"Oh, it's a one-sided crush, Bai Lu, why don't you give him a chance." Fan Chengcheng.

"That's right, give him a chance because Jiang Baichen is so affectionate." Zheng Kai.

The members of the Running Man team who saw this message also looked like they were watching the fun.

Bai Lu's face became even redder when she saw the message sent by Jiang Baichen and the teasing of the Running Man team.

However, she didn't send any more messages in the group. If she did, the matter would probably not be over.

But Bai Lu sent private WeChat messages to Jiang Baichen.

"Thank you for helping me out. They just like to joke around. Don't take it too seriously." Bai Lu.

"It's okay. To be honest, what's the point of caring or not caring?" Jiang Baichen.

Bai Lu was stunned when she saw the message, and then her face flushed.

"Well, I'm tired and I'm going to sleep first. Good night." Bai Lu.

Bai Lu hurriedly put down her phone after sending this sentence. She felt her face was burning hot. She fanned it with her hands, ran to the bathroom to wash her face, and then calmed down.

Jiang Baichen on this side also smiled at the message Bai Lu sent hurriedly.

He was a little uncomfortable with such a shy feeling. Is this still the carefree Bai Mengyan who can see tonsils with a smile?

After looking at the time, Jiang Baichen went to bed after washing up. Before going to bed, he also sent Bai Lu a good night.

Time flies in a blink of an eye, and a week has passed.

In the past few days, Jiang Baichen's name has been hanging high on the hot search list.

Many top fans have also targeted him, accusing him of how a third-tier artist can be a permanent guest of Running Man.

There are even rumors of conspiracy theories.

It's quite outrageous. Some pure passers-by can't stand it anymore, and they step down and confront black fans.

Jiang Baichen's Weibo comments are extremely lively every day.

As the protagonist of this incident, Jiang Baichen ate and played, flirted with Bailu when he was bored, and had a great time every day.

After a few days of knowing and understanding each other, the two had a certain understanding of each other.

Although it was not a very deep understanding, it was also a partial understanding.

Today is the recording time of a new episode of Running Man, and the location is still in Shanghai.

Jiang Baichen also arrived at the recording site early

"Good morning, everyone." Jiang Baichen greeted the staff around him.

Then put on the recording equipment as required.

Not long after.

Other members of the Running Man team also arrived one by one.

"Let us welcome the new members to join our Running Man family." As the big brother of the Running Man team, Li Chen first gave Jiang Baichen a strong hug.

Several other members, Fan Chengcheng, Zhou Sheng, Sha Yi and Zheng Kai also came forward to give Jiang Baichen a big hug to express their welcome to him.

"With such a handsome young man joining us, the overall appearance of our Running Man team has improved several times." Baby smiled and joked, and then walked up to Jiang Baichen and gave him a virtual hug.

"I guessed you would become a permanent guest before, but I didn't expect it to be true. But Sister Lu must be very happy to see Jiang Baichen." Yuqi said with a gossipy face.

"Oh, yes, a deer antler, how are you and our sister Bailu developing?"

No need to ask, this must be said by our big eye-cat Fan Chengcheng.

"Of course I am very happy to see a new member joining us, are you not happy?"

Bai Lu explained evasively, and then rolled his eyes at Yuqi unhappily.

"Also, Fan Chengcheng, you eye-cat, please stop talking."

Bai Lu said to Fan Chengcheng.

Although the two chatted a lot this week, they haven't even started dating yet, so it's too early to talk about this now.

Several people teased again.

"Let's welcome our new member, Jiang Baichen."

Seeing that everyone had finished chatting, PD Yao was also ready to start today's recording.

"Since everyone is here, let's start recording."

PD Yao gave the start signal.

The few people stopped playing around and stood in a row facing the camera.

The online live broadcast room was also opened, and a large number of netizens poured in like a tide.

"Wuhu, it's finally started."

"I'm going so fast, do you live in the live broadcast room?"

"I heard that there is a new person joining today, let me see."

"He is a handsome guy, really handsome."

"Does anyone know the name of this new guy, he is really handsome."

"His name is Jiang Baichen, it doesn't quite fit, he should be called the bell messenger Jiang Baichen, he eliminated all the members of the running man team by himself in the last episode."

"Oh my god? So fierce?"

"A handsome and fierce little brother, too charming!"


"TodayToday's program is a couple special. Please sit on the chairs on both sides. "

After hearing the words "couple special", several male members became excited.

"No, director, we have three girls, but there are six boys. There are not enough seats."

Sha Yi was the first to come out to see this kind of person and said.

"I know that. There must be several female guests."

Fan·Xianyanbao·Chengcheng said with a smart look.

"We did invite a female guest today. Let's invite her out first."

"Wait a minute, one? Then the remaining two men will come together?" Fan Chengcheng said puzzledly.

"Yes, today there are two male members who will form a couple."

"Let's invite today's female guest first. Let's welcome her with applause."

In the enthusiastic applause and expectant eyes of the crowd.

A sweet-looking, small figure in pink clothes came from the side.

"Let's welcome Huang Xiaoyun with applause."

"Hello, hello, hello. "Huang Xiaoyun stepped forward and greeted her.

Just as everyone greeted her one by one, Bai Lu sang heartbreakingly beside her: "Do you know Mingzhe's soul!!!"

Jiang Baichen next to her hurriedly pulled her back: "Calm down, calm down, pay attention to your image, don't care about your image."

"This line is the lyrics of the song "Otherwise We Will Just Do This For Ten Thousand Years" sung by Huang Xiaoyun. It is an interlude in the TV series "Changyue Jinming" starring Bai Lu. "

Since Bai Lu also sang it, Yao PD went with the flow and continued to talk about it, which was also a wave of publicity.

At this time, the live broadcast room was also full of laughter.

"Hahahahaha, Bai Mengyan can't hold it back."

"Why do I suddenly feel that Jiang Baichen pulling Bai Lu is so natural, do the two have some relationship?"

"The person above, my Lulu only does business and doesn't fall in love, don't just find someone to CP."

"Hello, Mr. Huang Xiaoyun, I'm Jiang Baichen. "

Jiang Baichen also stepped forward to say hello.

Bai Lu next to her gave her a big hug.

"Okay, now that everyone has met, let's start the first game. It's also a game to decide who will be grouped into couples."

"There are six rooms behind you. The four female members will stand in the room one by one, and then the six male members will choose one by one. If there is someone in the room, it means the match is successful, and they will form a couple with the female members inside. If there is no one, it means the two male members who entered the two empty rooms will form a couple."

"PD Yao, are you so careless in designing games now? How can you choose without even a hint? It's purely based on luck?"

Fan Chengcheng couldn't help but complain on the side.

"Then how about you just take a bye and I'll find a male member to team up with you?"

PD Yao looked at Fan Chengcheng and said with a smirk.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Then the four female members walked into the room behind them.

The first game began.

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