Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 25 Delivery

Although Natasha slept soundly, Kewen didn't move her and let her lie down on the sofa in the living room.

More than two hours later, Natasha got out of the deep sleep state and entered the light sleep stage.

Ji Lingling woke up, and Natasha sat up suddenly.

After observing the surrounding environment, she remembered what happened just now, and couldn't help sighing.

She longed for this sense of security very much, and it would be nice if she could always be so peaceful.

Unfortunately, her background made him ineligible to enjoy such an ordinary life.

After a moment of silence, Natasha sorted out her mood, got up and found Kewen in the study.

"looking at what?"

Natasha leaned on the door frame and asked, her loose t-shirt just concealed the mystery, coupled with the laziness she just woke up, no one could stand her posture.

Kewen even had a tendency to salute, and he quickly suppressed it with a meditation spell.

"Learning." Kewen's eyes wandered a little.

He shook the medical book he found after sensing Natasha's awakening, and said, "This world is developing too fast. Decades ago, after learning a medical skill, you could rely on it for the rest of your life, but now, just a few days ago. If you don’t supplement your knowledge, you will fall behind.”

"Very realistic summary."

Natasha walked into the study with a smile, took a seat opposite Kewen and asked, "Why didn't you call me just now?"

"I hope you can rest well,

And your profession should be very vigilant, right? "

Kewen put down his Chinese medicine book and said, "I'm afraid if I make a little noise or touch you, it will wake you up from your deep sleep."

"Thank you, you are so considerate."

A hint of warmth flashed in Natasha's eyes, but she immediately suppressed her emotions and changed the subject: "Your medical skills are still so good."

Moving her shoulders, Natasha said with a smile, "I feel that my body is very relaxed now, as if all the burdens have been removed."

"Massage." Ke Wen smiled: "Our Chinese medicine is a professional."

"Can I try more in the future?"

I don't know if Natasha's words came from sincerity or courtesy, she smiled softly: "I want to make you a safe house here."

Kewen was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Natasha to have such thoughts.

However, he immediately nodded in response: "Welcome, if you have trouble, you can come to me."

"just forget it."

Natasha looked at the study with nostalgic eyes and said, "Since you are a friend, you shouldn't be involved in any trouble."

Without waiting for Kewen to respond, Natasha stood up.

As she walked out of the study, she said, "Okay, it's already so late to trouble you, I should go back."

Kewen didn't hold back. After all, the two were not close enough to sleep in the same house.

He got up to say goodbye and waited outside the bedroom for a moment.

Not long after, Natasha changed back to her clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

The two took the elevator downstairs and hugged at the door of the hospital.

After getting in the car, Natasha lowered the window and said to Kewen through the co-pilot: "I may come here for a long time in the future. The mission here is over, and I don't know where to go for the next mission."

"You are welcome to come anytime."

Kewen said warmly: "You can call me or make a video if you need it. In terms of medical treatment, I am still very confident."

"I will."

Natasha's smile concealed a trace of reluctance, she nodded and joked: "After seeing your medical skills, I can no longer have complete trust in other doctors. If treatment is needed in the future, I will treat you here as Preferred."

"It's my honor." Kewen responded with a smile.

"Not much to say."

Natasha raised her chin at Cowen and said in a free and easy manner: "Keep in touch."

"Keep in touch." Ke Wen nodded.

Natasha pursed her lips and smiled at Cowen, then started the car, and soon disappeared into the traffic.

Ke Wenmu was sent for a moment before turning around and entering the hospital.


Now that it has just entered June 2009, the next plot will not appear in this world until the middle of 2012.

This allowed Kewen to get nearly three years of quiet time.

Of course, for Cowen, the lull will start a little later, as he and Tony Stark still have an unfinished deal.

In late June, a 'Stark Industries' transporter parked in front of the hospital.

Tony's bodyguard, Happy Hogan, followed in person and found Cowen in the clinic.

"Mr. Quinn?"

Happy took out his mobile phone and called up the record. After checking the picture of Kewen on his mobile phone, he stretched out his hand and smiled and said, "Hello, I'm Mr. Stark's personal bodyguard. I'm here to deliver you something today."

"Send things?"

Kewen shook hands with the other party, and his smile was meaningful: "What to give? Do the shareholders of the group pay dividends?"

"The boss didn't say anything."

Happy pouted, tilted his head, and shrugged his shoulders in a rich manner. After a set of three, he said, "The boss just asked me to deliver the things to you personally. Mr. Quinn will sign for it now?"

"it is good."

Ke Wen nodded in response, and asked the nurse to notify the next patient to wait a moment through the paging bell.

After walking out of the hospital to sign for the receipt, Kewen directed the transport personnel to help transport the heavy metal box to the basement.

"My mission is complete."

Happy smiled and stretched out his hand to Kewen, who came out to see him off: "Mr. Quinn, I wish you a happy life."


Cowen and Happy shook hands and watched each other get in the car and leave.

Then he went back to the basement and picked up the attached envelope from the box.

After pouring out the note inside and looking at it, Kewen couldn't help laughing.

[Pick up the design drawing, the password for opening the box is the date of the meeting. 】

It says so in fancy font on the note.

Kewen waved it casually, causing the note and envelope to instantly burn up in mid-air.

Then he pressed the date of the birthday party and opened the closed metal box.

Inside the box are two layers of metal storage containers. Through the transparent outer wall of the container, you can see the slightly rippling liquid metal inside.

It is Zhenjin.

The liquid state is to facilitate separation and transportation, so it is stored in a container with a 'high-frequency sound wave device', so that the molecular structure of vibrating gold is destroyed under the action of sound waves, thereby maintaining a liquid state.

When the container is opened, the sound wave will stop releasing, then the liquid vibrating metal inside will instantly solidify and turn into a cylindrical solid vibrating metal.

Cowen took out a container and tried to open it.

After pouring out the solid vibranium, he began to use magic to analyze the molecular structure of vibranium.

Although the molecules of vibration gold are relatively static and can absorb heat, energy, and kinetic energy, the energy that this piece of vibration gold can absorb is also limited.

Kewen input a lot of magic power into it, using the method of 'Sacred Machine Hundred Refinements', he successfully broke the relative static properties of the molecular structure of vibration gold, and analyzed the molecular structure of vibration gold.

In this way, he can use 'Transfiguration' to transform vibration gold at will.

This made Zhenjin become a worthless thing with him.

So Kewen threw the Zhenjin in his hand back into the box, and waved the box into the cube space.

"Is it unspoken..."

Cowen stood in the empty basement and murmured with a smile, feeling that Tony Stark was quite interesting.

The other party actually investigated his identity and responded with this kind of home delivery.

Like an angry little arrogant.

With another chuckle, Kewen walked out of the basement and returned to the consulting room to continue his work as a doctor.


One night at the end of the month, Cowen hid himself in his party-night outfit, waved his hand to open the portal, and stepped into Tony Stark's underground studio.

Tony Stark, who heard the alarm, hurried to the basement. After seeing Kewen's figure, he couldn't help but be stunned. He immediately said, "Jarvis? How did this guy get in?"

But the way Kewen appeared made Jarvis, the artificial intelligence, stumped.

Unable to calculate the most suitable interpretation language, Jarvis chose to play the surveillance screen.

Tony Stark stared at the picture in the playback video, and he asked Cowen in surprise: "Your space technology has been used to such an extent? You can actually open the space door?"

Cowen didn't answer.

He turned around, faced Tony Stark with the spinning galaxy under his hood, and said, "I'll get the blueprints."

Tony Stark is very bored.

He rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "Please, Cowen Quinn, you have to wear this um... movie prop?"

"You've got the wrong person." Ke Wen said in a stern voice.

"Really?" Tony Stark gave a victorious attitude: "Forget it, whatever you want."

After speaking, he walked to the workbench, pulled out the drawer, and took out a hard drive.

He casually threw the hard drive to Kewen: "You want the blueprint, so the deal between us is done."

Cowen nodded and walked towards the portal that was still closed.

"and many more!"

Tony Stark hurriedly stopped: "Dude, can you let me do an experiment? Don't worry, soon! You can also ask me for payment."

Kewen was curious about what the other party wanted to do, so he stopped, but did not speak.

Seeing this, Tony Stark immediately moved.

He walked to an open space and ordered, "Jarvis, put on 'anti-space armor' for me."

The operation of the electronic equipment sounded.

The ground under Tony Stark's feet began to split, and several robotic arms were protruded from it, and the parts of the battle suit were spliced ​​and installed on him.

Soon, a pair of silver-white armor was dressed.

"Excuse me."

Tony Stark's tone was a little excited. He said to Cowen: "Please give way to the side, um, keep more than three meters away from your 'space door'."

Kewen followed suit with great interest and stepped back a few meters.

Seeing this, Tony Stark raised the arm of the armor and activated a device on it.


Different high and low humming sounded.

In the next instant, the air at the location of the portal was distorted.

The portal seemed to be short-circuited, the blue sparks flickered a few times and disappeared, and the portal disappeared accordingly...


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