“Steel is eternal and immortal!”

Mord Caesar’s eyes flickered, and the night fall appeared in his hand, just above his shoulder, perfectly echoing this huge body.

The power of the underworld circulates in the body, and this body can perfectly match the power of the underworld, enough for Mord Caesar to use.

And most importantly, there is almost invincibility in terms of physical defense, and only magic can harm Mord Caesar.

He just needs to repair the underworld in peace.

“How’s it going, are you still satisfied?”

Li Fulang chuckled, very satisfied with the material he created, and at the same time had some new ideas.

If a person dies, can this material be used to shape a usable body and then regenerate it?

It is similar to the reincarnation of the earth, but how to erase all people’s memories without harming the soul is still a problem.

This idea was kept in mind by Li Fulang, and he was ready to study it well in the future.

“Very satisfied! Thank you owner! ”

Maud Caesar nodded repeatedly, experiencing the strength of this body, and he was simply excited to the extreme.

After asking Li Fuwan the price, Mord Caesar paid the gold coins.

These gold coins were found by him from the ship of the Ionian caravan, and he just wanted to use it in case of emergency, but he didn’t expect it to be of such great use!

Mord Caesar was a little glad that all the things in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion required gold coins, and without these gold coins, he really couldn’t move an inch!

Fortunately, at that time, I had an extra heart eye and put these mundane things into the underworld.

However, Mord Caesar was a little puzzled, I don’t know why Li Fulang would collect gold coins, it stands to reason that a strong person of this level would not be moved by this mundane yellow and white thing at all!

“Void Watcher… Meditation Pavilion: The shopkeeper has traveled through many planes, and even the celestial realm has his prestige, this gold coin, it is estimated that it is just the pleasure of seclusion? ”

Mord Caesar muttered, combined with his guesses about Li Fulang’s identity and strength, he soon felt that he had figured it out!

Such a strong existence, but opened a shop in Presidian, and only accepted gold coins…

If nothing else, Mord Caesar felt that this body alone would be worth some fetish in exchange.

Only gold coins are charged…

Mord Caesar couldn’t help but sigh, this is clearly an opportunity to give to others! And in his opinion, these powerful opportunities in their eyes may be just like this in the eyes of the shopkeeper.

“Thank you shopkeeper, I don’t know how to restore my strength? Tinkering with the Underworld? ”

Mord Caesar asked tentatively, but he remembered that Li Fulang had said that with the help of chance in the Cultivation Pavilion, his injury, which took thousands of years to recover, would only take a few years.

This gap is not a star and a half.

But what is the specific method, the shopkeeper really did not tell him, he can only ask himself.

“Hmm… This ah, I can directly help you repair the underworld, but in this case you have almost no receipts, 100,000 gold coins, I will help you, how about? ”

Li Fuxian muttered, if he helped Mord Caesar restore the broken underworld, it would be very fast, but this also had a drawback.

In this way, Mord Caesar hardly appreciated the benefits of repairing the underworld.

In fact, repairing the underworld is a process of practice, gradually comprehending in the process of repairing, gradually analyzing, and re-watching and deducing the process of a world from nothing.

The gains have been enormous.

“Hmm… So, is there any other way? ”

Maud Caesar’s eyes flickered, and he felt that it was better to give up, he still wanted his foundation to be stronger.

And one hundred thousand gold coins, he doesn’t have that much now.

He didn’t know what else could allow him to quickly regain his strength, would he start a war again?

Launching a war, corpses are everywhere, and there are undead everywhere, that is the best way to recover, but looking at the current situation, he does not have that strength.

And if Svein finds out that he is still alive, he will definitely look for his affairs, and he must not be exposed.

“I want to think ah, mending a world, in addition to relying on the soul power of the origin to absorb, there is also the most direct way.”

Li Fu’s eyes flickered, and he thought of a very insidious method.

A damaged underworld, in addition to being repaired by absorbing soul power, there is also a very simple way.

That is the power to rob other worlds!

For example, the celestial realm…

If Mord Caesar can steal the origin power of the Celestial Realm, it will directly repair the Underworld.

“This matter is a little dangerous, and you have to fight against the Star Spirit, but once you succeed, you can directly recover to the peak… Even, there is a good chance of becoming a god. ”

Li Fu’s eyes flickered, and with a bad smile on his face, he seduced Mord Caesar.

And you can also expand the business of the Celestial Realm by the way, which is really a good way to kill two birds with one stone!

“Directly restore all strength?!”

Mord Caesar was slightly shocked, and some longing rose in his heart, which was much faster than thousands of years of time!

To fight against the Star Spirit: It’s still a little dangerous.

But high risk means high reward, as long as you succeed, you can directly become a god!

“I also asked the shopkeeper to elaborate on how he could steal the power of the celestial realm..”

Mord Caesar was a little excited, and he felt very excited, especially since he had just finished reading a book about the despicable star spirits.

It feels like being against the Star Spirit, which is indeed a relatively cool thing!

Moreover, he can directly obtain the power of the origin and be promoted to become a god, killing two birds with one stone!

“Take this thing, go to the Giant God Peak, join a sect, and then move up, looking for opportunities to contact the Star Spirit.”

Li Fulang chuckled, the star spirit is divided into the universe star spirit and the giant god star spirit, and the star spirit that can descend from the heavenly realm is almost all the giant god star spirit.

These giant gods Star Spirit, combined with the Cosmic Star Spirit, stole the power of the Dragon King.

To be honest, Li Fulang looked down on this behavior.

If Mord Caesar can disgust these star spirits, it is still relatively good.

And most of the celestial giant gods Star Spirit have all kinds of quirks, which can be said to be villains under the veil of justice.

For example, the righteous star spirit preaches justice, but in fact, in order to enhance its own strength, relying on the high-sounding word of justice to steal more benefits.

“I cast a magic spell on your skull, as long as you can contact the star spirit, you can devour everything in the star spirit in an instant and transform it into the power of the underworld.”

Li Fu shook his eyes faintly, his fingers moved slightly, and a powerful magic was applied to the skull of Mord Caesar.

“Of course, if someone else touches your skull, it will also be transformed into power, but if someone else touches it, the Star Spirit will have no effect if it touches it again.”

When Mord Caesar heard this, he quickly nodded, feeling the strong prohibition imposed in his skull, and he was very excited.

As long as the Star Spirit touches his skull, he can swallow the Star Spirit’s origin in the Celestial Realm!

The so-called celestial realm is just a star spirit occupying the enchantment plane formed by the stars.

Devouring the Star Spirit can directly devour the Star Origin occupied by this Star Spirit.

“If you have a chance, give this thing to that dragon ..”

Li Fulang put a jade talisman into the hands of Mord Caesar, which can be regarded as a high-level transmission note, with synchronized sound and pictures, and long-distance communication.

He wanted to see what strength the Star Casting Dragon King, who was known as the strongest creation god in the universe, was.

This involved a lot of things, and as his strength increased, Li Fulang became more and more unable to understand this Chaos God Position.

The more you know, the more you don’t know, and this sentence is appropriate to describe Li Fulang’s current state.

Many people have shallow knowledge and treat what they know as the truth, but they do not know that as their knowledge broadens, their doubts will increase.

The more shallow a person is, the more convinced he is that what he knows is the truth.


Mord Caesar was slightly shocked and put this jade talisman away, and at the same time confirmed the guess in his heart.

The shopkeeper has a relationship with the strongest star casting dragon king in the universe, Aurelian, that… Probably the same as he thought!

It is a strong person who has traveled through all planes and is almost invincible to the entire universe!

It is estimated that he is deeply lonely and invincible, so he opened a small shop here to give people a chance here…

Mord Caesar kept his head and nodded heavily.

He is ready to go to the Giant God Peak! According to what Li Fulang said, first find a sect to join, and then slowly become the top level of the sect!

Then look for the opportunity to get the blessing of the Star Spirit and steal all the power of the Star Spirit!

The star spirits steal the power of the Dragon King, and they definitely can’t imagine that one day they will be stolen by others!

Li Fulang pushed open the door of the laboratory and walked out, followed by Mord Caesar honestly.

“And these skills, learn them all, if you really want to go to Giant God Peak.”

Li Fulang took Mord Caesar to the skill shelf and pointed to the skill above.

“These guys avoid it, don’t join the sect they inherited.”

Li Fulang pointed to the portraits of several strong and powerful people in Zoebad, so that Mord Caesar could pay attention.

These guys are not so simple, not a simple magic can steal.

Star spirits are strong and weak, these strongest star spirits are still better not to provoke, if Mord Caesar provokes, it is estimated that he will die miserably.

“Good! Thank you for the advice! ”

Mord Caesar bowed slightly, his eyes full of curiosity, not knowing where the portrait on this skill shelf came from.

That’s one hundred and fifty.

And his portrait, it’s really weird.

Mord Caesar remembered the portraits of Zoe and several other star spirits, and they were deeply imprinted in his mind.

For Li Fuwan’s words, he felt that it was better to listen honestly.

“Eh, you’re Mord Caesar? Is this your new body? ”

At this moment, Yongen and Yasuo walked out of the endless martial arts arena, and the aura of both of them increased, and it seemed that they had gained a lot.

At the same time, Yasuo noticed this tall iron armor, which looked very similar to the body shape condensed from sand that day!

And the skull above the head is still that, it is Mord Caesar!

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