"The top three of this game have been announced. They are Jiang Baichen and Bailu in first place, Kaige and Baby in second place, and Chenge and Yuqi in third place. Congratulations to the three pairs."

PD Yao applauded.

"Next, please ask the three winning pairs to come forward to ask questions and exchange keys."

"First, please ask Chenge and Yuqi to come forward."

Li Chen and Yuqi walked up to PD Yao, and they were a little headache looking at these keys.

They didn't know which one was real. The ones they asked before were all fake. What should they do?

"Forget it. We don't know. Other groups may not know either. Let's just guess. How about checking the one of Jiang Baichen and Bailu?"

Li Chen suggested on the side.

"I think it's okay. They have won for a day. They must know something. So we can check theirs."

Yuqi also thought about it and said.

"Yes, I also thought about it. Jiang Baichen and Bailu have won for a day, so they must know some useful clues. I think we can check it out."

After the two discussed it, they said to PD Yao.

"Is the key of Jiang Baichen and Bailu's group the key to open the final lock?"

The two asked.


After hearing PD Yao's answer, Li Chen and Yuqi were stunned. They just asked a question based on logic, and they really got it?

The two couldn't hide their excitement in their eyes.

Then Li Chen thought that Jiang Baichen and Bailu's group was the first place, so they could also change back if they changed theirs.

Li Chen told Yuqi this idea.

Yuqi said nonchalantly: "Look at these keys, they all look exactly the same. If Jiang Baichen and Bailu can tell that their keys have been swapped, it would be amazing."

Li Chen took a look at all the keys that looked exactly the same, and he was relieved.

Then she said to PD Yao: "Let's exchange the keys of Jiang Baichen and Bailu's group."

Then PD Yao changed the key with the front facing up.

Then the two returned to the rest area calmly, not too happy, otherwise there would be flaws.

"Next, please ask Brother Kai and Baby's group to come forward."

The two walked forward.

Baby spoke first: "I just saw that Brother Chen's expression seemed a little abnormal when he returned. There was a faint smile on his face. Brother Chen's expression could not be hidden. I think we can check the keys of Brother Chen's group."

Zheng Kai on the side was stunned.

"No, baby, you studied psychology, right? You can see this?"

Zheng Kai said in surprise.

"No, it's just that I know Brother Chen too well. Haven't you noticed? Brother Chen is usually an undercover agent, and the word undercover is written on his face."

Baby looked like I know him very well.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you and ask Li Chen for their key."

Then the two said to PD Yao: "Let's ask, is the key of Brother Chen and Yuqi's group the key to open the last lock?"

After asking, the two looked nervous.


After hearing this answer, Bab whispered "yeah".

"I said it, Brother Chen's expression just now was too strange."

Baby said with an expression of "as expected".

Zheng Kai was very shocked and looked at Baby beside him. They were really real.

Then he quickly said to PD Yao: "Let's exchange the keys of Brother Chen and Yuqi's group."

Then PD Yao exchanged the keys with the front facing up like before. If you look closely, you will find that something seems wrong.

But the two were very excited now and didn't care about this detail.

"This time we won this round." The two said excitedly after exchanging.

Then they returned to the rest area.

"Next, please ask Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu to come forward."

Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu walked over holding hands with their fingers intertwined.

The two seemed to have gotten used to this state of holding hands.

The people in the Running Man team had become accustomed to this scene, and just thought that the young couple came to spend the program team's money to fall in love.

Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu walked in front of Yao PD.

"Have we won!" Bai Lu said happily.

Jiang Baichen picked up the key of his group and took a look, then frowned.

"No, our keys have been swapped!" Jiang Baichen whispered to Bai Lu.

Bai Lu was dumbfounded. How did she see this?

Then he hurriedly asked, "How did you know?"

"Just now, after we knew that this key was real, I asked Yao PD's marker and drew a line on the back of the key. Now our key doesn't have the line I drew."

Jiang Baichen explained in a low voice.

After listening to this, Bai Lu looked up at PD Yao and saw himHe nodded slightly with a smile on his face.

Bai Lu was stunned. This is too strong!!!

Then he looked at Jiang Baichen with admiration.

Then he looked at the keys with worry, and then said: "Then we don't know which set of keys has been exchanged with ours? We can't just turn them over one by one, right?"

Bai Lu looked up at PD Yao, and then said with a worried look.

"I guess it won't work. I drew it with a marker because I took advantage of PD Yao's loophole. I guess he won't agree to turn over the keys."

After saying that, Jiang Baichen looked up at PD Yao and saw that PD Yao nodded with a bigger smile on his face.

Bai Lu also looked dejected when she saw PD Yao nod.

"Then can we not win today?" Bai Lu said with disappointment.

Jiang Baichen felt uncomfortable when he saw Bai Lu's disappointed face. He wanted her to win!

Then he analyzed: "When the first two groups came back after choosing, I was observing their expressions. The first to choose were Brother Chen and Yuqi. When they came back, I saw Brother Chen had a smile on his face, so I guessed that Brother Chen and Yuqi switched with us."

Bai Lu was about to say something when she was interrupted by Jiang Baichen.

Jiang Baichen continued: "It stands to reason that we should choose to switch with Brother Chen, but there is a group of Brother Kai and Sister Baby in front. When Brother Kai and Sister Baby came back, they glanced at Brother Chen and Yuqi vaguely, and then turned their heads quickly. This is a sign of guilty conscience."

Jiang Baichen analyzed seriously.

Bai Lu next to him looked at Jiang Baichen with admiration. He just felt that serious men are really handsome! ! !

"So I think in the end Brother Kai and Sister Baby asked for Brother Chen and Yuqi's keys, so they switched, so I think we should switch our keys with Brother Kai and Sister Baby."

The opposite Yao PD was shocked. They knew it because they had a God's perspective, but what about Jiang Baichen? Is he the strongest brain?

Although he was shocked, Yao PD's expression did not change, and he could not let anyone see the flaw.

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