Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 96 Defense

His neck quickly turned left and right, his eyes carefully looked at the surrounding environment, and soon, Kewen had a plan in his heart.

"Group imprisonment! Group imprisonment!"

Point the wand at the woods on the left and the woods on the right. Under the influence of the magic spell, many vines quickly sprang up from the woods on both sides.

Hundreds of vines seem to have eyes, and automatically move in the direction of the snake in mid-air.

In the end, each cane successfully tied an eight-eyed giant spider, causing them to struggle and roar.

However, because of the limited number of vines that grow around attached trees, only about a quarter of the 'spider tide' was stopped.

Of course Kewen won't stop there.

He quickly raised his wand to the sky, and shouted, "The oil is spread out!"

The next moment, the tip of the wand seemed to have turned into a fountain, and a stream of yellow cooking oil suddenly shot into the air, and then the oil spring burst out, covering the trees around Kewen's location with cooking oil.

These oils were summoned by Kewen from the academy kitchen, but at this time the situation was urgent, and Kewen didn't care about the issue of 'public and private use'.

As the surrounding trees were smeared with cooking oil, the trees suddenly became very slippery, and many eight-eyed giant spiders that were originally surrounded by them stepped on the air out of control, and then the group fell from the giant tree.

Kewen raised his head and faced the smashing spiders, tapped them with his wand: "Disperse the spider swarms!"

A magic ray jumped into the air and hit the falling spiders, causing their huge figures to fly upside down.

However, the effect of the spell was not perfect, and one was missed in the end.

With a 'bang', the missing eight-eyed giant spider fell to the ground.

Kewen seemed to turn a blind eye to this, but raised his wand to the back of his right shoulder, and then he kicked out with one foot. Before the eight-eyed spider on the ground could respond, he kicked it directly into the woods. .

Quickly retracting the leg, Kewen didn't check the effect of this foot, but he guessed that the spider was not much better, after all, he was still very confident in his own strength.

Next, Kewen acted as if he were playing golf, lifting the wand behind his shoulders and swinging it forward.

With the movement of waving his wand, Kewen shouted again: "Earth thorns appear!"

The wand waving out seemed to cut through the air, causing a muffled sound of 'huh' in the air.

Then, an invisible spell fell on the ground in front of Kewen.

The next moment, a pointed cone-shaped stone thorn pointed obliquely forward suddenly jumped out from under the ground.

The diameter of the bottom end of the ground thorn is nearly one meter, the total length is nearly two meters and five meters, and it is angled at a forty-five degree angle.

This is not over yet, the first ground thorn has just formed, and two more ground thorns jumped up on the left and right sides of the ground thorn, followed by more ground thorns, which jumped out from under the ground in an instant.

In a breath, dozens of ground thorns surrounded the semi-circular row, protecting the figures of Kewen and Dumbledore at the back.

And that's just the spell that has just started to work.

Next, row after row of ground thorns jumped out like waves, and finally jumped out five rows, leaving a defensive interval of more than ten meters between Kewen and Spider Tide.

These sharp thorns finally stopped the impact of the spider tide.

But even so, they could not completely stop the eight-eyed giant spider's attack on the two of them.

But Kewen didn't want to use these thorns to escape successfully. He just wanted to delay enough time for himself, because the preparation time for the next spell was a little long.

Therefore, Kewen looked as if he had already made a plan, and did not observe the defensive effect of the ground thorn at all. He raised his hand and gently moved the fingers holding the wand, and then opened his palm completely.

The wand was twirled in mid-air by Kewen's fingers, and the next moment, Kewen clenched his palm forward.

With a soft click, Kewen held the wand upside down, making the tip of the wand point vertically downwards.

Immediately afterwards, Kewen quickly crouched down, knelt down on one knee, thrust the tip of his wand into the ground, and shouted, "The ground is rising!"


One after another, lightning-shaped magic rays quickly spread out around the tip of the wand.

Then the ground shook and swayed violently, and the ground under the feet of Cowen and Dumbledore suddenly climbed upwards.

A stone column with a diameter of about three meters climbed up step by step, and finally lifted the bodies of Cowen and Dumbledore to nearly ten meters, and the stone column stopped.

At this time, Kewen was still kneeling on one knee, and instead of pulling his wand from the ground under his feet, he closed his eyes slightly.

With all his attention, Kewen struggled to get the idea in his head.

Afterwards, the incantation of the Transfiguration Mantra was recited by Kewen in a deep voice.

The next moment, on top of the ten-meter stone pillar standing on the ground, thorns quickly grew one by one.

The changes continued, and after the cones were covered with stone pillars, the entire stone pillar began to be segmented again.

Finally, except for the uppermost segment where Kewen was located, the other segments gradually began to rotate rapidly.

In the end, Kewen's "Transfiguration Spell" turned the entire stone pillar into a death harvest area, and those high-speed rotating stone cones would harvest any life that came close.

"Huh..." At this point, Ke Wen let out a long breath, finally opened his eyes, pulled out his wand, and stood up.

Dumbledore watched Corwen's operation the whole time, and only then did he take a step forward to the edge of the column.

Wei Wei leaned over and looked down, and then glanced at all the defensive measures that Kewen had arranged around him.

With admiration in his eyes and surprise in his tone of voice, Dumbledore looked back at Kewen: "It's amazing... You've exceeded all my expectations..."

In less than half a minute, Kewen released spells one after another and set up such a defense. In addition, he was fully concentrated throughout the whole process. Therefore, when he relaxed at this time, it was inevitable that he would feel a little tired.

After listening to Dumbledore's evaluation, Kewen shook his head slightly and said in a low voice, "Mr. Principal, that's all I can do, and next, unless I kill them all slowly, there's nothing I can do. "

"No, it's already perfect." Dumbledore looked a little complicated, stepped forward slowly, raised his hand, and patted Kewen on the shoulder.

"What I was thinking was that by creating this crisis, you realized that you're not that good."

Dumbledore said in a sincere and soft tone: "I'm worried that because you have defeated the eight-eyed giant spider a few times, you may have complacency and arrogance in the future."

"I'm worried that you will become negligent because of your arrogance in the future, and you will lose precious lives in the face of danger in the future..."

Hearing this, Kewen finally understood Dumbledore's thoughts. No wonder the other party suddenly removed the protective spell on the two and caused the spider tide to attack them.

It turned out that this was just to let him face the real crisis and to get rid of the complacency that he might have produced after killing a few eight-eyed giant spiders with ease.

"Thank you." Kewen looked up at Dumbledore, looked directly into the other's eyes full of joy, and said earnestly: "Thank you, Mr. Principal, for your teaching! I will keep it in my heart!"

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