Ruins of the past

Chapter 686 Rumors spread

In Night City, as the number of days the stock trading building is closed continues to increase, the development of events is intensifying.

"Have you heard? The money in the stock market has been taken away by the senior officials of the Bashu Chamber of Commerce..."

"It's Chu Qiguang's sister who wants to build a palace and take away money from the stock market..."

"I heard that she had no intention of returning it at all. Our money is just a number in the account now, and the trading floor can't cash it out at all, so we closed it on purpose..."

A large number of stock investors began to gather outside the trading building, and news that senior executives of various chambers of commerce were collecting money and that Chu Qiguang's sister was embezzling money continued to spread among the stock market.

Originally, corruption was common in the Han Dynasty. In the past year, due to Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi's eagerness for quick success, all kinds of unhealthy tendencies have spread in Shuzhou.

At this moment, rumors are circulating, and most investors actually believe them.

Xiong Yao Danba stood in the hall, looking at the people gathered outside the window, with an excited look on his face: "More and more investors are coming, and soon they will realize who they should resist..."

At this moment, a large number of living corpses of pursuers were seen pouring over from the street.

The zombies dispersed the crowd and surrounded the entire stock trading building.

"Everyone moved back. The stock trading building has been occupied by a group of gangsters. They disguised themselves as staff and closed the building."

"People inside, listen, you are surrounded."

"Surrender immediately and there is still a chance for a lighter sentence."

The bear demon Danba's heart sank when he saw this scene. When he thought that Chu Qiguang might have been eyeing this place, he felt tremendous pressure in his heart.

After all, the shadow of the famous tree, Chu Qiguang is now powerful in Shuzhou, and the pressure of being an enemy can be imagined.

At this moment, Mi Siri stood up from behind him: "Don't be afraid, we are here."

"Master." Danba felt a little relieved when he saw Mi Siri, the former leader of the Snow Mountain Demon Kingdom.

This time, almost all of the fellow monsters who followed him to resist Chu Qiguang came in response to Mi Siri's call.

If it hadn't been for Mi Si Ri's call, and there were several other masters who looked unfathomable at first sight, they wouldn't have been so bold as to attack the stock trading building in Night City.

"Come on." Mi Siri said with an indifferent face: "Go and wake up our compatriots and let them stop being Chu Qiguang's slaves."

Danba nodded, and with his monsters and Chu Kunwei and other staff, walked outside the building to confront the pursuers.

"We are not gangsters! We just want justice."

As he walked, Danba shouted: "The stock exchange has lied to all of us."

"The silver here has long been taken away by the Chamber of Commerce."

"The Chamber of Commerce has been manipulating stock prices and defrauding investors of their money."

"We were all fooled!"

Chu Kunwei was controlled and said: "Indeed, the stock market in Shuzhou is a big scam used by the Chamber of Commerce to extract money."

If Bada's words were still half-believed, then Chu Kunwei's echo made the stock investors present agitated.

After all, many investors know him as a staff member of the trading floor.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more out of control, Qiao Zhi shouted: "Jiaojiao! What are you doing? Why don't you let the pursuers take action quickly and suppress them directly!"

Jiaojiao was surprised and said: "The pursuers lost control... I gave the order, but they didn't respond."

Qiao Zhi said: "It's too late, summon Hercules."

"And where is the Dharma? Shouldn't he be guarding Night City? Why hasn't he arrived yet..."

With a loud rumbling sound, Hercules strode towards the stock trading building.

The entire city was shaken for a moment.

Countless people were so frightened that they backed away when they saw this scene.

A delicate voice rang out from Hercules: "You dare to be a thief, seize the trading building, and dare to deceive the public with your monstrous words?"

The next moment, Hercules' palm smacked over like a mountain.

For a moment, strong winds began to blow, and the sky and the earth suddenly darkened.

Everyone present looked up at the sky, feeling as if the sky was about to fall.

But at this moment, a figure broke through the roof of the trading hall with a bang, opening a big hole in it.


Along with a dragon roar, Mi SiRi turned into a huge yellow dragon and soared into the sky, directly hitting Hercules.

With a loud rumbling sound, Hercules and Huanglong had collided together, causing billowing air waves.

Amidst the violent tremors of the earth, Hercules and Huanglong had already fought and rushed out of the City of Night, collapsing and flattening the remaining temples and houses from the original City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, turning them into large areas of ruins.

Qiao Zhi said in surprise: "Is this the secret day?"

Misi turned into a giant dragon to block Hercules, but Lei Yushu and Jin Hailong were not in Night City at the moment.

The Dharma Minister and Li Yaofeng who had agreed to come to support were nowhere to be seen.

Seeing that Hercules was blocked, Badan shouted to the crowd: "All the money has been transported to the bank!"

"Follow me! Let's go to the bank and get the money back!"

The snow-capped mountain monsters who had been among the investors in advance responded, shouting and following Badan towards the bank.

Some of the monsters who saw this scene wanted to watch the excitement, and some wanted to take advantage of it, and more and more followed them.

In particular, many monsters from the snow-capped mountains still have the wild nature of eating the weak and the strong, and have no taboos. They all joined in and rushed to the bank.

Badain stood at the front and shouted the slogan: "Get the money back!"

Qiao Zhi looked at the chaotic scene and had to take action himself.

I saw his figure flashing, and surging power burst out from the monsters in his body.

The next moment, his whole body was filled with heavy air waves, and he descended on the scene like a black lightning bolt.

As he opened and closed his eyes, he glanced at the entire audience with a hint of coldness, and said coldly: "What are you going to do?"

Seeing the person who suddenly appeared in front of them, Badan and other leading monsters were all startled, and some monsters immediately recognized the other person's identity.

"It's Chu Qiguang! The envoy of Chu Town!"

"The envoy from Chu Town is here."

"You have to make the decision for us."

At this moment, Qiao Zhi looked like Chu Qiguang in human form, and his appearance immediately suppressed the entire audience, as if no monster dared to mess around.

"What are you still doing standing here? Let's all disperse..."

Just when Qiao Zhi was comforting everyone, the bear demon Badan suddenly rushed up with a whoosh.

As soon as he opened his mouth to vomit, a huge black tentacle emerged from his mouth and swept towards Qiao Zhi in front of him.

Qiao Zhi was about to take action to resist, but he saw the tentacles passed over his palms and Gang Qi like a phantom, and then struck him hard on the chest.

With a loud bang, Qiao Zhi's figure suddenly flew out, smashing into a building like a meteor, causing a cry of surprise.

Further away, Buddha Immortal was moved when he saw this scene: "Did Jiang Hongyun succeed? Is Chu Qiguang's injury really not healed?"

But when he saw this scene, he did not rush forward to attack Chu Qiguang together with Jiang Hongyun. Instead, he rose into the sky, created waves of air, and finally crashed into the Buddha's fire.

Sigh... I really don't want to stay up late. But the card was so stuck that I could only write a few lines in a long time. Thinking about it, the amount of updates yesterday was not enough. Today I can only hold it in bit by bit, and I will hold it in until morning.

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