Ruins of the past

Chapter 630 Taking the Sword

No one expected that when Chu Qiguang appeared, he would be accompanied by giant dragons and changes in the sky, and he would control the wind and thunder, calling for wind and rain.

And after borrowing "Book of the Earth" failed, he immediately displayed earth-shattering generosity.

It directly opened the door to the Buddha Realm, which was unprecedentedly huge, and wanted to capture the entire Dragon Snake Mountain into the Buddha Realm.

Looking at the gate to the Buddha Realm, which stood tall as a mountain and towered over the sky, countless people present opened their mouths with shock on their faces.

And as the door to the Buddhist world slowly opened, boundless darkness spread from it.

Looking at the darkness spreading from the crack in the door, a kind of panic began to spread among the crowd.

Wang Zhishan looked closely at Chu Qiguang's position. Although he couldn't see clearly because of the distance, he still felt a sense of familiarity in his heart: 'Why does this person look familiar? ’

Hao Xiangtong looked at Fumen in shock: "What is that?"

"It's the gate to the Buddha Realm." Senior Brother Huang Peng on the side still looked lazy and said with a smile: "What a good trick. This Chu Qiguang just wants to drag the entire Dragon Snake Mountain into the Buddha Realm."

"What?" Hao Xiangtong became even more surprised when he heard this.

Fu Nanzi, who was standing beside them, said, "Don't worry too much, just keep watching, senior brother is about to take action."

Everyone present immediately turned their attention to Guangmingding.

Then he saw Huang Daoxu, who had been sitting cross-legged on the top of the Bright Summit, slowly stood up, and a burst of laughter came from his mouth.

"It's really... I haven't encountered such an interesting thing in a long time."

As he spoke, Huang Daoxu unfolded his long sleeves, and a talisman flew out of his sleeves, turning into a golden sword light and rising into the sky.

The sword light grew long in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a beam of light like a pillar of heaven, breaking through the layers of clouds, making people dazzled.

Wang Zhishan, the Immortal who entered the Taoist Sect, looked at this scene in surprise: "Ordinary Heavenly Sword Talismans are no more than three feet long at most. The leader of the Celestial Sect can actually display such a sword light that reaches the sky... …'

Li Shentong, who had been concentrating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Huang Daoxu solemnly: "Finally, we took action."

The people who came down from the mountain to watch the battle were originally overwhelmed by the four mountainous Buddhist gates, but then they all saw the sword light rising into the sky.

"What an amazing sword power." Fei Yi whispered subconsciously: "Did Huang Daoxu take action?"

Si Xingchun on the other side said in shock: "Can the Heavenly Sword Talisman be so big? This kind of sword light... even a mountain will be split open, right?"

Ji Haoran murmured: "The best in the world has taken action."

Further away, Leader Luo looked solemn, looking at the sword light that swept away the dark clouds, like a punishment from the gods: "Compared to thirty years ago, Huang Daoxu is more than a hundred times stronger today."

At this moment, countless people looked at the sword light that penetrated the sky and the earth, and knew that this must be the leader of the Tianshi Sect, Zhengyin, the Daolu Secretary of the Imperial Court, the Zhengfa Supporting Master, and the most powerful person in the world recognized by the whole world... Huang Daoxu took action.

Looking at the most powerful move in the world, everyone lost their minds. There was silence in the world, and it seemed that only that person and one sword were left.

"Little guy, do you want Dragon Snake Mountain?"

"Then let's see if you can catch it."


The next moment, it was like the earth was shattering, the mountains roared and the tsunami exploded. In the horrified eyes of countless people, the sword light rising into the sky slashed at the Buddhist gate directly in front of Longshen Mountain.

Wherever the sword light passed, a storm surged, and the black clouds that originally covered the entire Dragon Snake Mountain for dozens of miles were split into two on the spot under the sword.

As the dark clouds rolled away, the entire sky became clear again.

"Here comes the chop!"

"Run away!"

"It's going to fall!"

Looking at the falling sword light, the crowd standing in front of Dragon Snake Mountain and watching the battle screamed and backed away, like wild beasts that had encountered a natural disaster, running wildly in all directions, leaving a mess on the ground.

However, many powerful people or high-level officials present remained motionless. For example, Si Xingchun and Ji Haoran stood there, staring at the sword light falling in the sky.

Because they all know that with Huang Daoxu's cultivation, it is impossible to hurt innocent people like this, and that sword light will not fall in the crowd.

They stared at the sword light, just wanting to see clearly... how Chu Qiguang blocked the shot of the best in the world.

Can it be blocked?

But the next moment, something unexpected happened.

I saw a bright red figure directly crossing the Buddhist gate and rising into the sky.

It was a face with a uniquely handsome face that was neither male nor female. He looked both charming and handsome as a young girl.

At this moment, he was wearing a series of red clothes, which was making a sound under the strong wind and burning like a flame.

Si Xingchun was shocked: "Who is that?"

The next moment, facing the sword light coming towards him, Li Yaofeng formed seals with his hands, Buddha light surged all over his body, and bursts of Zen sounds came out.

Then he slapped out a palm, and another overwhelming amount of demonic energy erupted from his body.

The palm of the man in red suddenly swelled and deformed, and countless demon-like heads of dragons, snakes, lions, tigers, cows and horses grew out of the flesh.

Then they continued to struggle and roar, emerging from Li Yaofeng's flesh and blood like thousands of demons.

‘This move of Infinite Hell is a superb Taoist technique that I created by combining Buddhist techniques, phaseless tribulation and blood pool techniques. ’

‘Let me see how big the gap is between this move and the best in the world. ’

Li Yaofeng's palm shot was like thousands of demons galloping and roaring, directly facing Huang Daoxu's sword light.

Then the sword light and the demons collided fiercely.

Amidst the earth-shattering explosion, blood rained from the sky to the earth, and the place where it passed was filled with a fishy stench, like poison.

But the sword light also shattered into pieces, turning into countless light points and falling to the ground, leaving large sword marks in the rocks and vegetation.

Si Xingchun looked at this scene and said in shock: "Blocked?!"

On Dragon Snake Mountain, Huang Huangpeng suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at the fiery red figure slowly falling: "Who is this? He actually caught Master's Heavenly Sword Talisman?"

Fu Nanzi sighed: "Chu Qiguang actually has such a strong person under his command?"

Jiang Longyu on the side widened his eyes and felt a little lost: 'This woman actually took Huang Daoxu's talisman? And it's so beautiful, really...unparalleled. ’

Everyone present who witnessed this collision, including Huang Daoxu, felt a sense of recognition of Li Yaofeng's strength.

And because Li Yaofeng came from Chu Qiguang's side, they all had the idea that Chu Qiguang was powerful.

And this... is exactly what Chu Qiguang wants to achieve, to establish his extremely powerful image step by step in front of Huang Daoxu, the audience, and the heroes of the world.

However, even though he blocked Huang Daoxu's sword, Li Yaofeng did not feel uncomfortable at all.

I saw sword marks spreading out one after another on his body, and in the blink of an eye, he fell down covered in blood.

‘The monsters in the body were reduced by 30% in one breath, and he is worthy of being the best in the world. ’

Li Yaofeng sighed, retreated, and escaped into the Buddhist door again.

At the same time, the Buddhist gate also accelerated its speed of opening, and darkness seemed to gradually envelope the entire Dragon Snake Mountain.

In the morning, the four cats at home took turns doing things. After finishing the work, I only had time to finish one chapter, and the other chapter was not finished yet. I have to go out this afternoon, and I should be able to update another chapter before I go out. I usually try to write on my mobile phone outside, but the efficiency is not guaranteed.

As people reach middle age, they are busy with many things, and sometimes updates are not timely. I apologize to everyone.

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