Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 75 Analysis

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At this time, Medivh finally took off his hood, revealing a shawl-length curly hair.

He stared at the sand table model, and then asked, "Where was the last place to be attacked?"

"River Farm in the Fertile Wild West," King Wrynn answered immediately.

"What about other places?" Medivh continued, "I mean, which villages were attacked before."

"What are you asking about?" Anduin Lothar was a little impatient: "Your Majesty is asking for your advice on counterattacks. If you don't have any ideas, I will dispatch personnel to conduct a search as soon as possible."

"Don't worry Anduin." Medivh smiled at Anduin Lothar. "I'm asking this for a reason."

"Why?" Anduin Lothar asked.

"He wanted to speculate on the enemy's movements and retreat routes."

Kewen interjected in, and amid the stunned crowd, he raised his hand and waved to the sand table model.

A meandering light rose from the sandbox model, starting in the far east of Elwynn Forest and spreading along the southern banks.

The light passed through several villages and finally connected to the last attacked village, forming a complete circuit map.

"What kind of magic is this?" Khadgar couldn't help asking.

Everyone heard the words and glanced at each other. Medivh spoke first, and said in a flat tone: "Your mind is too rigid, apprentice, this is just a flexible use of 'arcane energy', not only through spell casting. Use 'arcane energy'."

"This... Thank you for your teaching, Mr. Guardian." Khadgar bowed respectfully, then looked at the path beam with emotion: "Sure enough, my research on magic is still too young, I have never heard of it" Arcane energy' can still be used in this way."

"This requires extremely high talent..." Medivh glanced at Cowen and continued: "It still takes a lot of practice to perform such subtle and free manipulation of 'arcane energy'."

Khadgar nodded to show that he was taught.

Seeing this, Medivh stopped teaching and put his eyes back on the path that Kewen made.

After a brief moment of silence, Medivh asked again: "When did the villages of Fertile Wilderness in the west get attacked?"

King Wrynn replied: "The battle report sent back three hours ago."

"Let me think about it..." Medivh murmured thoughtfully: "Let me calculate..."

"Don't waste time."

Kewen spoke again, stretched out his finger, and tapped a spot on the sand table model.

A spot of light rose from a position close to the southern main road of ‘Elwynn Forest’.

"Here?" Medivh frowned slightly: "How can you be sure?"

"Synthesize all the information and make a simple guess."

Kewen's tone was flat, and he competed with the other party's arrogant attitude: "A whole army was stationed at Sentinel Hill in the western Fertile Wilderness. When they found the thick smoke rising from the attacked village, they rushed to the village to confirm the attack. The time spent during this period was about In about half an hour."

"The village is located between the valleys, and there are only two roads in the 'southeast' and 'northwest' directions. After the army arrived at the village from the direction of 'Sentinel Hill', no enemy was found, so there is only one possibility, the enemy Instead of expanding to the rest of the 'fertile west', it retreated the same way."

Everyone nodded in agreement, otherwise the Sentinel Hill army would inevitably collide with the enemy.

Kewen pointed to the path beam he marked: "In the previous investigation, we have obtained a little information about the enemy, who is tall and riding a giant wolf under him."

"The intelligence sent back from Sentinel Ridge stated that many villagers from the attacked villages had disappeared, so they must have been kidnapped by the enemy."

"In this case, simply estimate the travel speed of the giant wolf, and then substitute the factor of the villagers' captives to slow down the opponent's speed a little..."

"Indeed." Medivh nodded and interjected: "According to your calculation method,

The enemy should indeed be located in this area, but..."

Medivh turned his head to look at Kewen, and the hostility in his eyes decreased: "The location you marked does not seem to be on the lakeshore main road, but in the forest, which is different from the path the enemy has traveled before. Why do you Do you think the enemy is going to enter the forest unnecessarily?"

"Looks like you have magic in your head."

Kewen didn't answer what he asked, and suddenly changed the subject.


Anduin Lothar was enjoying listening to it, and this sudden turn made him very uncomfortable, so he couldn't help reminding Cowen: "Let's get down to business first, shall we?"

Kewen stared at Medivh with a little contempt in his eyes.

Then he nodded slowly, pointed to the enemy's previous route and said: "Look, the enemy attacked two villages in a row before, and the farm in the middle of the two villages, because it was closer to the river bank, was not attacked. The enemy found out."

"so what?"

In order to prevent Cowen from continuing to change the subject, Anduin Lothar hurriedly asked.

"People from the farm will inevitably find out how the two villages were attacked."

Kewen did not pause this time, and said in one breath: "As a commoner, the people on the farm will definitely pack up their furniture, then take a shortcut through the 'Elwynn Forest', rush to the 'Golden Town' or come to the 'Stormwind City' to carry out Refuge."

"I see……"

Medivh's face was flat, but his eyes revealed a hint of surprise: "According to the calculation, the enemy will retreat to that area, so the enemy will inevitably find the traces left by those civilians."

"I understand too!" Anduin Lothar had an epiphany, and said loudly, pointing to the light spot marked by Kewen: "So it is! The enemy will catch up with the civilians at this position next!"

"So..." Kewen looked at Medivh again, his eyes continued to despise and said: "I just said that Mr. Guardian's mind is full of magic, but he lacks military talents."

Medivh and Kewen looked at each other, and after a brief silence, they didn't confront each other as before, but nodded calmly: "It's true that I didn't think about it carefully."

After speaking, he looked at King Wrynn: "Your Majesty, as the mage predicted, if we want to find the enemy, this location..."

Medivh pointed to the spot of light that Cowen made: "This position is where we are most likely to face those enemies."

Kewen added: "And there is not much time left for us. According to my calculations, the enemy should appear there within two hours, and if it is later, the position of the enemy will be recalculated."

"What are you waiting for!?"

Anduin Lothar was slightly excited, and he looked at King Wrynn: "Your Majesty! Please give an order!"

King Wrynn thought for a moment, looked around the crowd and nodded his head. He said to Anduin Lothar, "Okay! Anduin! Let's move troops! Kewen!"

King Wrynn looked at Kewen again, with a very satisfied expression: "Thank you, maybe, I will sign a military advisor appointment letter for you later?"

Kewen smiled and shook his head: "No need, Your Majesty, a magic advisor is enough. As long as I can, I will try my best to help you."

"Thank you!" King Wrynn nodded gratefully.

"Then..." Anduin Lothar interjected: "Korwen, Medivh, who of you are going to act with me?"

"I must go and see for myself as soon as possible." Medivh said in a deep voice, "Go and see if there is really a shadow of 'fel energy'."

"Okay." Anduin Lothar nodded.

"He also brought it." Medivh glanced at Khadgar again: "It's rare that his apprentice also guessed 'fel energy'. Whether it's true or false, as an encouragement, let's take him to broaden his horizons."

"Medvh?" King Wrynn glanced at Khadgar, who was stunned, and then smiled at Medivh, "Are you... ready to take this young man as an apprentice?"

Medivh's mouth curled slightly, and then said softly, "Look at his performance."

Khadgar finally reacted at this time. He was so excited and excited that his lips kept moving, but he was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

At this time, Anduin Lothar turned to look at Kewen again: "What about you? I don't want to confirm it right away. Is it the 'fel energy' you said?"

Kewen thought for a moment, then nodded indifferently and agreed: "Okay, I'll come with you."

"Then it's settled!"

Anduin Lothar smiled and patted Cowen on the shoulder, then said to King Wrynn: "Your Majesty, then I'll mobilize the army!"

"Don't call too many people." Medivh suddenly reminded: "I am worried that there are too many soldiers and the enemy will choose to avoid it."

Anduin Lothar thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay! With you and Kewen here, I'll only bring a hundred soldiers."

After speaking, Anduin Lothar gave King Wrynn a look, then turned and walked out of the armory.


Because the military situation is urgent, Anduin Lothar's deployment of troops is very fast.

He directly found the regiment commander who had just been reinstated, asked the other party to quickly gather 30 cavalry and 70 infantry, and prepared a metal prison cart.

At the entrance of the barracks, they met with Kewen and the others, and then the team set out. After exiting the city gate, they went directly into the 'Elwynn Forest'.

Going straight to the area that Cowen mentioned, Anduin Lothar raised his hand and summoned a cavalryman on the way.


Anduin Lothar's tone was a little disappointed, but his eyes couldn't hide his pride and said: "This is my son Karen, this time I finally have the opportunity to introduce you to each other."

After finishing speaking, Anduin Lothar said to Karen who looked very immature: "Why are you still standing there, call someone."

"Uncle Quinn..."

"Just call him uncle." Kewen interrupted with a smile: "It's awkward to add the 'queen'."

"Uncle." Karen changed her words obediently: "Hello, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Father often mentions the friendship between you and him."

Hearing this, Anduin Lothar couldn't help showing a very satisfied smile...

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