In a matter of months, Heimerdinger built hundreds of spacecraft.

The space protective suits made are even more numerous.

It was true that Heimerdinger also used the data in space that Li Fulang gave him to create a training machine.

It can simulate the situation in space, and it has never been better to train soldiers who are about to go to space on land.

This grand plan to sail to the starry sky was in full swing and lasted for several months.

Finally, the first batch of spaceship fleets that went to explore the starry sky officially set off, and the Cultivation Pavilion gradually quieted down.

Heimerdinger did his job brilliantly here, smiling with great satisfaction as he watched the fleet that gradually disappeared into the sky.

However, Heimerdinger was still a little stunned.

Li invited him to the Creator Laboratory to help Planck complete his space program, and now that the mission is complete, he should probably leave.

But Heimerdinger didn’t want to leave here at all.

Although he also had feelings for Piltover, he loved scientific research.

Staying in the Creator Lab allowed him to have more research opportunities than before.

It is also possible to explore more advanced scientific fields.

So he was reluctant.

But Heimerdinger knew that the lab did not belong to him, and he was not qualified to stay.

After packing his small luggage, Heimerdinger stood at the door of the Creator’s laboratory, not moving for a long time.

When Li Fulang came out of the Creator Laboratory, he saw Heimerdinger with his luggage, and then remembered that the mission was over, and the yodel scientist was leaving.

To be honest, Li Fulang was really a little reluctant to Heimerdinger.

For Heimerdinger, Li Fulang still appreciates it.

From the eyes of Hemer Dinger, Li Fulang also saw his reluctance here.

But if Heimerdinger wants to leave, Li Fulang will not stop it.

Heimerdinger looked at Li Fuwan for a long time, and finally he still had the courage to open his mouth and said:

“Lord Shopkeeper, can I stay?”

Li Fuxian was still very happy in his heart when he heard this, and without hesitation, he nodded directly and agreed.

“Of course you can stay.”

Heimerdinger was caught off guard by Li Fuwan’s unhesitating agreement.

Originally, Hemmedinger was still afraid, Li Fuwan would not agree, thought for a long time, prepared a lot of words, but the result was not used.

Li Fulang looked at this big-headed doll that looked a little dumbfounded except for the laboratory, and actually felt a little cute.

For such a talent, Li Fulang is still very tolerant and will naturally agree to his request.

As a result, Heimerdinger stayed in the Cultivation Pavilion and became a resident scientific research expert in the Creator’s laboratory.

A few months ago, the void descended on Ionia, and Sindra saw with her own eyes how powerful Li Fuwan was.

This made her very curious about this place of Xiu Xin Pavilion and wanted to see it.

But every time she thought of seeing Li Fulang, the dark energy in her body was terrified, which made Cindra dare not go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

After leaving Presidian last time, Cindra returned to the small village where she had lived as a child.

This village, like countless other small villages, is ordinary and quiet.

Sindra’s childhood was hurt a lot, all in this place.

Here, she has no friends or care from relatives, and has always been a very lonely child.

Even her peers at the time thought that Sindra was a mute.

In this small village, having a sacred willow can make Sindra feel warm and inclusive.

At that time, she regarded that spirit willow as her only friend and partner.

Lingliu can listen to her and can always accompany her. Every time Cindra was wronged, she would come to Lingliu.

Lingliu will also release gentle spiritual power to calm her sad emotions.

But later, Sindra was completely enraged by her own brother helping others to insult her.

Sindra lost her mind in anger, and unconsciously drained the spiritual power in the spirit willow, exuding her anger and releasing the magical energy that was free from darkness.

This is the thing that Cindela regrets the most in her life.

She lost her only friend.

It’s all because of herself, unable to control her own power.

Even later, she had learned a lot about magic, but Sindra still couldn’t control her energy well.

As a result, they often fall into a deep sleep.

This time back to the small village of her childhood, seeing the spirit willow that had completely turned into a curved and dry willow, leaving only the remains, Sindra’s heart once again surged with sadness.

It didn’t take long for her to fall back into a deep sleep.

Sindra, who was sleeping, was wrapped in dark energy, and no one was able to find her.

Until I woke up a few months later, I saw the withered spirit willow around me, and that powerless sadness surged in my heart again.

Her dark power is strong, but she knows that she is still too weak to fully control this power.

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