Cowen's speech interrupted Anduin Lothar's rejoicing.

This made Anduin Lothar immediately dignified, and because of the reciprocal attitude hidden in his heart, he sincerely cared about every serious thing Kewen said.

Therefore, he hurriedly walked to Kewen, looked into Kewen's eyes and asked, "What do you think!?"

"Yuexi Town is very dangerous."

Knowing that it was not the time to raise the bar, Kewen said seriously: "The gnolls of Dagger Ridge didn't rush to join forces, what do you think they did?"

"You mean they're going to go it alone?"

Anduin Lothar immediately grasped the point and asked in a condensed voice, "Do you think they will attack Moonbrook Town?"

Kewen nodded slowly: "My reconnaissance results show that there is not much food in the tribe over there, and going out to loot has become inevitable. Since they did not rush to join the other two large tribes, then they must be The goal is to focus on the nearby 'Yuexi Town' of the tribe."

Anduin Lothar's face was gloomy, and he immediately turned to look at the map of 'Western Fertile' hanging on the wall.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Kewen again: "Your guess is likely to come true! So we don't have time to wait for the gnolls to act!"

With that said, Anduin Lothar walked to the desk and instructed an entourage in the room, "Go and inform the Legion! Have a good night's rest! Start early tomorrow morning! We will go to the north and take the initiative to exterminate the more than 2,000 jackals. people!"

"Yes!" The attendant responded solemnly, and quickly walked down the stairs.


Anduin Lothar looked at Kewen again and said sincerely, "I want to ask you to help me!"

"How to do it?" Kewen responded normally with a face.

"Take two hundred soldiers to Yuexi Town!"

Anduin Lothar stared at Cowen, there was no trace of arrogance in his eyes, and there was no trace of command in his tone.

His attitude seemed to be asking for help from a friend, and his tone seemed to be both urgent and a little embarrassed.

He stared at Kewen and said, "I want to ask your team to take people to 'Yuexi Town' for defense! Set up fortifications in the direction of the town facing the 'Dagger Ridge'! Beware of the 'Gnoll' attack on the town!"

"I will lead the rest of the soldiers to the north early tomorrow morning, I will destroy the gnolls there as soon as possible, and then rush to 'Yuexi Town' to support you!"

Cowen opened his mouth.

He wanted to say that he could wipe out all the gnolls and ogres in Dagger Hill by himself, but he took it back.

After all, the relationship between them is not yet in place, and it is not necessary for him to rush to show off his skills.

Therefore, Kewen nodded, changed his mind and asked, "What if the gnolls attacked 'Yuexi Town' ahead of time?"

Anduin Lothar was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Then please try to protect the townspeople!"

"Please don't worry, Sir!"

Natanari felt that the atmosphere was too heavy, so she hurriedly interjected: "Kewen's magic is very powerful! Thousands of 'Gnolls' are not that dangerous for us!"

Kewen looked at Natanali amusingly, and he couldn't help shaking his head inwardly for this bed partner who helped him show off.

Although Natanari was kind, if Cowen really took action to easily destroy the gnolls, wouldn't that mean that Anduin Lothar and the kingdom's army were too useless.

Fortunately, Anduin Lothar just took Natanali's words as comfort and didn't take it seriously.

So he glanced at Natanali, then nodded to Cowen again: "That's it, please.


Cowen didn't respond this time, but looked at the team's spokesperson.

When Galken got the prompt, he immediately stepped forward and said solemnly, "Don't worry, Sir! Our team will definitely protect 'Moon Creek Town' intact!"

Anduin Lothar gave an "um" and waved his hand slightly worriedly: "You guys also go and have a good rest."

"No need."

Kewen sings the opposite: "Gnolls are also wolves. I'm worried that they will act at night, so we will set off with troops and go to 'Yuexi Town' for garrison in advance."

Anduin Lothar was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately, and said as he walked towards the stairs, "Thanks for the reminder! Come on, go down and assign soldiers for you!"

The team of four looked at each other, and then took steps to catch up.


Because the route had been cleared in the afternoon, the subsequent march was not hindered in any way.

The team of four led 200 soldiers and drove all the way for about an hour without stopping, and finally successfully entered the 'Yuexi Town' not long after the lights were first lit.

After conveying the battle report to the sheriff in the town, the sheriff hurriedly called all the guards in the town, and together with two hundred soldiers, walked out of the south of the town and began to deploy.

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Fortunately, the geographical advantage is on the side of 'Yuexi Town'.

Because the southern edge of the town is a slope, after setting up fortifications, it can effectively block the charge of the 'Gnolls'.

But defending only the southern part of the town won't help, and the gnolls may also go around the slopes along the coast, attacking from the western coast of the town, or from other directions.

This situation cannot be prevented, and we can only send people to constantly inspect.

Two hundred soldiers and the town's defenders were busy, and even the three of Galken participated.

Galken and Tagle helped build the fortifications, while Natanali took the initiative to take over the spy's job, exerting her stalker skills, and went out to monitor the movements of the gnoll.

Only Kewen had nothing to do. He sat on a roof in the southwest corner of the town with his wine glass, and looked up at the two moons in the starry sky, forming a four-person shadow with Lady White and Blue Boy.

No one would criticize this, because everyone knew Kewen's identity as a mage, and naturally he would not let a "noble person" like a mage do dirty work.


This night, amidst the nervousness of all the soldiers, we passed through peacefully.

Perhaps it was because the gnolls hadn't eaten up the food they had stored, so they were not in a hurry to attack Yuexi Town to grab food. In the early morning, Natanali brought back information, showing that the gnolls did not gather at all, and the entire tribe was still one. Vice is very loose look.

Seeing the tired look on Natanali's face, Kewen gently persuaded: "Don't worry too much, go and rest, just like you said, more than a thousand gnolls will not pose any danger to us, with me Woolen cloth."

Natanali hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, then I'll go to rest for a while."

"Go." Kewen reminded again: "Also, I think all the soldiers persisted for the same night. You go to their top commander and ask him to arrange for the soldiers to take turns to rest. Don't wait for the 'Gnolls' to attack, They are not in a state to face it.”

"I see!" Natanali responded and left.

Seeing this, Kewen jumped onto the roof again, and then used Transfiguration to create a small pavilion, and he simply lay down in the pavilion.

The next day, the situation that everyone worried about did not appear.

The gnoll is still very honest.

As evening approached, an army came from afar, and Anduin Lothar brought a murderous army to join him.

"how is the situation?"

Before the blood stains on the armor could be cleaned, Anduin Lothar asked Cowen and the others tiredly.

"Sir, everything is normal here."

After responding, Natanali immediately explained what she had discovered.

Anduin Lothar breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the words, turned his head to glance at the soldiers who had experienced the war and hurrying, and then instructed the entourage beside him: "Let everyone repair immediately!"

"Yes!" The follower responded.

Until this time, Anduin Lothar could no longer bear the stench on his body. After turning his head to look, he said to Kewen: "Do me a favor, get me some water from the well over there, Let me clean up."

Corvin glanced over to the well, and then he waved his hand at Anduin Lothar casually twice.

In the next moment, the blood stains and odor on Anduin Lothar's body disappeared instantly, and the whole body was clean and tidy.

Bowing his head in surprise, Anduin Lothar opened his arms to look at himself, and then joked in a regretful tone: "I knew it was so convenient, and I continued to learn on the road of magic when I was a child."

Galken couldn't help but wonder: "Lord Sir has also learned magic?"

Because 'Moon Creek Town' is still safe, Anduin Lothar is in a good mood. After he heard the words, he gave an answer, nodding and smiling: "Of course, when I was young, His Majesty the King, me, and the kingdom's current Guardian, the three of us were taught magic by one person at the same time."

"Then why..."

Galken couldn't help but continue to ask, but after seeing Natanali's wink, he realized that he was a little talkative, so Galken hurriedly suppressed the following questions.

Anduin Lothar didn't care, or in other words, he didn't pay attention to the three of them, so he looked directly at Cowen and said, "Because of learning magic, let His Majesty the King and my friend Medivh, also That is, the current guardian of the kingdom, who has been in a coma for six years."

Sighing and shaking his head, Anduin Lothar didn't know if he was explaining to Cowen: "Our teacher also lost his life because he wanted to wake up Medivh, so since then, I have always believed that magic is unreliable. "

"never mind……"

Anduin Lothar chuckled: "I told you what to do with these things, I'll take a rest, and if it's safe tonight, I'll attack the gnolls in Dagger Hill tomorrow."

After speaking, Anduin Lothar glanced at Cowen again quickly, then turned and left, walking towards the city hall not far away.

It wasn't until Anduin Lothar disappeared into the building that Galken asked Cowen, "Cowen, is magic that dangerous?"

Kewen retracted his gaze and chuckled: "Ah, some magic is really dangerous, okay, everyone, go to rest and prepare for tomorrow's battle."

When the army returned, there was no need for a team of four to watch the night, so Kewen took the lead and walked to an open space, preparing to set up a 'magic tent' to rest...

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