Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 48 Reflection

The top of Anonymous's wand had already lit up with green light, and the tip of the wand he swung was about to designate Kewen's body.

At this moment, Kewen spoke suddenly, and the smile on his face instantly turned into a hideous one, like a grimace.


Suddenly, a sudden shout came out of Kewen's mouth.

too suddenly.

With Kewen's loud shout, the anonymous person on the opposite side suddenly shuddered. After seeing the hideous expression on Kewen's face, all the spells and duels were completely forgotten.


A scream, Anonymous's conditioned reflex, 'Omg', suddenly interrupted the spell he was casting.

And the end of the spell is interrupted, and there has never been any positive effect.

I saw the green light at the tip of the wand in Anonymous's hand, and suddenly lost control and erupted.

Anonymous was the first to bear the brunt, and was instantly blown away by the burst of green 'spicy heaven' light.

It rolled on the ground and murmured until it hit the calves of other Slytherin students, and then stopped.

"my God!"




Until then, the other students who were also frightened by Kewen's sudden roar did not speak in panic, venting out the panic in their hearts with various words.

Seeing this, the 'grimace' expression on Kewen's face was instantly put away, and then he looked at the anonymous person opposite with a funny look.

At this time, the Slytherins, who had vented their fear in their hearts, finally found the Anonymous on the ground, and hurriedly stretched out their hands to help him up.

"You... vomit!"

After Anonymous got up in embarrassment, he was about to say something to Kewen with a face full of anger, but just opened his mouth, and suddenly several huge slugs came out of his mouth one after another. Apparently, it was counterattacked by his own curse that had not been fully released.

That picture is just as disgusting as it is disgusting.

The audience fell silent, and then there was an uproar.

Gryffindor's side was full of schadenfreude cheers, while Slytherin's side was full of accusations of Cowen's actions being too unwieldy.

Kewen looked indifferent, and quietly faced the accusations and belittlings of the Slytherins, and at the same time secretly said in his heart: Just rely on you little brats, I can play with you in other ways...

After a while, the students on both sides had enough to vent their emotions and gradually became quiet.

Seeing this, Kewen said contemptuously: "Who else?"

Slytherins, look at me, I look at you, the next moment, a Slytherin female voice suddenly screamed: "Deal with him together!"

As if they had already planned, the other Slytherins took out their wands and began to cast spells on Cowen.

This time, Kewen couldn't intimidate the other party like he did before, so he finally took out his magic wand in an instant, and at the same time, in order to strengthen the effect of the magic spell, he shouted loudly: "Armor and body protection!"

The Iron Armor Spell, the new spell that Kewen learned in the past two days, came from the book borrowed from the library.

As Kewen released the spell, a vague semi-circular barrier suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the spells flying from the opposite Slytherin camp.

The protective effect of the Iron Armor Curse is very powerful. Originally, Kewen was prepared to replenish the spell at any time after the barrier was broken. As a result, after a round of magic spells attacked from the opposite side, they were all blocked by the Iron Armor Curse. There is no sign of breaking the barrier at all.

Kewen was surprised, but said that the Slytherins on the opposite side were a little stunned when they saw that Kewen had successfully blocked their attack.

But it was still the girl who reacted first and screamed again: "Continue to attack,

He can't stop too many curses! "

After hearing the words, the Slytherins returned to their senses, and then, they cast their spells again and continued to attack Kewen.

On Kewen's side, he still maintains the defense of the 'Iron Armor Curse', and at the same time he vaguely perceives that the 'magic element' in his body is slowly decreasing.

This is the first time Kewen has sensed the 'magic element' in his body, which should also be called magic.

However, this was not the time for him to perceive carefully, so Kewen had to mobilize his 'ability', or talent, and began to slightly control the magic power output from his body.

The output of controlling the magic power in the body increases, which improves the protective effect of the 'Iron Armor' in front of him.

After ensuring his own safety, Kewen separated a part of his mind and began to feel the effect of the spell.

Recalling the description in that book, Kewen gradually began to experiment, trying to control the shape of the Iron Armored Curse Barrier.

It didn't take long for Kewen to realize that he could successfully control the shape of the barrier.

Next, Kewen finally seized an opportunity. Taking advantage of the moment when the magic spell attacking from the opposite side lost its coverage, he suddenly controlled the shrinkage of the 'Iron Armor Curse Barrier' in front of him and condensed it on the magic wand. .

Facing the cursed light that came flying again, Kewen squinted slightly, waved his arms quickly, as if playing baseball, and used the 'iron armored curse barrier' maintained on the wand to hit back the cursed light. .

A scream sounded, and one of the students in the Slytherin crowd was hit by the curse that Kewen bounced back, and suddenly his body flew backwards, knocking down the two students next to him.

The lineup was chaotic as a result, causing the Slytherins to break down in their attack on Cowen.

Next, the various spells Kewen faced completely lost their neat coverage and turned into successive attacks.

The powerful physical technique provides Kewen with the same powerful dynamic vision.

Therefore, in the face of the attack that became evacuated and untidy, Kewen started a 'baseball-style' counterattack in a leisurely manner.

Sure enough, this method is the correct usage of the 'Iron Armor Spell' mentioned in the book, because Kewen can clearly feel that his magic power consumption rate has been greatly reduced.

Afterwards, in the face of the successive spells, Kewen's 'soldier fighting' began to show his power. He held his magic wand to the left and right, and bounced the spells back one after another.

Although it is impossible to precisely control the position of the magic spell's rebound, it can also roughly control the direction of the magic spell's rebound, causing the Slytherin students to be attacked one after another, exclaiming and screaming from time to time.

At the same time, because Kewen couldn't precisely control his counterattack, little James in the opposite crowd suffered a disaster, was hit by a curse, and fell to the ground.

When there were only two trembling students left on the opposite side, an angry shout suddenly sounded: "All stop—"

This angry shout caused the two surviving Slytherins, Kewen, and all the stunned Gryffindors to turn their heads and look over.

At this look, panic appeared on everyone's faces, because the person who came was the headmaster of this Hogwarts college, Dumbledore.

At the same time, at the gate of the flying course lawn, the deans of the various colleges are also hurriedly rushing here...

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