Ruins of the past

Chapter 690 Tongtian Baobao

"The twenty-sixth chapter of Zhengfa Entering the Dao has been generated. Please give the method a name."

When he saw this sentence, many names immediately came to Chu Qiguang's mind.

"I finally succeeded. Can I still choose my own name? So the other twenty-five sects of dharma are also named by the creator?"

"What is the name of this dharma?"

As Chu Qiguang's heart moved, along with his thoughts, names appeared on the ground book one by one.

"Human weakness? Rich Dad series? The secret to getting rich quick?"

"Or surplus value? The Wealth of Nations? The Theory of Capital? The Theory of Practice? The Theory of Contradiction? The Theory of Welfare?"

But as the names Chu Qiguang thought of emerged one by one, they were all rejected by the book of land.

"The name of the dharma does not match the direction of distortion in the Tao area."

"Reminder: All names in the universe are very important, and the name of the Dharma is related to the connection between Taoism in the past and the future. It is the link between cause and effect in time and space. It will also affect its power in different regions. Please choose carefully."

Chu Qiguang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that this statement was a bit familiar, just like the real names of those outer gods, whose names themselves carried powerful power.

"Is the name of Zhengfa so important?"

"According to the meaning of this prompt, does it mean that the painting style of the name should be consistent with this planet and this Taoism?"

Just when Chu Qiguang wanted to think of a name, a few words suddenly appeared in his mind.

There was no reason or basis, it was like a flash of inspiration that exploded in his mind, driving away all other options.

At the moment when the inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, Chu Qiguang slowly said: "Then let's call it..."The Wonderful Instrument of Great Freedom to Save People"."


Just after he said these words, purple lightning flashed in the sky of the Buddhist world, and then bursts of thunder sounded out of thin air.

The ground trembled violently, and a terrifying crack in the ground slowly spread out from the center of Night City. Amid the horrified screams of countless people, it seemed to split the entire city into two.

The entire Buddhist world seemed to be furious at this moment.

The "Book of the Earth" in front of Chu Qiguang's eyes suddenly lit up, bursting into bursts of dazzling light.

The surrounding Buddha fires also trembled at this moment, and were drawn out again.

At this moment, all the powerful people in and above the entire planet felt a palpitation in their hearts, as if some huge crisis was about to erupt.

An unknown and inexplicable hostility constantly surged from their hearts.

Immortal Buddha, Jiang Hongyun, Da Xiazi and others who were at the scene were the first to bear the brunt. They all subconsciously looked at the direction of Chu Qiguang, with uncontrollable hostility welling up in their hearts.

Shi's sigh also sounded in their hearts: "He finally came out... Before Chu Qiguang has mastered this Taoist technique, go and kill him quickly, otherwise you will never have such a good opportunity as today." ”

Da Xia Zi Ji Yuan, who was fighting with Fa Xiang, looked up at the sky and said in shock: "Is this... could it be a heavenly catastrophe? Since the Gang Qi layer was created, there has been no more heavenly catastrophe... What path did Chu Qiguang create? Technique?"

Ji Yuan was about to join the others, but found that Fa Xiang's muscles were swollen and he was hugging him tightly.

"you wanna die!"

With a swishing sound, high-speed water lines had penetrated the body of the Faxiang.

In another battlefield, the bear demon Badan suddenly let out a scream.

Then he saw black tentacles tearing apart his flesh and growing directly out of his body.

A group of eyes on the tentacles opened at the same time and looked in the direction of Chu Qiguang.

Jiang Hongyun murmured: "My formless catastrophe and bad emptiness catastrophe actually have a faint feeling of being restrained."

"We must not allow this righteous teaching to spread."

The black monster expanded violently, and countless tentacles, stumps, and flesh turned into a huge hand, seemingly trying to grab the dim sun in the sky.

But the next moment, more than a dozen Li Yaofeng of different shapes had already crashed into the palm, causing waves of surging explosions.

At the same time, Qiao Zhi turned into a piece of dust and penetrated into the demon body.

Lin Lan also unleashed the ghost realm with all his strength, distorting Jiang Hongyun's spatial orientation.


With a cold snort, the monster transformed by Jiang Hongyun grew thousands of hands, and instantly flooded the entire sky.

Countless palms rushed toward the Buddha fire in the sky like a tsunami.

Li Yaofeng who blocked him was devoured and torn into pieces one by one by his palms.

The dust that Qiao Zhi transformed into was continuously assimilated and controlled by monsters, and his body tissues were shrinking rapidly.

Lin Lan's figure, which was constantly distorting the space, gradually became blurry.

Li Yaofeng shouted: "If we continue to block him, we will all die."

Xiaolan said: "Keep it up! Brother Chu will succeed!"

At the same time, the figures of Dalan and Xiaolan were infused with Chu Qiguang's blood through the air, and became solid again.

In the fire of Buddha.

The Indestructible Buddha was originally refining the Buddha's fire while looking for traces of Chu Qiguang.

And at the moment when the "Great Self-Transferring Magic System" appeared, he felt that the Buddha's fire in the sky had a clear flow again, and gradually turned into a huge whirlpool, which was devouring the Buddha's fire crazily.

"Got you!"

I saw the Indestructible Buddha clasping his hands together, and the Buddha's fire that was originally taken away by the whirlpool was continuously captured.

"Get apart!"

There was a loud bang, and accompanied by the violent pressure of the Indestructible Buddha's palms, the Buddha's fire in front of him seemed to be torn apart by a pair of invisible hands, churning and retreating to the left and right.

"Let me see where else you can hide."

The Indestructible Buddha spit out thunderous sounds from his mouth and divided the Buddha's fire with his hands, causing the sky to stir up storms.

He traced the flow of the Buddha's fire all the way, snatching away pieces of the Buddha's fire, and finally found Chu Qiguang, who was surrounded by layers of Buddha's fire.

At this moment, Chu Qi was sitting in front of the "Book of the Earth" with his eyes calm and calm, and there seemed to be a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

And above the "Book of the Earth", the extracted Buddha's fire has been condensed into pieces of golden paper.

The gold paper is about the size of a palm. It was flying back and forth with the strong wind.

On one side of the paper was written "Zu Zi Du Ren" and on the other side was "Tong Tian Bao Chao".

Next to the characters, there are also paintings of Chu Qiguang, Night City, Qi Blood Machine and even the Ring of Foolishness.

"This...could it be a talisman? Is the Twenty-sixth Dharma the art of talismans?"

The Immortal Buddha's eyes narrowed: "No, I'm afraid it's not just the talisman."

After all, he was once the pinnacle of power and the world-destroying Buddha hundreds of years ago. He was the best in the world in terms of vision and knowledge.

He could tell at a glance that those gold papers with Tongtian treasure notes written on them were the inheritance of the Dharma.

None of the twenty-five righteous dharma in the world can be passed down purely through words and pictures. They all need to rely on different inherited objects to practice.

It is like the scripture of the Sumeru Mountain King Sutra, the basalt backbone of the dragon-elephant great freedom.

The same goes for these Tongtian treasure notes in front of me, which probably record the twenty-sixth dharma created by Chu Qiguang.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly looked at the Immortal Buddha, smiled slightly and said, "You want it?"

"Then take the flowers."

Along with Chu Qiguang's words, pieces of Tongtian treasure notes flew in front of the Indestructible Buddha.

I’ll update one chapter first, and I’m still writing the rest.

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