Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 76 Inquiry

Mr. Arthur Weasley, whom Cowan was expecting to meet, did not return home until dinner.

Halfway through dinner, Mr. Arthur Weasley pushed the door and entered the room. Before he could fully enter the room, he shouted to the table very cheerfully, "I'm back, children!"

"Good evening dad."

All the Weasley children responded in unison, appearing to be very tutored.

Mr. Weasley smiled and took off his hat, then took off his coat and handed it to Mrs. to put it on the hanger, then pulled out the dining chair and sat down.

Mr. Weasley's face was a little thin, but his stomach was a little big. After sitting down, he moved the chair a few times before he found a comfortable position.

Looking up, Arthur Weasley's eyes met Cowen's.

"Ah, oh! You..." Arthur Weasley first showed a friendly smile, but he hesitated when he opened his mouth. The embarrassing appearance of forgetting Kewen's name didn't even mean to hide it at all.

"Kewen Quinn, sir, hello." Kewen took the initiative to introduce himself, which eased the embarrassment for the other party.

"That's right! Cowen Quinn! I still remember it clearly in the morning!" Arthur Weasley patted his forehead, then said with a smile: "It's all my fault that my work today was so unsatisfactory, in short, welcome You come to our house, child."

"Thank you." Cowen thanked politely.

"Dad, what's the matter with your work today?" Percy picked up the topic and asked vaguely while stuffing food in his mouth with a fork.

Others were also very curious about this, and all eyes were on Mr. Arthur Weasley, who had just picked up the knife and fork.

Seeing this, Mr. Weasley had to answer first: "Today, the Ministry came up with a case-reversal work, which led me and my colleagues to go to the 'Azkaban' prison."

"Oh my god..."

When Mrs. Weasley heard the words, she immediately asked worriedly, "Are you okay? Those 'Dementors' don't care whether you are a criminal or not. I heard that they often go crazy!"

"Ah, yes." Mr. Weasley nodded dejectedly. "Perhaps my colleagues and I were too optimistic at the time, so it did attract the attention of those 'Dementors' and made them riot a little."

George came to the spirit: "Dad, have you defeated them?"

Fred added: "Can you get one back for us to see?"

"Shut up Fred! George!"

Mrs. Weasley sternly stopped the twins' carelessness, and then turned to look at her husband worriedly, looking back and forth on him, for fear that he would be injured.

"Mom!" Fred said while chewing on the food, "Dad is all home safely."

George answered: "Obviously not injured, Mom, you are making a fuss."

"Eat your meal!" Mrs. Weasley turned her head again and reprimanded.

Seeing the twins' expressions, it seemed as if they were going to continue joking and raising the bar. Their older brother Charlie Weasley couldn't help but said, "Okay, okay, don't be mad at mom, eat quickly."

Hearing this, the twins shrugged their shoulders and calmed down.

Seeing this, Mr. Weasley laughed, raised his hand and patted Mrs. to indicate that it was all right, then picked up the knife and fork and started eating.

And Kewen, who has always been a quiet listener, also found out the information about the 'Dementor' in his mind, secretly put it on the schedule, and plans to go back to school to see more detailed information...

After dinner, Mrs. Weasley cleaned the dishes, and the children, except the twins, went upstairs to their rooms.

On this side of the table, Mr. Weasley took a sip of his after-dinner tea and said to Kewan, "Then boy, if I remember correctly, do you want to ask me some alchemy questions?"

"Yes, sir.


Kewen didn't have the habit of drinking tea after meals, so he didn't move the teacup in front of him, and said with some anticipation: "I heard from George and Fred, sir, you know a lot about alchemy, so I want to tell you Learn it."

"Ah, of course, of course there is no problem." Mr. Weasley did not mean to refuse, and asked: "So how much do you know about alchemy now?"

Kewen answered truthfully: "It's limited to the introduction in ordinary books, and it will also simply enchant some small things, but I don't understand the principle of that enchantment at all."

"Oh? Is that so?" Mr. Weasley raised his hand and rubbed his chin, thought for a while and said, "Okay, during the two-week vacation, as long as I have time, you can come and ask me, and I will give You can find a copy of 'Intermediate Alchemy' as a study reference."

"Thank you very much sir!" Kewen was overjoyed.

It was so easy to settle down.

For the next two weeks of vacation, Kewen was very busy again.

While reading the 'Intermediate Alchemy' that Mr. Weasley lent him, he also taught George and Fred the knowledge at the same time.

The free time during the day is used to do alchemy experiments with the twins, and at night, all the problems encountered are brought to Mr. Weasley for advice.

In this way, the two full weeks of vacation life passed without a sound.

When the school started, Kewen not only did not feel tired, but felt that it would be better if the vacation time could be longer.

After all, although he has a little understanding of the 'essence of alchemy' in the past two weeks, he is still only a few scratches.

The knowledge of alchemy, the more Kewen understands it, the more profound it feels, and people cannot see the limits of this knowledge.


The second week after school starts, Friday night.

Kewen was staying in the auditorium with some classmates to do their homework. A footstep approached. Penello came with a slight fragrance and sat beside him.

Cowen stopped the pen in his hand, turned his head and gave Penello a questioning wink.

Penello looked a little tangled, looked left and right at the students not far away, then lowered his body and whispered in Cowen's ear.

"Kewen, let me ask you something."

"Say it." Kewen also replied in a low voice, puzzled: "If you have something to ask, why are you so reserved?"

Penello still looked tangled, and unconsciously tugged at the cuff a few times with one hand, then took a deep breath and got closer.

"Do you know your Gryffindor Percy Weasley?"

"Of course." Kewen nodded lightly: "I spent Christmas vacation at their house, what's wrong?"

"He... what kind of person is he?"

"what kind of person?"

Cowen was a little confused and didn't understand why Penello suddenly came to him and asked this.

However, after seeing Penello's earlobes that were gradually rosy, Kewen suddenly had an idea in his heart, and then secretly said: No way...

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