It was several degrees hotter inside the greenhouse after nine o'clock, and the air was a little dull.

Today's herbal medicine class is joined by Gryffindor House freshmen from Hufflepuff House.

Among the new Hufflepuffs, Cowen also knew several people who had met each other when they bought a wand.

The other freshmen who didn't know each other didn't have the chance to meet because Kewen was often absent from the wand shop, or in the bedroom on the second floor of the wand shop.

At this time, after Kewen greeted several Hufflepuff freshmen he knew, the students of the two colleges stood clearly behind the two rows of 'plant cultivation wooden frames'.

At 9:15, Professor Pomona Sprout entered the greenhouse on time, wearing an old, dusty brown waistcoat and robe, still wearing the patched, muddy wizard on her head. cap.

"Welcome, classmates." Professor Sprout's squat body was very kindly set off by the big smile on her face.

"Hello, professor." Kewen and several other polite students greeted each other unevenly.

Because Kewen was the first to speak, Professor Sprout spotted him at a glance, and the smile on his face couldn't help but look more kind.

"Today we're going to learn the first lesson of herbal medicine." Professor Sprout didn't say anything, and went straight to the topic: "Today you are going to learn from me, how to take care of Bai Xian."

Having said that, Professor Sprout looked around all the freshmen and asked with a smile, "Then who can answer my description of Bai Xian?"

Many students look at me and I look at you, and they all seem a little helpless. After all, this is the first time to take a magic class.

No one responded for a long time. Seeing this, Kewen had no choice but to raise his hand.

Originally, according to his character, he didn't like to be in the limelight, but after all, he and Professor Sprout got along very well several times, so he might as well save him from the game and give Professor Sprout a face.

"Very good!" Professor Sprout, who was a little embarrassed, saw Kewen raise his hand, and immediately smiled even more, reaching out and greeting: "Kewen, you answer."

Because of the professor's intimate address to Kewen, there was a moment of whispering around him.

Kewen didn't care, but answered the question: "Bai Xian belongs to the mint category and has been considered a magical plant since ancient times. In Greek mythology, it grows in the place where the main god Zeus was born."

"Bai Xian will have a strong aroma after being made into essential oil, but it is volatile at high temperature, and it may spontaneously ignite especially on hot nights."

"Magic potions made from white fresh can quickly heal split wounds, such as cuts."

"Excellent!" Professor Sprout clapped happily after Kewen finished answering.

Seeing this, many new students could not help but applaud.

The applause soon stopped, and Professor Sprout said loudly again: "Cowen answered my question perfectly, so I'll give Gryffindor a point."


The Gryffindor students cheered and whispered excitedly. After all, this was the first time they had received House points. Their cheers expressed surprise, and they also sighed a little for Kewen's erudition.

"Okay." Professor Sprout turned to look at the students at Hufflepuff College, and said with a smile, "Our college can't be left behind. I hope everyone can actively answer questions in the future, as long as I think your If the answer is appropriate, I will not hesitate to add college points for you."

After Professor Sprout's words, not only the students of Hufflepuff House, but also the students of other Gryffindor Houses seemed to be looking forward to it.

Obviously, Kewen has a good lead. It is estimated that he will not need to save the scene in the future. There will be many students rushing to answer the questions of various professors.

"Very good." Professor Sprout was satisfied with the mental changes of the students and nodded with a smile.

Then he said: "Next, I will teach you how to take care of a white fresh plant, and I will explain each precaution to you in detail."

So, the teaching session officially begins...

At 10:15, the first magic class ends. The students hurriedly said goodbye to Professor Sprout, and then quickened their pace and rushed towards the castle.

Cowan's second class is History of Magic, with Ravenclaw House.

Just as he stepped into the classroom, a call suddenly sounded.

"Kewen!" Penello was sitting behind the desk in the front row, waving happily.

Seeing this, Kewen smiled back and walked towards Penello.

"Wow..." exclaimed.

Obviously, Penello not only conformed to Kewen's aesthetics, but Kewen's two roommates obviously couldn't help expressing their amazement.

The freckled boy Selt whispered enviously behind Kewen: "Kewen, you know so many people."

Cowen just smiled and glanced back, but did not respond, then kept walking, came to sit beside Penello.

"Kewen, what class did you take just now?" Penello whispered, "In the spell class I took just now, Dean Flitwick taught us the 'Fluorescent Spell'."

"Didn't you learn it long ago?" Kewen asked with a smile, "Why are you still so excited?"

"Because I successfully released the spell, the dean gave me 5 points!" Penello gave the answer, his face full of unstoppable pride.

"Congratulations." Kewen smiled indifferently.

"What about you?" Penello repeated: "What class did you take?"

"Herbalism," Kewen replied, and then said playfully, "After I answered the question, Gryffindor got a 10."

"How can this happen~" Penello was stunned for a moment, then the smile disappeared, and after puffing out his mouth, he said a little disappointedly: "Ignore you! You are not allowed to talk to me before class."

"Hehehe..." Kewen couldn't help but chuckle.

Sure enough, in less than two minutes, Penello forgot what happened just now, came over again, and whispered to Cowen about her life for the past three days.

Kewen was not as pretentious as facing other little brats. At this time, he was not bothered and chatted with Penello with a smile.

But it didn't take long to chat, as a ghost suddenly emerged from the blackboard, the second "History of Magic" class began.

"I'm your 'History of Magic' professor: Binance Cuthbert." Professor Ghost said in a tone that didn't fluctuate, "My class is about the history of magic, and I study facts, not myths. legend."

Without waiting for the students to react, Professor Binns Cuthbert began his lecture immediately.

Without flipping through the textbook at all, Professor Ghost just stared blankly ahead, his tone was empty and emotionless, and he recited the contents of the "History of Magic" textbook according to the script...

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