Ruins of the past

Chapter 644 The fierce power

Huang Huangpeng was shocked when he saw that the Living Corpse Troop and the Prince of Daxia couldn't even hold off a single move in front of Chu Qiguang.

However, after seeing Jiang Hongyun approaching him, he felt slightly reassured.

'After all, Jiang Hongyun is an unparalleled demon who has dominated the world for hundreds of years, and he is also a master who existed before the Great Demon Ran. His level is far higher than that of the strong men of this era. ’

‘Although it has been sealed for more than two hundred years and its strength is not as good as before, it should be... something to deal with a junior like Chu Qiguang! ! ’

Under Huang Huangpeng's shocked eyes, as soon as Jiang Hongyun came to Chu Qiguang, Chu Qiguang seemed to mutter something.

The next moment, Jiang Hongyun was slapped back into human form by Chu Qiguang.

Then Jiang Hongyun seemed to want to make some resistance, but Chu Qiguang flicked his index finger, and waves of air exploded on Jiang Hongyun's head.

The unparalleled demon in the mind of the Golden Roc rolled and flew out, drawing a ravine of hundreds of meters on the ground before stopping.

If other spectators could not see clearly, they only felt that Jiang Hongyun was weak.

However, Huang Huangpeng and Li Chixin were overwhelmed and shocked to the extreme.

‘How is it possible that...that Jiang Hongyun...that unparalleled so vulnerable in front of Chu Qiguang? ! ’

In the blood pools of all the workshops in Shuzhou, Chu Qiguang used the method of blood communication to write down the underlying orders in the blood.

Every monster created in the blood pool will also have underlying commands engraved on it.

Even after Li Yaofeng's many transformations, these low-level orders still remained deep in the monsters' bodies.

As long as Chu Qiguang dictates orders, these monsters will completely operate according to the underlying orders.

The monster controlled by Jiang Hongyun in front of him was just snatched from him in the battle with Li Yaofeng.

Following the orders dictated by Chu Qiguang, the monsters in Jiang Hongyun's body instantly lost control.

In his perception, the monsters lost their activity one after another and entered a state similar to suspended animation.

Jiang Hongyun slowly got up from the ground, looked at Chu Qiguang in disbelief, and said, "What kind of Taoism is this?"

You must know that he is the creator of the "Shadow Tribulation", and he also created and practiced the subsequent "Bad Sky Tribulation" and "Star Tribulation".

In terms of realm, he is probably the person with the highest realm here, even Chu Qiguang and Huang Daoxu are not as good as him.

Just two hundred years of sealing and the wearing out of Xuanyuan Taoist's divine power day and night have long since wiped out all the monsters and energy and blood in his body, to the point where it is about to burn out.

Therefore, he could accept it if he couldn't defeat the opponent. At worst, he would regain his strength and come back for revenge.

But even so, ordinary Taoist masters were no match for him, and even Li Yaofeng's monsters were taken away by him.

But when it comes to controlling monsters...he was actually robbed of control by the other party?

Doesn't this mean that the other party is better than him at controlling monsters? This made Jiang Hongyun find it difficult to accept.

Especially the other party's Taoism, which he didn't understand at all.

‘Is it possible that only two hundred years have passed, and the outside world’s Taoist techniques for controlling monsters have developed to such an extent? ’

‘Can’t you even understand me? ’

At this moment, Jiang Hongyun felt a ridiculous feeling of being abandoned by the times.

Chu Qiguang naturally didn't know all the complicated thoughts in his mind, but after hearing the other party's question, he said casually: "This art is called programming. If you want to learn it, I can teach you."

"As long as you are willing to work for me in the future."

Jiang Hongyun was naturally unlikely to be willing to surrender. He took a deep look at Chu Qiguang, turned around and turned into a black lightning, trying to escape from the battlefield.

Looking at Jiang Hongyun who fled away, Chu Qiguang snapped his fingers again.

This time Da Xia Zi and others stared at Chu Qiguang, and finally saw clearly that Chu Qiguang instantly turned into a ball of black fire, and then changed back again instantly.

But Jiang Hongyun only felt his eyes flash before he appeared in front of Chu Qiguang.


The next moment, Chu Qiguang reached out and squeezed the air, and Jiang Hongyun felt overwhelming pressure rushing in from the atmosphere.

"You're accepted."

boom! Amidst the burst of explosions, Jiang Hongyun had been crushed into a ball of blood mist the size of a fist, floating next to Chu Qiguang.

Continuously imprisoning this enemy with great freedom is not only for Chu Qiguang to make him work for him in the future, but also for Jiang Hongyun to continue to stimulate the power of Yuanshi Black Chapter and feel his own power.

Seeing Jiang Hongyun being easily defeated, Huang Huangpeng and Li Chixin's charging footsteps immediately stepped heavily on the ground.

Following a rumble, the ground exploded, and the two people stopped a hundred meters away from Chu Qiguang, looking at Chu Qiguang with fear and nervousness.

Chu Qiguang said calmly: "Don't be nervous."

"I don't like killing people."

The next moment, Chu Qiguang pressed down with his left palm, and the two powerful Taoists fell to their knees with two bangs and bangs.

Huang Huangpeng's hands were violently supported on the ground, but he felt a mountain-like pressure coming down from the sky, oppressing every trace of his flesh and blood from the atmosphere, making him unable to move.

Huang Huangpeng gritted his teeth and tried to stand up, but heard a soft bang.

His palms had sunk into the soil, and it was difficult to lift even a finger.

A trace of unwillingness flashed through Huang Huangpeng's heart: 'I never expected that Chu Qiguang's strength would be so strong. ’

In the blink of an eye, the army of living corpses was wiped out. The prince of Daxia and his party were imprisoned in the Buddhist world. The unparalleled demon Jiang Hongyun was beaten into blood mist and bound up. Huang Huangpeng and Li Chixin fell to their knees on the ground, unable to move.

Having defeated so many top players in a row, Chu Qiguang was already extremely powerful in the eyes of everyone.

But now, there is only the last strong man standing in front of the ritual of the Immortal Way.

Da Xiazi looked at Chu Qiguang with a sinking face, and suddenly laughed: "Chu Qiguang, you are indeed very powerful."

"But it's too late."

"The ritual... was successful."

The water curtain surrounding the ritual track slowly lowered, and a figure slowly walked out.

Dragon Snake Mountain.

An earthworm slowly crawled down the mountain.

Suddenly the earthworm's body shook slightly.

‘The clone was actually defeated? ’

‘But even if I leave a clone, the oath with that boy can be considered completed. ’

The earthworm in front of him was transformed by Jiang Hongyun.

Before breaking the seal, he divided his body into many parts.

Although other bodies are always called clones, in fact, with Jiang Hongyun's realm and hundreds of years of experience, in the constant separation and recombination... there is no difference between the so-called clones and the original body.

Each part of his body can be considered as a clone, and each part can also be considered as the main body.

‘Bian Chen? ’

‘I remember, I will study the current Taoism carefully, and then come back to seek revenge on this person. ’

‘With my talent, learning the Taoism of this new era is just a piece of cake. ’

At this moment, a soul-trembling breath swept through the earthworm's body.

He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the battlefield: 'What? ’

Sorry, I'm a little tired after coming back, so writing is a little slow. But I promised to update two chapters. I’ll update one chapter first, and there’s still another chapter to write.

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