The Void War in ancient times caused indelible disasters.

Countless people struggled hard, and in the months of fighting, they finally returned to the sky.

They built a floating fortress out of monoliths.

Then those elemental mages and celestial warriors used the magic suppression crystal to continuously project thunderbolt lightning downwards on the floating fortress, melting the yellow sand below into glass to block the void creatures.

Monoliths are somewhat resistant to void energy, but they are not completely resistant.

The power of the void still caused deep wounds on Monolith’s body, making its surface look rugged and scorched, and finally formed the unnatural Murphy Rock.

That is, later Murphyt.

So when Nicole speaks of monolith, she means Murfitt.

In the book area of the Cultivation Pavilion, there are also records of monoliths, and Li Fulang has also seen one or two glances in the process of reading books before.

It’s just that because there is probably only one monolith in the entire Rune Land now, I am afraid that there is only one piece of Murfitt, so Li Fulang did not remember it too much.

The monolith that Nico said made Li Fulang not react for a while and a half, and it was normal.

“How do you plan to use Monoloth to deal with the Void?”

Li Fulang was a little incomprehensible to Niko’s statement about finding a monolith to deal with the void.

Although Monolith has a certain ability to resist the void, it is just a building material for the floating fortress at that time.

The ones who really used to fight the Void were still those elemental mages and ascenders.

And monoliths are just an auxiliary material.

Moreover, Li Fulang learned from between the lines of Niko’s words that apparently the people on Esuthar’s side did not know that the current Murphyt had completely become an independent and intelligent individual.

Still think of Morphett as that kind of living boulder.

Sure enough, after Li Fulang’s question was asked, he heard Niko’s answer.

“Of course, bring the monolith back, and then construct the floating fortress again to fight the void.”

This was what Neko had told her by the elders and elemental mages when she was in the palace.

Once their ancestors successfully repelled the Void in this way, although they also paid a great price, but this is also a precedent for success, isn’t it?

Li Fu shook his head when he heard this.

“You’re thinking too simple.”

After that, Li Fulang told Nico in detail how in ancient times, Ishtar and Shurema joined together and used the elemental mages and ascenders to fight against the Void Rift in Acasia.

Nico listened dumbfounded.

Even the elderly elders in the palace could not explain her in such detail.

In those classical books, the description of the protracted void war is not very clear.

But he didn’t expect that in Li Fuwan, who looked young, Niko could hear such a specific description of the incident.

“So monoliths aren’t of any use?”

Niko’s voice trembled a little.

Originally, her mission this time was to come out to find the monolith, and then return to her hometown to help the hometown people jointly resist the invasion of the void.

The Void is so powerful, and in the hearts of the current Ishtar high-ranking people, the monolith is already their only hope against the Void.

But now Li Fulang told Nikou that the monolith was of little use to them against the Void.

This was no small blow to Niko.

“To be precise, it was once a monolith. Now this monolith has become an independent individual with spiritual intelligence, and he is a living being, just like you and me. Even if you want to fight against the Void, you must not use a living life to build a dead thing. ”

Li Fulang’s expression looked slightly serious.

Nikou naturally understood what Li Fulang meant.

When they found that the monolith was missing in the camp of the Meatlodont tribe, Niko’s heart had such a conjecture.

When Nico went to play with Reingal before, she knew that the strange big stone was alive.

Later, when she heard the senators tell her that such a stone was to be cast into a floating fortress to fight against the void, in fact, Nico also hesitated.

If you want to take a living thing and cast it into a building, isn’t it to kill the life?

It’s just that at that time, Nico heard that the Void was so terrifying, if only Monolith could fight the Void.

Subconsciously, those people are hinting to themselves that if it is for the sake of the people of the entire kingdom, it is worth sacrificing only the life form of the monolith.

But now their cruel and ruthless thoughts were directly pierced by Li Fulang, which made Niko’s heart a little unacceptable for a while.

Now that Nico has completely understood what a monolith is, it is even more impossible to use a life to construct the so-called floating fortress.

And after Li Fulang’s explanation, Niko also understood that in fact, if you want to fight the void, even if you have a monolith, you can’t solve too many problems.

After all, back then, the monolith was only used as a carrying tool to hold those elemental mages and ascended high, so that they could directly bombard the void creatures from a high place.

And those void creatures, after just getting out of the void crack, even if they are floating, they do not have the ability to fly.

Therefore, being in a low place can only be unilaterally bombarded by elemental mages and ascenders standing on top of the floating fortress.

Therefore, the Void War was won in ancient times.

It’s just that the floating fortress at that time was the size of a city, and later the floating fortress fell apart and turned into pieces of rubble.

Murphyt is one of these rubbles.

Even if Murphyt is retrieved, only this monolith exists, which is simply not enough to build a floating fortress.

Niko’s heart was chaotic and sad.

Thinking about it, I even whimpered and cried.

Nico came out of Ishtar in search of the monolith with great hope.

She has always believed that as long as she finds the monolith, she will be able to fight against the Void and defend her hometown.

In fact, Nikom was not born in Ishtar, but came from a long lost Vashaya tribe.

She was born on a small island, but when Nico was still very young, the Vahstaya tribe suffered an unprecedented disaster.

Nico, who also fled to Ishtar, grew up happily here.

Ishtar is therefore Niko’s second hometown, and forever.

Nicole loves it and wants to protect it.

But now the truth that Li Fulang told him was that even if he found the monolith, it would be impossible to stop the void.

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