At that time, Gu Yanluo coldly walked around the second floor of Gu Mansion.

She quickly found a medium-sized kitchen closest to the reception room, which was used to prepare desserts, tea, and meals for guests.

She had no idea that Qin Wuwang was like a mastiff that had let go, and was arguing with the world and the Gu family.

She held an axe, wore fur, and her beautiful eyes were full of calculations.

After entering the empty kitchen.

She slowly turned on the gas stoves one by one.

With a cold expression, she threw six cans of Coke into the oven and microwave.

Set the speed and baking time for three minutes.

Then, locked the kitchen door.

She curled her lips and smiled lightly, with a flash of revengeful pleasure in her eyes, and walked to the reception room at the end of the corridor with an elegant pace.

She returned home today, first for Qin Wuwang, and second for the little fool who died in a foreign country, that is... the real Gu Yanluo.

The body and memory of the little fool Gu merged with her soul, Gu Yanluo.

Now, they are one.

Every night, Gu Yanluo's mind would constantly recall the desperate and painful screams of another Gu Yanluo before her death, as well as the heart-wrenching cries.

Before she died, she was shouting for mom and dad, help...

But the one who caused all this was Gu Hongying, the father of Gu Xiaoshazi.


With a "bang", the door of the reception room was kicked open by Gu Yanluo.

She walked in forcefully, elegant and domineering.

She looked at everyone, suddenly raised her arm wildly and swung the axe.

Finally, she pointed the axe in her hand at Gu Hongying.

She glanced at the golden pocket watch on her waist, calculated the time, and said arrogantly and wildly: "Gu Hongying, three minutes, call to withdraw the lawsuit, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

She looked around the gorgeous reception room.

I found that the atmosphere was wrong.

Gu Hongying and Qin Qing's faces were ashen.

Pei Zongqing's eyes were full of anger.

There was also a man, whose name Gu Yanluo could not remember for a moment, who was holding his dislocated elbow. He groaned, endured the pain, and forced his dislocated bones back, stood up, and stared at her with an angry look.

Well, this man is also a ruthless person.

But why is he staring at her with such resentment?

Gu Yanluo suddenly broke in.

Qin Wuwang's body froze, and his expression changed faster than turning a book.

He quickly hid the gloomy cruelty, evil arrogance, and mean poison in his eyes, turned around, and looked at Gu Yanluo with extremely resentful eyes.

"Yan Yan..." frowned and called softly.

Gu Yanluo raised an eyebrow, "You are still wronged, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Wuwang came to Gu Yanluo, wrapped his arms around her, and pressed his pale cheeks against her little face. His voice was hoarse and he was in a low mood.

"Gu Chengjue hit me..."

"He also cursed me..."

"Your father said I was mentally ill and dying..."

"I can't stand people talking about this, it makes me feel uncomfortable..."

Oh, so the man's name is Gu Chengjue, Gu Hongying's second son, she remembered.

"Are you hurt?" Gu Yanluo glanced at Qin Wuwang coldly.

Qin Wuwang said in a muffled voice: "No, but I'm afraid..."

Gu Hongying's face turned cold when he saw Qin Wuwang's tone and face.

What a shameless guy!

Is his daughter blind?

Let Qin Wuwang act so pretentiously and confuse right and wrong!

Qin Qing pointed angrily and revealed: "Baby, you can't trust him, he's just pretending!"

Gu Yanluo ignored him, raised the arm that Qin Wuwang was holding, touched his cheek with her fingertips, and pinched it playfully, "What are you afraid of? Didn't you also dislocate that man's arm?"

Qin Wuwang's eyelashes drooped slightly, feeling Gu Yanluo's gentle touch, "You don't blame me?"

Gu Yanluo smiled charmingly, "It doesn't matter, it's up to you."

Qin Wuwang felt comfortable.

"But this will make your father even angrier and he will never let me go."

Gu Yanluo sneered indifferently when she heard this: "Don't worry, he will let you go, absolutely."

Qin Wuwang raised his eyebrows, "Are you so sure?" Although he also had a trick up his sleeve, knowing that Gu Hongying would never touch him, he still began to wonder what Gu Yanluo would do.

"Just wait and see."

Gu Yanluo finished speaking, smiled mysteriously, and counted down to "1" in her heart.


The fire alarm went off.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Gu Yanluo threw an axe and smashed the retro stained glass window.

The next second, a violent explosion was deafening!

The crystal lamp shook, and the ground shook like an earthquake!

Thick smoke and flames flowed in from the closed door of the living room!

Gu Yanluo laughed wildly, and in the stunned eyes of Gu Hongying and the others, she took Qin Wuwang's hand and walked to the window in two or three steps.

"Go! Jump out of the window!"

Almost at the same time, Qin Wuwang and Gu Yanluo stepped onto the windowsill and jumped out, fearless.

The explosion was earth-shatteringEarth-shaking.

The strong wind lifted the sleeves of Gu Yanluo and Qin Wuwang in mid-air!

The two landed steadily and stood up leisurely.

Qin Wuwang smiled evilly, "You are sure to blow up the Gu Mansion?" No way?

Gu Yanluo put one hand in her pocket, lightly lifted her long hair, turned her back to the blazing flames from the second floor behind her, and walked to the empty lawn with many exclamations and explosions.

Turning around, looking up, she saw the falling snow and the flames rising to the sky.

"Of course not." The flames of the Gu Mansion illuminated Gu Yanluo's beautiful eyes as dazzling as the starry sky. She said calmly, "The good show has just begun, this is just a show of strength."

Gu Yanluo knew that the Gu family members were not simple, and this small explosion could not hurt them at all.

Sure enough.

In a few seconds.

Gu Hongying, with his shoulders wrapped in bandages, hugged his wife Qin Qing across the waist, and jumped from the broken window in a domineering manner.

After landing steadily, he stood up proudly. Seeing his wife injured, he stared at his daughter coldly.

He shouted in a deep voice: "Gu Yanluo! Don't think you are my daughter. I dare not do anything to you!"

Qin Qing's arm was bleeding. She was stabbed by broken glass. Her little face was pale with pain. She shrank in Gu Hongying's arms and trembled. She looked at Gu Yanluo heartbrokenly, "Yanyan, why did you do this?"

Following Gu Hongying, there were also his second son Gu Chengjue and Pei Zongqing.

All of them had livid faces.

The most furious one was Gu Chengjue. He was 1.9 meters tall and had a terrible momentum. He roared: "Dad! Mom! This is not your daughter, this is a murderer! She killed Yun'er! And she wants to kill us? She is a lunatic like Qin Wuwang! There is no such vicious person in the Gu family!"

Gu Yanluo looked up at Luoxue and smiled carelessly.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"But Gu Chengjue is right, I am indeed not your daughter."

Gu Yanluo's eyes revealed regret, pretending to lament.

"Gu Yanluo died a long time ago. Two years ago, when she was sixteen years old, she died on the cold operating table of the biological laboratory. The one who caused all this was her good father. Her father personally sent her to an evil laboratory that was under the name of treating mental retardation but actually used people for experiments."

"She was tortured in there for a year."

"She died."

"She died miserably."

"How miserably... Let me tell you."

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