Ruins of the past

Chapter 610: Book of Seizing Land

After Chu Qiguang left the workshop, he thought about this journey in his mind.

Silently sighed: "The gap in combat power between different realms is indeed like a chasm."

He also remembered that when he was in the fourth level of martial arts, he was no match for the fifth level.

And when he was in the fifth realm, even though he had gone through layers of strengthening and practiced hard day and night, he was still no match for those martial gods and immortals.

Now that he has finally reached the state of manifestation, the powerful Taoist masters are no longer his match.

Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'What about the realm above manifesting the spirit? ’

He looked up at the endless sky. Deep in the starry sky, there must be those beings who have transcended the realm of manifesting gods, and they may be full of malice towards this planet.

For example, the Emperor of Heaven, the Nine Heavenly Immortal, Shi...

This fight with Wang Zhishan not only made Chu Qiguang feel the gap between the realm of entering the Tao and the realm of manifesting the gods, but also made a deeper layer of pressure envelope his heart.

What's more, judging from Wang Zhishan's incident this time, those alien gods have never stopped tampering with this planet.

Shi Geng may have made arrangements around the world.

'The enemy has never given up... We must also speed up our actions. ’

In order to deal with those powerful enemies that may appear in the future, Chu Qiguang repeatedly considered his plan in his mind.

The first thing is naturally to practice the "Refining Soul Record", and then master one more Taoist technique that reveals the realm of gods. But it is impossible to practice it yourself. You can only hire more people to collect Buddha fire and smash it out when the time comes.

Next is the repair of the Human Emperor Sword, the transportation rituals and preparations for sacrifices are all in progress.

Then there is the Dharma behind "Dragon and Elephant Great Freedom". According to Chu Qiguang's own research on Buddhism and the words of Fa Xiang and others, there are at least "Vajra Phases" and "Secret Vajra Rishi Sutra". Two traditions.

However, with the occurrence of the great demon tide and the extermination of the Buddha, even the successors of the Vajra Temple like Fa Xiang of these two lineages did not know where they were, and Chu Qiguang needed to slowly send people to search for them.

Finally, there are the Four Great Sutra Kings and the Secret of the Purple Mansion.

This is the mysterious scripture that ‘Shi’ has been looking for and that the royal families of all dynasties have been looking for.

The Buddha used it to create the three great dharma, Wuweijiao Xuanxuzi soared into the sky with it, and the Heavenly Saint Emperor of Daxia transformed the Gangqi layer after gathering together...

The cultivation method of each sect also seems to be understood from the four great sutra kings.

Even Chu Qiguang's arrival has a deep relationship with it.

Practicing righteousness, traveling through time and space, gods from the sky... everything seems to be related to it.

Chu Qiguang had a vague feeling that these four sutra kings must have some important role in the future war.

At this moment, a white-haired cat jumped up to him and said in a delicate voice: "Brother! There is news from Lingzhou that Wang Cailiang is almost ignored."

"The imperial court sent many people over, and several batches of our money were intercepted."

Chu Qiguang picked up the white cat on the ground. He knew that this was the result of Jiaojiao's recent training. She could control Hercules to separate flesh and blood and turn into a cat shape.

While stroking the cat's head, he nodded and said, "I know it was probably Yong'an who did it. He probably couldn't wait to grab the money."

Jiaojiao said angrily: "That's all my...our money, just give it to him?"

"And what a great job the Lingzhou Chamber of Commerce has done! The mess they are making now is like killing the goose that lays the goose to get the egg."

Chu Qiguang shook his head: "Sometimes the chicken is killed to retrieve the eggs because there is no time to wait for the chicken to lay eggs."

"You don't have to worry. Silver is just money. Only when there is a product to anchor it will it be valuable."

"The future of the entire world is that Shuzhou's products are the most valuable and most valuable. No matter how much money they take... it will still depend on whether we are willing to admit it in the future."

But Jiaojiao was still angry and said, "I'm still not convinced that I let them swallow the money like this!"

Chu Qiguang smiled. He did not intend to become an enemy of the court or Yong'an in the short term.

After all, the other party represents the fate of the Han Dynasty and has an important position among the human race. The current situation still needs the support of the other party, so there is no problem in giving the other party some resources.

At least until Chu Qiguang completely takes control of the overall situation, he has no intention of dealing with Emperor Yong'an.

Chu Qiguang looked at Jiaojiao in front of him and said, "How is your cultivation going?"

Mentioning this Jiaojiao immediately diverted her attention. She rubbed her cat's head flatteringly against Chu Qiguang and said, "I think I'm good enough. I've completely figured out how to play Hercules."

"I haven't vomited blood for many days."

"Brother, can I take a rest?"

Chu Qiguang smiled slightly: "Then let me see your results."

On the afternoon of the next day, streaks of thunder lit up on the plain outside Night City, and lightning bolts pierced the sky one after another.

Hercules looked up to the sky and roared, blocking all kinds of attacks and protecting Zhou Yujiao firmly in his arms.

After a long time, the offensive stopped.

Zhou Yujiao said expectantly: "Brother... is it okay?"

Chu Qiguang nodded: "Then let's take a month's rest."

Looking at Zhou Yujiao who was cheering in front of him, Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'Jiaojiao now relies on the protection of Dali Buddha, so she can barely bear my bad luck. ’

He squeezed his palms and said, 'Even after her luck and I clash, I won't be too affected by bad luck. ’

'Then it's time to make a move. ’

That night, Chu Qiguang summoned his Taoist masters.

Inside the Qi and Blood Workshop.

Chu Qiguang is sitting in the main seat, and on his right are the three martial gods of the direct line, Lei Yushu, Jin Hailong, and Faxiang.

On his left side were Li Yaofeng and Juno, two cooperating Taoist immortals.

There was also a delicate white cat jumping on his body, looking at the scene with curiosity.

The long sword transformed by Huangtian's son was also placed casually on the table by Chu Qiguang.

Unknowingly, Chu Qiguang already had so much Dao-level combat power that he could use. Even some sects that had been passed down for thousands of years did not have as much Dao-level combat power in their hands.

Not to mention that Chu Qiguang himself is also a strong man in the realm of manifesting the gods.

Looking at the many Taoists present, he thought to himself: "It's a pity that Qiao Zhi hasn't left seclusion yet, and Mi Siri took the opportunity to run away last time, otherwise there would have been two more powerful Taoists."

Chu Qiguang looked at the crowd and said, "I called you here today because I want to announce something."

With that said, he sent the invitation from the Celestial Master Sect to the Zhou Tian Festival in front of everyone.

After reading this invitation, everyone had different expressions.

Juno was the first to speak: "The Book of the Earth is actually in the hands of the Celestial Master? Can you be sure whether this news is true or false?"

She came all the way from the west to the Central Plains just to find the "Star Sutra" among the four major scriptures.

Although the "Book of the Earth" is not the "Star Book", it has an unpredictable connection with it, and Juno is naturally very interested in it.

Chu Qiguang nodded: "If the Celestial Master Sect dares to take this as a reward for the Zhoutian Festival, then it is most likely true."

Lei Yushu also said positively: "This Zhoutian Festival is in September of the 20th year of Yong'an, right? There are only more than 9 months left from now. Do we want to participate in this Zhoutian Festival?"

The Dharma Prime Minister clasped his hands together and said, "The Han Dynasty does not tolerate Buddhism. I'm afraid my status makes it inconvenient to participate."

Jin Hailong smiled: "I can participate. In this kind of conference... there must be many powerful martial gods, right?" He licked his lips and said, "I really want to have a good collision with them."

Li Yaofeng looked at Chu Qiguang and said calmly: "Not interested."

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back. I still have ten sets of experiments to do today."

The voice of the Son of Emperor Tian came from the sword: "I think..."

Snapped! Chu Qiguang slapped Huang Tian's son down and said, "I didn't ask you."

Huangtian's son was angry: 'Chu will regret it sooner or later! ’

Chu Qiguang looked at everyone present and said, "I have no plans to participate in this Zhoutian Festival."

"I just want to borrow this "Book of the Earth" to read before the Zhoutian Festival begins."

"If I have to give a time, it would be within a month. I want to see this "Book of the Earth"."

Li Yaofeng, who was about to leave, suddenly turned his head and looked at Chu Qiguang in surprise: "You...are you going to start a war with the Tianshi Sect?"

"The Tianshi Sect is the sect with the strongest strength and the largest number of powerful people in the world."

"It's a sect that has the best person in the world like Huang Daoxu."

"It's still a sect that has close ties with the imperial court."

"It is also a sect protected by the divine power of Taoist Xuanyuan."

Li Yaofeng looked at Chu Qiguang doubtfully: "Are you sure you're not going crazy?"

Chu Qiguang grinned: "Some of you here are not sure yet, but in fact, in the past few months, I have made some breakthroughs in my realm."

"I'm... no longer a Taoist."

"Lishu, I want to make a decision."

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