Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 164 Upgrade

As Cowen stepped back, the pocket universe in Sishorn suddenly activated and shattered.

Fairy's legal magic explodes instantaneously with the intensity of the Big Bang.

Magic also provided a thrust, causing Kewen's will contained in magic to begin to show its power with unreasonable aggression.

In conjunction with Mephisto's dimensional authority, the power of black magic in Sishorn's body was quickly wiped out under the combined force of the two.

In the scream, every cell of Sishorn instantly turned into fly ash.

When Sithone's body completely disappeared, the goblin's legal magic continued to erupt, and the golden light expanded rapidly in all directions.

The golden light swept across Mephisto's body, causing black smoke to rise from his body.

This made Mephisto cry out in pain, and he quickly used his dimensional authority to limit the explosive power of magic.

When Mephisto successfully suppressed the magic, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Cowen.

Pretending to be a pitiful aggrieved look, Mephisto said sadly: "Good friend, are you going to kill me too?"

"Stop talking." Kewen glanced at the other party: "Who told you to be so excited that you forgot to limit the overflow of magic in advance?"

Kewen can't always say that it's because I hide the vigilance and hostility towards you in my heart, which makes the 'law of the fairies' magic have a killing effect.

How could he say that.

So he Kewen can shirk responsibility.

And Mephisto didn't understand the essence of Cowen's magic, so he had to accept this statement.

He smirked and said, "There's no way, good friend, I'm too excited now, so it's inevitable that I've made some omissions."

"Those are none of my business."

Kewen raised his hand and began to summon the dimension channel, and said at the same time, "Then I'll go back. Do you know what to do in the future?"


Mephisto said slightly dog-legged: "Ms. Romanov, Ms. Wanda, and her brother?"

"Good friends, when their lifespan ends, I will definitely arrange them properly! I will give them some authority, let them become the little lords in my hell, and I will let them enjoy all the rights of autonomy, you see it's OK?"

"Let's talk about it later."

Kewen did not give an accurate answer, but emphasized: "And I don't mean that, I want you to take more care of my earth in the future."

"No problem at all!"

Mephisto patted his chest and assured: "After I go back, I will send a clone to Kama Taj, I will join their Supreme Mage alliance, and in the future, I will also help them resist dimensional invasion, how about this?"

Mephisto is very generous.

Of course, this is also because he understands Kewen's temperament.

He is very clear that Kewen only cares about the universe in which he is located, and the earth in other universes, Kewen does not care.

That's why Mephisto is so generous.

It's just a planet, it doesn't even need him to guard the entire universe.

Such an easy little thing, he can't wait to repay Kewen's favor with this.

In addition, he has an imagination.

If Kewen sees his hard work in the future, maybe he will be given one or more dimensions?

If that kind of future really wants to appear, Mephisto may even wake up with a smile from sleep.

Cowen didn't know about Mephisto's mental activity.

It was enough for him to get the other party's verbal assurance, and he didn't expect Mephisto, the devil full of lies, to do more.

So he nodded, raised his hand and pushed it in front of him, opening the dimensional channel back to Earth.

Without further ado, Kewen walked in directly.

Mephisto watched with a smile.

When the dimension channel was closed, he suddenly let out a wild laugh, and the laughter spread almost every corner of the underworld dimension.



the other side.

Cowen is back in Kama Taj.

He informed Strange and Pharaoh about the situation of the battle, and then did not stay, opened the portal and returned to the hospital.

Saying hello to the Maximov brothers and sisters, and then he got into the 'Cube Space'.

Cowen entered the Soul Forge with the still-destroyed android dolls.

There was no time to study this soul furnace, so Kewen activated the fool operation mode of the soul furnace.

He used the Soul Forge to create six synthetic souls, and uploaded the consciousness memories of the androids into those souls.

Next, he began to make the body of the Eternal.

It is also a fool-like assembly line operation. After all, Arisham has already set up the Soul Furnace.

Therefore, Kewen only needs to design the shape of the body.

Before long, the bodies of the six Eternals were created by the Soul Forge on their own.

Kewen issued an order to let the soul furnace fuse six souls and six bodies.

A few minutes later, six beautiful and vivid beauties appeared in front of Kewen.

Looking at the six beauties in front of him who had not yet been activated, Kewen couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

This upgrade, Kewen can be said to be very attentive.

He added the ability to fly to all the dolls, and the original abilities of the dolls also exist today.

However, Kewen has made some optimizations.

Tsunade's supernatural power was replaced by Corvin with Gilgamesh's gigantic power.

Miss 2B was given the fat black man's technological capabilities by Kewen, which turned Miss 2B into a humanoid arsenal.

The others were similar, and they were all upgraded by Kewen to the source of their abilities.

Even Nakiri Erina, who was in charge of cooking, was endowed with Santana's armament creation ability by Corvin.

It can be said that Kewen has created six superheroes.

All that's left is to activate them completely.

But before that, Kewen still needs to take a step, that is refining.

He didn't want to be betrayed by his own creation.

After all, even if it is a synthetic soul, it will produce different emotions and continue to grow.

These dolls are no longer programs, but have real consciousness.

They are bound to produce personalities and produce different ideas and ideas.

Kewen will not suppress their personalities and personalities, but there must be a premise that they will never betray.

This requires the use of the means of 'Hundred Refinements of Divine Machines'.

No matter how much the dolls resemble humans, their essences are also unnatural creations, right?

As for creation, God Machine Hundred Refinements has absolute control.

So, Kewen immediately released his magic power.

He covered and infiltrated the bodies of the six dolls with magic, and with the power of will in the magic, he began to imprint the dolls in their bodies.

After more than ten minutes, Kewen's refining was completed.

So far, Kewen can usually let the dolls move freely, but as long as he thinks, no matter how powerful these dolls are, they will be at the mercy of his one thought.

Well, it's time to get excited.

Taking a breath, Kewen gave an instruction expectantly: "Activate."

The six beams of cosmic energy were projected by the Soul Furnace and connected between the eyebrows of each puppet.

After a while, the beam retracted and disappeared.

The eyelids moved slightly, and six pairs of beautiful big eyes opened almost simultaneously.

The dolls looked around for the first time.

Afterwards, they all turned their attention to Kewen.

The figure is lowered, six dolls, no! The six Eternals fell to one knee at the same time.

He bowed his head respectfully, and voices of vitality, tenderness, excitement, or fanaticism sounded one after another.

"Thanks to the creator for giving us life!"

"Call me sir."

Kewen raised his hands to help him with great satisfaction: "Let's all get up, feel your body and see if there is anything that needs to be changed."

The six beauties bowed their heads respectfully, and then stood up one after another.

They moved their bodies, and after a while, Tifa said softly, "Sir, I feel better than ever."

"Sir, me too."

Tsunade moved her arm, she showed the energy glove on her arm and smiled: "I feel that this ability is more powerful than the strange force fist in the past!"

boom boom boom-

Just then, a series of explosions suddenly sounded dozens of meters away.

It was Duanmu Rong who was experimenting with her flying needle ability.

But today's flying needle has been upgraded by Kewen, and its power is naturally different from the past.

This made Duanmu Rong hurriedly stop, and knelt down on one knee in a little panic and said, "Duanmu Rong knows what's wrong! I pray for the forgiveness of the Creator!"

"It's okay, get up." Kewen said with a smile, "You haven't damaged anything."

Looking at the girls who had become restrained, Kewen simply said, "Let's go, I'll take you to a suitable place so that you can get used to your new abilities."

After the words fell, Kewen thought about it, and he teleported away with the girls using the authority of the 'Cube Space'.

When they reappeared, everyone had come to a stony wilderness.

This wilderness is not located in the original planet, but another planet that naturally appeared after the space expanded to the size of the solar system.

This planet is relatively barren, not full of marine green plants like the original planet, but metals and ores all over the place.

In the past, Kewen was very precious to the magical minerals he collected, but since the planet appeared, Kewen suddenly woke up.

Compared with this planet, which is almost entirely composed of magical minerals, the ores he collected in various worlds in the past are nothing at all.

Take the magic crystal as an example, there is a magic crystal mine at almost every distance on the planet under your feet.

This made Kewen completely lose the concept of wealth.

He doubted whether he had awakened any EX-level 'Golden Rule' ability.

After all, since he started to travel, since the first world, he has become too much money to spend.


Kewen brought the girls to a wilderness on the mineral planet. With his permission, the girls started to catch up and learn from each other.

Start with basic physical skills, followed by weapons, abilities, and even the final big move.

As the sparring progressed, the girls became more and more proficient in their own abilities.

After more than an hour, Kewen and the girls left the 'Cube Space' and returned to the hospital...

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