Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 46 Flight Lesson

Because of the good mood, after returning to the Gryffindor lounge, Kewen rarely stayed in the public hall and participated in the childish topics of the classmates for a while.

A good night's sleep, the next day, Friday.

In a Transfiguration class in the morning, because of Professor McGonagall's name, Kewen gave Gryffindor five points again.

The first session of the afternoon was herbal medicine class, and Kewen was dressed in a small and transparent manner throughout. The second class is a flying class, which takes place on the lawn outside the castle.

It was another class with Slytherin Academy. As usual, the students of the two academies stood together in solidarity.

Not long after, Mrs. Huo Qi, a professor of flight class, walked over with swift steps and said enthusiastically, "Good afternoon, classmates."

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Hooch."

"Good afternoon, Professor Hodge."

The various greetings sounded one by one.

"From now on, you will have your first flying class." Mrs. Hooch looked around all the students with her eagle-eyed eyes and said solemnly, "Some students may have already learned it at home, but I still have to treat them equally. warning everyone."

At this time, Mrs. Hooch saw Kewen standing in the middle of the queue, her tone paused, she smiled at Kewen and then said: "Not everyone is suitable for riding a flying broom, some people adapt quickly, some people are born It's slow to get used to, so I want everyone to listen to me and I'll help you slowly master how to control a flying broom perfectly."

"Now everyone sees the flying broom in front of you." Mrs. Hooch pointed to the curved broom in front of everyone, and pointed, "Now everyone put their hands on the broom and say 'Get up'."

All the classmates stepped forward one after another and placed them in the air above the broom with their dominant hand.

"Get up." Kewen snorted softly.

With a swish, the flying broom on the ground suddenly bounced up like a magnet, sticking to Kewen's palm.

Subconsciously grabbing the broom, Kewen turned his head to look around, and found that the brooms in front of many people just flicked on the ground, and they were not grasped as easily as he did.

"Don't worry." Mrs. Hooch raised her voice, looked at the students who failed, and pointed: "Don't let your brains empty when you shout 'Get up', imagine the broom flying into your hands like other successful students. ."


Another shouting sounded, this time everyone succeeded and the broom flew into their hands.

"Very good!" Mrs. Hooch clapped her hands twice, and then continued, "Now, everyone will stand their brooms on the ground, and then step on them."

The students followed suit. Seeing this, Mrs. Hooch said again: "Follow my command, Selt Rivien."

"Yes ma'am." Kewen's roommate responded nervously.

"Don't be nervous." Mrs. Hooch smiled and reassured: "I will protect you, pay attention, when I blow the whistle, you will kick your legs hard and fly into the air, understand? Remember, you must put your hands on the ground. Hold the broom tightly, don't try to control the broom after you're in the air, just hover in the air for a while."

"Okay madam, I remember it." Selt responded, swallowing at the same time.

"Very good, focus." Mrs. Hooch finished speaking, raised her hand and put the whistle in her mouth, and blew the whistle after seeing that Selt's nervous expression eased.

Hearing the sound, Seirt immediately followed Mrs. Hooch's instruction, kicked her legs hard and jumped up.

As Selt jumped off the ground, the flying broom under him immediately stuck between his legs, and then lifted Selt's body swayingly and slowly into the air.

"Very good!" Mrs. Hooch looked up at Sert in mid-air, and said at the same time: "Don't be nervous, relax, keep your body upright,

Don't lean back and don't lean forward. "

Selt, at least, was not a stupid person. He heard the words and immediately did as he said. With the adjustment of his movements, the flying broom finally carried him steadily and hovered in the air.

"Very good, very good." Mrs. Hooch smiled with satisfaction. "Next, you can try to control the broom a little in the air, but you can only control the broom to go up or down slightly. You must not think about anything else."

Selt followed suit, either leaning back and raising the broom, or leaning forward and lowering the broom.

After a minute or so, Mrs. Hooch nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Very good, come down now, be careful not to bend your body too low when landing, and slowly control the broom to land."

"Yes ma'am." Selt did the same again, controlled the broom to lower slowly, and finally landed safely on the ground.

"Clap!" Mrs. Hooch clapped and praised with a smile: "Very good, thank Seert for the good example for everyone."

When the words were over, Mrs. Hooch looked around at the other students and said, "Next, everyone listen to my command. When I blow the copper whistle, everyone will control the broom to take off. Remember, it must be done in a small way as Seerte did. Control the brooms in your hands, understand?"

"Yes ma'am."


There were mixed responses, and Mrs. Hooch nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Mrs. Hooch counted one, two, three, and then blew the copper whistle again.

The next moment, all the students jumped upwards with their legs hard.

Of course, there is another person who did not do this, and that is Kewen.

When he saw his roommate take off before, Kewen felt a chill in his crotch. He was very suspicious of whether something would happen when the broom lifted him up.

Therefore, when other classmates were taking off, Kewen was still standing in the same place, very entangled in his heart.

At this time, Mrs. Huo Qi also noticed the situation on Kewen's side. Seeing that there was no accident in the students in the air, she lowered her head and asked Kewen, "Kewen, is there anything wrong with you?"

"Uh... no madam." Kewen responded in a tangled tone. He couldn't express his worries and resistances, after all, everyone else was flying.

Therefore, after responding, Kewen could only sigh inwardly, and then cautiously stepped forward again and put his little bird on the curved wooden pole of the broom.

Next, the idea of ​​jumping just arose in Kewen's heart, but he didn't want to wait for him to implement it, but the broom between his crotch began to rise slowly and spiritually.

At the same time, a layer of invisible pad appeared on the broom, which was originally a wooden pole. It didn't make people feel panic, but it made people feel very comfortable and soft, and slowly supported Kewen's body. .

"Oh, this is not bad!" After Ke Wen was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up...

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