Running a Hotel in the Apocalypse

Chapter 174 Signing a contract with Jiaojiao

Chen Wenjiu looked at the furry cat head in front of him and couldn't restrain himself from taking action.

The fur of this giant panda really looks smooth and has a satin feel.

Of course it doesn't look very white, but it looks very beautiful and clean, making people want to touch it.

Of course, Chen Wenjiu also knows very well that the fur of adult giant pandas is definitely not very soft. After all, the fur of adult giant pandas is also a line of defense to protect their bodies.

Therefore, the fur of adult giant pandas sometimes feels hard when touched, and does not have the soft feel of giant panda cubs.

The panda robots in their hotel all have soft fur. That’s because they are robots, not real pandas.

The fur of the giant panda in front of her called "Jiaojiao" looked like silk, but she knew it was definitely not that soft.

"Are you called 'Jiaojiao'?" Chen Wenjiu asked gently.

"Yeah." The giant panda Jiaojiao nodded enthusiastically.

Chen Wenjiu kept smiling and said, "Have you ever met other giant pandas?"

Although only the zoo in XX city in L city has giant pandas, don’t general zoos have two giant pandas?

Although it may not always be one male and one female, there may be two male giant pandas, but no matter what, there should be two.

Why is there only one giant panda like Jiaojiao in Z city now?

‘Xiongxiong, it ran away. The giant panda Jiaojiao complained unhappily, ‘Xiongxiong ran away! ’

Chen Wenjiu heard the anger in its tone and asked, "Is Xiongxiong another giant panda? Is he a male?"


"So, is it your mate?"

‘No, Xiongxiong can’t even beat me. ’ Jiaojiao said with great disgust.

Chen Wenjiu: "..." Do you giant pandas also choose their mates based on their strength? You don’t like males who can’t beat you?

‘Jiaojiao is great! ’ Jiaojiao praised herself, and she also said to Chen Wenjiu, ‘Jiaojiao likes you, can you be Jiaojiao’s wet nurse? ’

'Jiaojiao...Jiaojiao hunts and feeds you~'

When Chen Wenjiu heard the soft and waxy female voice say such words, his heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate, and the temperature of his face felt like it had risen a lot.

Ahhhh, isn’t this too delicate?

Because of his animal mind communication and full language communication skills, Chen Wenjiu can understand the words of animals, and of course their voices are also different.

For example, Mr. Cat and Ms. Husky who came to their hotel before. Mr. Cat's voice is a very cold and cool male voice, while Ms. Husky has a very lively, cheerful, sunny and carefree female voice.

The giant snake she just killed had a cold, uncomfortable male voice.

Now this giant panda has a soft and cute female voice.

It's really soft and cute, not the kind of cuteness that can be pretended to be cute, it's real soft and waxy.

Jiaojiao's voice is very sweet, and her voice is really nice.

And with such a cute and pleasant voice, she actually said the words "I will support you". Even though Chen Wenjiu was a girl, she was very moved.

Woohoo, she wants to be raised by a giant panda.

She loves fluffy stuff.

Chen Wenjiu looked up at Jiaojiao and asked, "Do you really want me to be your wet nurse?"

"Yeah." Jiaojiao nodded.

Chen Wenjiu thought for a while and said, "Then can you sign a contract with me?"

"Don't worry, it's not a master-servant contract. I don't want to enslave you." Chen Wenjiu looked at Jiaojiao and said, "What I want to sign with you is an equal contract. Let's become friends, okay?"

'friend? ’ Jiaojiao looked at her in confusion and said, ‘Aren’t you my wet nurse? How are they friends? ’

Chen Wenjiu smiled and said, "Because friends can help us get along better."

Jiaojiao didn't understand very well, but she liked Chen Wenjiu very much, so she agreed to sign a contract with her.

When Chen Wenjiu heard it agreed, he happily took out a piece of contract paper from the space button and signed his name.

After she signed her name, she placed the contract paper in front of Jiaojiao and said, "Just put your paw prints here."

Jiaojiao's huge bear paw covered the contract paper, and she faced Chen Wenjiu with a big face and asked, 'Is this all right? ’


As Chen Wenjiu responded, the contract paper glowed with a golden light, which was obviously a sign that the contract was established.

'Are we friends now? ’ Jiaojiao looked at the shiny thing under her palm, raised her head to look at her bear paw in confusion, and then looked at the ground.

"We are friends." Chen Wenjiu looked at it with a smile and said, "Can you become smaller?"

'Jiaojiao... Jiaojiao seems to understand something...' Jiaojiao tilted her head in confusion, as if there was something extra in her mind.

Chen Wenjiu looked at it and smiled. This was the reward after signing the contract - the cultivation method of the beast demon cultivator.

As a hotel manager with a boyfriend from a top sect in the world of immortality and the ability to travel through time and space, isn't it normal for Chen Wenjiu to have some private collections?

It was not as if she and He Zui had done nothing when they returned to the world of immortality. She was not simply meeting her parents.

She has collected a lot of good things, including various human cultivation methods, demon cultivation methods, etc., as well as ghost cultivation, demon cultivation, etc. Anyway, she has collected a lot of things in the world of immortality.

Sure enough, she had the foresight to find so many things, and now she finally used them on her precious giant panda.

The giant panda tribe also exists in the world of immortals, and there are their tribes in the demon world. She also met a demon cultivator in Hezui's sect whose prototype was a giant panda in the god-transformation stage.

She really liked the coquettish beauty she had turned into.

She is looking forward to it now. If her Jiaojiao can cultivate enough to transform into a human form, what will it look like?

Just like her voice, does it have a soft and cute baby face?

Or the one with a beautiful face, a hot body, but a soft and cute voice?

Chen Wenjiu is looking forward to it.

'Jiaojiao, I want to sleep...' Jiaojiao didn't understand what was going on in her mind, but she felt a little sleepy.

Because she liked the smell of Chen Wenjiu very much and it was very relaxing to be around her, so Jiaojiao fell asleep easily.

Just when Jiaojiao fell asleep, its original body of about 67 meters gradually became smaller, and slowly became about 3 meters in size.

Chen Wenjiu was surprised to see it change from such a huge appearance to such a small one. She remembered that the demon cultivating skills she gave it didn't have the same function as it does now.

She looked at the contract again. It was just a very ordinary contract with beasts. It didn't have the function of making a giant beast smaller.

So, why did Jiaojiao suddenly become smaller?

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