The Histon Hotel is 29 kilometers away from the nearest mental evaluation center. Gu Hongying's fourth son, Gu Yunjue's luxury car team is driving on the inner ring, followed by the Special Investigation Bureau's car.

Gu Yunjue and Gu Sijue are twins, born only 5 minutes later than their brother.

He is 23 years old this year, a postdoctoral fellow in economics at Yale University in the American Empire, a doctorate in political science and law at King's College in the European Federation Empire, and four master's degrees for fun.

Gu Yunjue is a business genius, dark and vicious.

However, he has always been suppressed by someone.

That person is Qin Wuwang.

So when Gu Yunjue went to the suite where his sister was staying.

He had been looking for Qin Wuwang.

Because he was curious, how did that guy get entangled with his sister.


In the car, Gu Yanluo closed her eyes and rested, with her arms folded, and her momentum was like that of an empress.

But Gu Yunjue was not weak either, like a noble duke, young, but his momentum was cold and frightening.

"Gu Yunjue, what do you think about Lin Yuyun's hanging?"

Suddenly, Gu Yanluo opened her deep and beautiful eyes and asked abruptly.

Gu Yunjue said coldly: "It has nothing to do with me."

"Hmm? I heard that you all dote on this adopted daughter, but I seem to be despised. How come it has nothing to do with you?"

Gu Yunjue fiddled with his tail ring indifferently and said slowly: "When Lin Yuyun was brought into the family, my father asked us to treat her like a real sister, and my definition of doting is nothing more than giving her good food and clothes. She is a vain and jealous person, so just satisfy her greed, but without blood, we are not a family."

"..." Why is this person's tone so bad?

"Besides, you said I dislike you?" Gu Yunjue suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched Gu Yanluo's soft neck with his fingertips, pressed her, closed the distance between the brother and sister, and said darkly, "When you were five years old, you peed on my bed. I was afraid that you would be scolded by your father, so I said it was me who peed. As a result, my father hung you up and beat you. You have been as stupid as a pig since you were a child. You like to disturb me when I read. Who was the one who held you in the middle of the night to coax you to sleep while reading by candlelight?"

"..." Gu Yanluo half-closed her beautiful eyes. How dare this thing pinch her neck?

However, if she recalled the memories in her mind carefully, there were really these sporadic fragments.

Gu Yunjue was cold and indifferent. He pinched Gu Yanluo's delicate cheek and gritted his teeth: "You have changed into a different person. You don't even recognize your fourth brother. How can you slander me?"

Gu Yanluo's slender fingers climbed up Gu Yunjue's bow tie and tightened it hard, which immediately made Gu Yunjue's handsome face flushed. He coughed and instantly loosened his hand that was pinching her neck.

Gu Yanluo held her chin with one hand, her eyebrows and eyes were charming, "...Then you should think that I am not smart and mentally ill."

Gu Yunjue had a cold face, loosened his bow tie with one hand, slumped in the back seat, relaxed, and the invisible barrier between him and his sister suddenly disappeared.

His bony and slender hands stroked Gu Yanluo's long hair and reminded: "Be good, don't mess around when you go to the appraisal center. Your parents want to protect you, and your brothers naturally want you to be safe. You are back, and good days are ahead, understand?"

Gu Yanluo's back was stiff, and she glanced at Gu Yunjue strangely.

"Your sister is dead."


Gu Yunjue heard about Gu Yanluo's bombing of Gu Mansion. He also heard his second brother's explanation. Their sister insisted that she was dead and believed it.

Gu Yunjue frowned, and with his arm, he suddenly hugged Gu Yanluo into his arms. Like comforting a noble Persian cat, he lowered his head and kissed her hair.

He said coldly: "Well, then congratulations on your rebirth."

"..."Fuck you.


The mental evaluation used in court trials is very strict.

Not only testing, but also biochemical testing, brain scanning, brain wave monitoring, CT scans and other procedures to determine whether there is really a mental illness.

Maybe Gu Yanluo is "lucky".

She passed all these tests.

Because when she rescued her mother the night before, she suffered a strong electric shock, her brain waves were abnormal, which was the sequelae of the electric shock, and her body had indeed been subjected to biological experiments and inhuman treatment, and her brain structure was no longer normal.

Therefore, the final result of the appraisal was that she was diagnosed with mental disorder with brain damage...

Xu Han left with a copy of the appraisal report.

When Gu Yanluo and Gu Yunjue returned to the hotel suite, Mr. Qin had already left.

The Gu family lawyer in the living room was still busy.

When returning to the bedroom, Gu Yanluo raised her eyebrows slightly.

A big speechless incident happened!

Gu Sijue, who was as gentle as jade, was sitting on the bedside, feeding Qin Wuwang porridge mouthful by mouthful.

The picture was beautiful, but...

Qin Wuwang: "Are you going to scald me to death?"

Gu Sijue smiled softly, put the spoon to his lips, blew it, and stretched out his hand to feed it, but his hand shook,The porridge spilled on Qin Wuwang's chest.

"Ah..." Covering his mouth, "I'm so sorry, brother, can I wipe it for you?"

Gu Sijue stood up calmly, holding the bowl in his left hand, taking a few tissues in his right hand, and bending down to wipe the porridge stains for Qin Wuwang.

The next moment, his left hand tilted naturally, and the porridge in the bowl spilled all over Qin Wuwang.

Like intentional.

Qin Wuwang gritted his teeth: "Gu! Si! Jue!"

Gu Sijue pretended to be sad and sighed softly: "Alas, I am really used to being served by others, and I am not suitable for taking care of others. Forget it, I will call someone else."

Gu Sijue said to himself, holding the empty bowl, turned around, and left the bedroom.

When passing by Gu Yanluo and Gu Yunjue, Gu Sijue smiled warmly and harmlessly.

"Sister is back?"

After saying that, Gu Sijue suddenly let go and smashed the bowl.

Qin Wuwang was afraid of being dirty, and his chest was heaving violently with anger. When he saw Gu Yanluo coming back, he was full of grievances and pointed at Gu Sijue and said, "Yanyan! Look at him!"

Gu Sijue smiled, "Little sister, Qin Wuwang will appear in court tomorrow as the first eyewitness at the crime scene. As for the third brother, he wanted to thank him for thinking about you, but the third brother has weak muscles and can't hold the bowl steadily. You won't blame the third brother, right?"

Gu Yanluo: "..."

All the brothers of the Gu family have a grudge against Qin Wuwang, right?

First it was Gu Chengjue, and then these two.

At that time, Gu Yunjue had already walked to Qin Wuwang's bedside.

He bent down, with a cold face, pinched Qin Wuwang's wrist with an IV, lifted it up, and looked thoughtful.

"Qin Wuwang, aren't you arrogant? How did you become useless? Still on IV drip? What IV drip? Get up, the stock market fluctuated today, your Qin family fell by six percentage points, show me how you plan to turn the tide."

Gu Yunjue said coldly, and took out the IV drip on the back of Qin Wuwang's hand.

Let the blood in the needle hole spurt out.

"Are you still aggrieved in front of my sister? She may not know what kind of dog you are, but what about the madness when you put my second brother into intensive care at the age of 15 and lay there for three months? Don't act like a calf, useless dog!"

Qin Wuwang looked at Gu Yanluo for help, frowning.

"Yanyan... look at your brother..."

Gu Yanluo folded her arms, leaned against the door, and smiled lightly: "Little thing looks really unique, Qin Wuwang, you really have two faces."

Qin Wuwang has been dragged off the bed by Gu Yunjue.

His veins popped out, and he looked at Gu Yanluo: "You don't care about me anymore?"

Gu Yanluo laughed so hard that she flirted with him, "Of course I care, let's watch the show first, it's very interesting."


+ 2000 words, I'll add another one.

I don't want anything else, I just want five-star reviews and urging for more.

Also, let's spoil the brothers together!

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