Hulk, who went back to the player lounge, vented his temper all the way.

He waved his arms and smashed all the decorations in front of him or near to the left and right.

Entering the lounge, Hulk sat angrily on the metal chair, picked up a fruit from the fruit bowl next to him, and 'Katcha' bit off most of it in one bite.

Kewen followed and returned.

He took out a lot of food from the space with a smile, and greeted Hulk: "Come, eat something from home."

Hulk glanced at the delicacies, and after a 'hum', he reached out and grabbed a plate.

Slightly rapid footsteps sounded.

The figure of Gao Tianzun quickly came to the lounge.

As soon as he entered the door, Gao Tianzun rubbed his hands together, bowed slightly with a humble smile and asked, "Your Majesty, are you still enjoying yourself?"


Kewen handed a plate of steak to Hulk, turned his head to look at Gao Tianzun and said, "I may have to disturb you for a while."

"Ah this..."

Gao Tianzun hesitated and said cautiously, "Your Majesty, the gladiators are all here today..."

Cowen was stunned.

He took back the empty plate in his hand and continued to feed the Hulk while saying, "Don't worry, you won't be allowed to organize such a melee again, and then I'll just play with the Hulk."

"Thanks Your Majesty!


Gao Tianzun stroked his chest and bowed: "I will make up for the number of gladiators as soon as possible."

Cowen waved his hand.

Gao Tianzun bid farewell with a wink, and leaned slightly out of the room.

Not long after, the Hulk ate a sumptuous meal.

He took Cowen back to his residence.

In the corner of the room is a small pile of junk weapons and gadgets of unknown function.

These are the trophies of Hulk, and there are also some small toys that Hulk likes.

Hulk happily took it out and shared it with Kewen very generously.

Kewen was so amused that he finally accepted only a small ornament made of gems.

The sky outside was getting darker.

Cowan bid farewell.

"Sleep here!"

Hulk pointed to the big bed decorated in the style of the chief in the room: "Friend! Don't go!"

Cowen smiled and shook his head.

He raised his hand and drew a circle beside him, causing the portal to open quickly.

Then he pointed to the opposite side of the portal and said, "Look, it's very convenient for me to come and find you, or you can go back to Earth with me to rest?"

Hulk looked at the scene of the study opposite the portal, and then he shook his head in resistance: "Hulk won't go back! No one on Earth likes Hulk!"

"Then I'll go back by myself." Kewen reassured: "Don't worry, I'll see you when I'm free, I swear."

Hulk looked at Kewen, and then at the other side of the portal.

Immediately, he vented his small temper, and threw his arms and growled: "Don't lie to Hulk!"

"Absolutely not!"

"Humph!" Hulk turned his face away.

"Ha ha……"

Kewen laughed softly, then lifted his leg and walked through the portal.

Standing in the study, he smiled at Hulk and said, "Then you can rest well, see you later."


Hulk peeked at Kewen from the corner of his eye, and responded with a humming again.

Kewen said no more, and closed the portal with a smile.

When the last trace of blue sparks disappeared, Kewen shook his head.

He looked out the window, New York was shrouded in the setting sun at this time.

It was evening when I went to Saka Star, and after staying there for about half a day, it was still evening when I came back.

Obviously, the time in the two places is not the same.

Kewen simply calculated the time ratio on both sides.

After thinking about the next time to go to 'Saka Star', Kewen walked out of the study and planned to go downstairs to see if anything happened in the hospital that day.


A week later, in the senior stands of the Saka Star Arena.

A maid brought an alien wine, and Kewen raised his hand and took a glass from the tray.

The other hand reaches out and takes the other cup away.

"So, that's how you spend your leisure time?"

Clint Barton sat uncomfortably in the middle of the sofa. He twisted his body slightly with his wine glass in his hand, and glanced around the entire stand outside the room.

Then he looked at Kewen beside him: "Your life is amazing, how much time do you spend outside the earth?"

Ke Wen was about to answer truthfully, but hesitated for a moment.

In the end, he chose a lie and said with a smile, "A lot."

Clint raised his glass to Cowan and asked, "So what are you doing outside of Earth? Watching gladiatorial matches all day like this?"

"of course not."


After clinking the glass, Kewen took a sip of the wine, put it down and said, "As a mage, I want to stop the invasion of the earth from other dimensions at any time, Mephisto, do you know?"

Clint nodded slightly: "I heard that when I was in the Avengers, the base obtained information from various forces. It is said that you and Mephisto have a lot of involvement."

"Mephisto is probably beaten by me."

Cowen said with a smile: "His hell will not invade the earth again, but in addition to hell, there are many other dimensions that are eyeing the earth, and they will invade at any time."

"So..." Clint exclaimed: "Your main job is to fight those dimensions? And what are dimensions? Alien planets?"

Kewen raised his hand to release the projection magic, and explained the concept of dimension to Clint.

After listening to the explanation, Clint couldn't help sighing, shook his head bitterly and said, "In the past, I thought it was an honor to work in S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Avengers after that..."

After drinking the alien wine in one gulp, Clint said secretly: "But now I realize that our vision is so small, and compared with you, we have almost become a family."

"Don't think about it so much." Kewen smiled and patted Clint's shoulder: "With different identities and abilities, of course, responsibilities are also different, and there is no comparison. As long as you fulfill your responsibilities, you are worthy of anyone."

"Okay, thanks for the comfort."

Clint smiled wryly, then pointed to the arena below: "So, this is your leisure activity?"

"No, it's just something I stumbled across."

Kewen kept it mysterious: "You'll know after a while, and I just found out that this place is a relaxing place not long ago."

Clint didn't dig further, he said with a smile, "Then let me see what you're selling."

When the words fell, he let go of his posture and took the initiative to raise his hand to the maid behind him: "Please bring me another glass of wine."

The maid immediately brought the wine over with a tray.


After more than ten minutes, the warm-up of the gladiatorial arena ended, and a huge projection of Gao Tianzun appeared, introducing today's contestants and announcing the start of the gladiatorial fight.

In the cheers of the sky, an alien who looked like an ogre walked out of the entrance gate.

Afterwards, from the passage gate opposite the arena, a big green man appeared impatient to rush out.

"Dr. Banner?!

! "

Clint stood up in surprise. He took two steps forward and rushed to the floor-to-ceiling window. He looked at Hulk carefully and exclaimed, "Why is Dr. Banner here?!"

"You better call him Hulk."

Cowen said with a laugh, "Otherwise the big man will be unhappy."

Saying that, Kewen also got up and walked to the window, smiling and looking at the Hulk who was enjoying the cheers in the field.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Clint glanced at Kewen beside him, then stared at Hulk below and said, "He disappeared for so long, was he brought here by you?"

"Of course not." Cowen said with a chuckle: "He came here by accident, and I didn't find him here until last week."

Clint nodded lightly, looked at Hulk and said, "So he's been here for gladiatorial fights all the time?"

"Well." Kewen responded: "Hulk is quite happy, you see, everyone here likes him so much."

Clint glanced around the stands, then sighed.

Looking at the Hulk who was roaring and enjoying the cheers in the field, Clint's mood couldn't help but be complicated.

At this time, Hulk turned to the senior stand and happened to see Kewen and Clint.

This made Hulk stunned for a moment, and stopped his show of power.

"Let's say hello." Kewen reminded with a laugh, and raised his hand and waved to Hulk.

Clint also put away his thoughts, and raised his hand to greet the Hulk in the field like Kewen.

This made Hulk happy.

He bared his teeth in the field and let out a 'hey', and then he roared even louder.

The game starts soon.

But the Hulk's opponent today is too weak.

In a round of battle, the ogre-like alien was smashed by Hulk with his weapon.

In the second round, Hulk easily smashed the alien's body into the air.

The wave-like cheers sounded, and all the audience immediately offered a frenzied shout to Hulk.

"This is really..."

Clint laughed and shook his head: "Why am I not surprised at all?"

Cowen smiled and patted Clint on the back: "Let's go, I'll take you to chat with the Hulk, remember, don't treat him like Dr. Banner, just treat him like a child."

"Then I'm quite experienced."

Clint responded with a smile, and then drank the wine in the glass.


New York evening.

The figures of Cowen and Clint stepped out of the portal.

"Friend! Come tomorrow!"

Hulk's gruff voice sounded, admonishing Cowen and Clint through the portal.

"Definitely." Clint said politely.

Cowen said with a smile: "Clint still has things to do. I'll take him to see you when he has time."

"That civilization is coming!" Hulk actually gave an understanding response.

"Don't worry." Kewen smiled and waved: "I have a lot of time recently, and I will visit you often."



Kewen nodded, then closed the portal and looked towards the door of the study.

"I seem……"

Natasha's voice sounded from the door of the study: "Heard Hulk's voice?"

"Xiao Na?"

Only then did Clint discover Natasha and looked over with joy...

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