Ruins of the past

Chapter 661 Conversation

Faced with Lin Lan's question, Chu Qiguang did not answer immediately.

But he knew that his next explanation would be related to the future work efficiency of all employees, and even affect the future of the entire force.

So after he thought carefully, he said: "Xiao Lan, when I was a child, I saw a poor man working from dawn to dusk every day..."

“Poor people work hard and farm hard, just hoping that one day they can have their own land and a small house of their own, which can protect them from wind and rain without having to rely on others.”

Chu Qiguang sighed: "But no matter how hard he works, the food he grows can't even feed himself."

"Because most of the food has been taken away by the rich. As long as the rich spend a little effort to speculate, buy low, sell high, and block the news, they can take away most of the food that the poor have grown for a lifetime."

"For a piece of land or a house, the poor have to spend their whole life, and they don't even get it."

"The more the poor man works, the richer the rich man becomes. Everything seems to be a matter of course. Neither the poor man nor the rich man thinks there is any problem."

Chu Qiguang's eyes were full of vicissitudes of life: "But why? Why should the world become like this?"

"From that time on, I told myself that if I became rich, I would never let this happen again."

"I want everyone in the world, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, to have their own fields and houses. The poor will no longer get poorer and the rich will get richer."

"This is what I have always wanted to do. In order to accomplish this, I have to use the power of people, monsters, and even those from outside."

Listening to what the other party said, Lin Lan's mind seemed to flash through the changes in Lingzhou and Shuzhou over the years again, and she felt ashamed because she doubted Chu Qiguang.

‘Brother Chu is indeed devoted to the people. I am afraid he is the only one in the world who can give and lend money to the people so selflessly... How can I doubt him? ’

Chu Qiguang asked: "So you understand what I mean?"

Lin Lan said with a look of shame: "Brother Chu, I have seen everything you have done over the years. I believe you will not collude with the outside gods to harm us."

After hearing Lin Lan's words, Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'Well, so poor people are easy to cheat, and poor ghosts are the same. They always like to listen to stories. ’

'But I'm not lying...'

At this moment, the young man who had been suppressed by Chu Qiguang with great freedom reluctantly turned his head, looked at Chu Qiguang and said, "Is what you said true?"

Chu Qiguang said righteously: "Of course it's true."

The young man frowned and said slowly: "The entire Shenhuo Kingdom heard what you said..."

Chu Qiguang blinked and asked doubtfully: "What did you say?"

The young man also wondered: "What's so unclear about this? I heard what you just said, and naturally the entire Shenhuo Kingdom heard it."

"Oh?" Chu Qiguang showed an interested expression, walked up to the young man, smiled and said, "Can you hear everyone?"

"Are you interested in talking to me in detail?"

Another corner of the Xuanyuan God Realm.

There were scattered blood mist among the white clouds.

The son of Emperor Tian transformed into a flying tiger with wings, and pinned down a man covered in golden armor with one claw.

Then blood streaks appeared on his body and penetrated into the opponent's body.

The next moment, he felt a massive amount of memories sweeping over him.

'So that's it, Taoist Master Xuanyuan is really crazy...'

By controlling several people in succession, Huangtian's son became more and more aware of the situation in the Xuanyuan world in front of him.

The entire Xuanyuan world is a huge heavenly palace belonging to Tao Zun, but it is a hundred times larger and a thousand times more luxurious than any emperor's palace in the world, and accommodates a large number of gods and believers.

According to Huangtian's son's speculation, ever since Xuanyuan Taoist fell into madness, the order of the entire Xuanyuan God Realm has completely collapsed.

First of all, the gods lost consciousness one by one and turned into unconscious corpses.

Then the whole God Realm was sometimes freezing, sometimes the sun was scorching, and sometimes it was windy and rainy. In the process of various weather chaos, there were even more powerful storms that raged rampantly, leaving only ruins wherever they passed.

In addition to the chaos in the divine world itself, the Great Demonic Dye also caused heavy casualties among cultivators, and countless strong men turned into monsters.

Under such circumstances, most of the human beings in the God Realm were killed or injured, and the inheritance of various Taoism and martial arts was cut off in large numbers. The entire world fell into the apocalypse, creating a scene of hell.

In such a harsh environment, the human beings in this world have been surviving for more than two hundred years, and have turned into different city-states based on different palaces in the Heavenly Palace.

The smaller city-states were the size of a village, and the larger ones were no more than the size of a county town.

Civilization has deteriorated rapidly, and all kinds of inherited history, thought, culture, martial arts, and Taoism have gradually been cut off.

But over the past two hundred years, humans here gradually discovered that they could gain strength by eating the corpses of gods.

‘Humph, these people don’t know that this is the divine power of Taoist Xuanyuan. They only regard eating and gaining strength as a matter of course. Not only do they eat the corpses of gods, but the strong will even eat the weak to enhance their own strength. ’

‘It seems that the gods lost consciousness due to Xuanyuan Taoist’s madness, and that divine power can be transmitted through eating... These things are also very suspicious. ’

‘It’s better not to eat the humans here for the time being. ’

‘But I can still control the people here. These guys have the power of Taoist Xuanyuan. It’s not difficult to deal with one or two, but if they come in hundreds or even thousands, even Chu Qiguang won’t be able to deal with them. ’

Thinking of this, Huangtian's son felt proud: 'Maybe this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to defeat Chu Qiguang. He can't control humans as easily as I can. ’

At this moment, the person caught in his hand opened his eyes and said with a look of horror: "Monster...what are you going to do?"

The son of Emperor Tian said calmly: "Submit obediently, obey my orders, and be loyal to me."

While he was talking, he saw blood threads piercing the body of Huangtian's son, twisting back and forth on the other person's body.

A look of struggle flashed across the man's face, and he shouted in shock and anger: "You want to enslave us?"

The son of Emperor Tian laughed and said: "Don't say it so harshly. Someone said it right. Remuneration is not considered slavery."

Next, the Son of Emperor Tian attacked and enslaved humans everywhere in the God Realm, and soon attracted the encirclement and suppression of the Divine Fire Nation army.

Then he saw hundreds of people shining with golden light, riding strong winds, thunder, fire, and hail to besiege the son of Emperor Tian and capture him.

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