hotel first, don't listen, don't look, just get used to it."

At the bottom of the stairs, several luxury cars of the Gu family were parked there waiting.

Just as Gu Yanluo dragged Qin Wuwang down the stairs at a brisk pace!

Dozens of broken bricks, accompanied by many smelly eggs, were thrown at Gu Yanluo from the crowd in four directions! Organized, conspired, and specifically targeted her.

Gu Yanluo's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she was about to respond.

In front of her, the light suddenly dimmed.

Qin Wuwang stood in front of her expressionlessly, lowered his head, and stared at her with tiny streams of light in his eyes.

He said: "Don't be afraid."

Eggs and bricks flew and hit Qin Wuwang's tall and handsome back.

Some people in the crowd even started to smash the Gu family's luxury car team!

All the things thrown at Gu Yanluo were blocked by Qin Wuwang.

Qin Wuwang didn't even look back, his eyes were gloomy, he heard the sound and identified the position, then raised his arm and suddenly grabbed a brick that was about to hit Gu Sijue's forehead.

He ordered coldly: "Xiao Ling, bring people to help the Gu family control the scene and arrest people!"

"Yes! Mr. Wang."

The Gu family's chaebol bodyguards and the Qin family's bodyguards swarmed and went down to catch people! Like an eagle catching a chick.

The scene was completely chaotic.

Gu Yanluo was shocked to find that an egg was thrown from a distance, hitting Qin Wuwang's back of the head.

Qin Wuwang frowned and groaned as if it hurt him.

His heart sank, and Gu Yanluo's beautiful eyes were chilled to the bone, bursting out with a terrifying look of great lethality!

She pulled off her coat and quickly covered Qin Wuwang's head.

The next second, she scanned the crowd with vicious eyes, and saw someone in the crowd in the distance holding a bird-catching slingshot, loaded with steel balls, and flying towards the back of Qin Wuwang's head.

She suddenly pulled Qin Wuwang away and pushed him towards her brothers.

"Don't let him get hurt in the head!"

"Protect him well!"

Gu Yunjue and Gu Sijue looked at each other.

What a terrible momentum, is this... their sister?

After the words fell, Gu Yanluo jumped into the air with an amazing jumping ability, and caught the lightning-fast steel ball thrown at Qin Wuwang with her bare hands.

The steel ball was the size of a ping-pong ball, but if it really hit Qin Wuwang, who had a brain tumor.

He would probably have to die here.

She landed steadily on the steps below, turned around, and her eyes were extremely aggressive, sweeping across the dark crowd, and then kicked sideways and swept, blocking all the projectiles thrown by the crowd.

The situation outside the court was completely out of control.

Gu Yanluo narrowed her beautiful eyes coldly, and saw that there were armed personnel from the Special Investigation Bureau suppressing the situation not far away.

She rushed towards the personnel of the Special Investigation Bureau in a flash, and snatched the gun in half a second. In full view of the public, she released the safety catch, raised the pistol high, pointed it at the gray and snowy sky, and pulled the trigger.


The long gun rang in the sky, and the aftermath was shocking.


Hello everyone, I'm going to start making trouble, I wish you a happy reading (no abuse).

Because the rating is very low, I urgently need five-star praise. The rating is related to the survival of this article. Please give me some love.

The dog author would like to thank Liao here.

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