Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 46 Magical

Within the rocky forest, the stream is wide and the bank is present.


The dull sound of flesh and blood collided, and Elfman had already used the 'receive magic', turning his arms into the arms of beasts.

At this moment, he was holding on to a huge ramming horn with both hands, clenching his teeth, and wrestling with the enemy in front of him.

Elfman, who has just passed his sixteenth birthday, has now risen to over 1.80 meters in height, and his body is also very strong and burly under the usual constant exercise.

But even so, compared to the nearly five-meter-tall rhinoceros monster in front of him, his stature was still too petite and very thin.

"Ah ah--"

Suddenly roaring loudly, the muscles on Elfman's arms seemed to be about to swell and burst open, trying to bring down the giant rhino with all his strength.

However, the giant rhino just let out a low roar, and then stepped forward, sliding backwards against Elfman.

"Brother Aiman, hold on! I'm here!"

In the air, Lisana turned her arms into a pair of wings with 'receive magic'. After shouting in the circling flight, she immediately dived down.

Quickly rushing to the right side of the rhino's head, Lisana suddenly did a half-flip and kicked her feet out.

At the same time as the attack, her legs suddenly changed shape, turning into two strong rabbit feet.


The powerful kick made the giant rhinoceros quickly burst into a circle of air on its side face. The giant rhino couldn't help but let out a low growl, and the footsteps that were going against it suddenly became staggered.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Elfman roared again, and with one force, turned the giant rhino to the ground.

At this time, Lisana, who landed in the distance by the rebound, launched another attack, and a large white mist appeared around her body with a 'bang', and then a huge rabbit with a height of more than two meters never dispersed. jumped out of the white fog.

After approaching the giant rhino, Lisana, who had transformed into a giant rabbit, quickly lowered her head and slammed into the giant rhino's bulging and soft belly with a 'bang'.


A tragic roar came from the giant rhino's mouth, and the attack from Lisana completely made the giant rhino lose the strength to struggle to get up.

Seeing this, Elfman jumped up abruptly, raised a pair of demonic beast arms to the top of his head, clenched his fists with each other, and after falling, smashed his fists on the side of the giant rhinoceros.


Larger air waves exploded in a ring shape and quickly disappeared into the air. At the same time, a large pit instantly appeared on the ground under the giant rhino's head.

When Elfman landed on his feet, the giant rhino rolled his eyes and passed out completely.


The white smoke dissipated, and Lisana recovered from the giant rabbit form, and rushed to Elfman's side.

Staring at the comatose giant rhino, Lisana cheered happily: "That's great, Aiman! We successfully defeated it!"

"Yeah!" Elfman panted slightly, but still responded with a smile: "Thanks to your kick just now."

Lisanna smiled and rolled her eyes, and also praised: "Brother Aiman ​​is also very powerful!"

"Okay you two."

On a boulder in the distance, Kewen changed from sitting to standing. After jumping off the boulder, he said, "Hurry up and complete the task, Elfman, can the horn of this magic rhino be accepted?"

"I'll give it a try, bro Cowen."

Elfman scratched the back of his head uncertainly, then slowly stepped forward and put his hand on the horn of the giant rhinoceros.

Soon, a mass of 'mosaic'-like scaly objects emerged from Elfman's wrist and quickly spread up along the arm.

In the end, a huge rhino horn condensed on Elfman's forehead, dark in color, slightly curved and sharp.

"Success!" Lisana immediately cheered.

"Yeah!" Elfman retracted his hand excitedly, touched the rhinoceros horn on his forehead, turned his head to Kewen and said with a smile: "Brother Kewen! I succeeded!"

"Very good." Kewen nodded in appreciation, and then pointed at the giant rhinoceros: "Quickly kill it, and then go to the town outside to hand in the task."

"Okay Brother Kewen!"

Elfman agreed, and his right arm was wrapped in 'receiving magic' again.

Soon, the entire right arm turned into the sickle foot of the monster mantis. Next, Elfman slashed the sickle foot toward the giant rhino in front of him.

The fatal injury caused the giant rhino to wake up from the coma for a moment, and after making a miserable roar again, it completely lost its breath of life.

"Brother Kewen, I destroyed it."

Elfman restored his arm to its original shape, and then asked, "What shall we do next? Take its head to the village?"

Kewen looked at the giant rhinoceros, thought for a moment, and said, "Elfman, take it away as a whole and send it to the village. After all, it has caused a lot of damage to the village, so I will use its entire body as a The villagers' losses have been compensated."

"Okay Brother Kewen!"

Elfman agreed honestly, and then performed 'receive magic' again, turning his arms into a pair of strong magic ape arms.

Leaning forward, Elfman let out a low growl, struggling to slowly lift the giant rhinoceros, and finally resisted it on his shoulders.

The huge body of the giant rhino almost completely overwhelmed Elfman's body. Seeing this, Lisanna turned into a huge blue rabbit with a 'bang', and stepped forward to help and said: "Ayman Brother! I'm here to help too!"

"Okay Lisanna, don't force it." Elfman responded softly and dotingly.


On the way down the mountain, Kewen glanced at Elfman and shook his head silently behind him.

The three brothers and sisters seem to have all their talents concentrated in Mira, which makes Elfman and Lisanna's magic power weaker than the other.

However, Lisanna is at least more confident, so she can perform 'whole body reception', while Elfman is worse.

Although his magic power is higher than Lisanna's, he has some flaws in character.

Although he often said that he wanted to be a reliable man, it was only to hide his own weakness.

It is because of this lack of self-confidence that Elfman has never been able to 'receive the whole body' and can only use the 'receiving magic' locally.

This also makes him unable to fully exert his strength when fighting.

Cowen pointed this out to him several times, but Elfman couldn't change himself.

Perhaps it was because of the treatment he received in his hometown when he was a child that Elfman had a scar that could not be healed.

Looking at Elfman, who was constantly asking Lisanna whether she was tired, Kewen sighed helplessly and regretfully again, and then quickened his pace a little...

A few hours later, the three walked out of the portal one after another and returned to the guild hall.

Kewen, who was behind the bar, heard the movement, turned his head to look at the 'enchantment' in the corner, and then raised his hand with a smile: "How is it? Elfman, Lisana, are you tired?"

"I'm not tired." Lisana ran to the bar cheerfully, shook her head to Kewen and smiled, "It's all Aiman's contribution."

"I'm not tired either." Elfman responded with a smile.

"Don't be brave." Kewen smiled and pointed to an empty table nearby: "Go over there and rest."

"Hey..." Elfman scratched the back of his head, then walked obediently to recover his strength.

At this time, Kewen, who had returned with his brother and sister, walked behind the bar with a smile on his face and kept walking, colliding directly with Kewen who was sitting behind the bar.

A miraculous picture appeared, and the two Kewen bodies actually merged into one.


Lisana stared at Kewen with shining eyes: "Brother Kewen, your 'Missing Body Magic' is so amazing!"

"It just looks amazing." Kewen said with a smile: "Actually, it's just a piece of shit, and it's basically useless."

"No." Lisana disagreed with this, giving an example: "In the last mission, didn't Brother Kewen's 'Missing Body' show his strength and save Brother Aiman ​​and me?"

Kewen chuckled and shook his head, explaining: "That's because, every time I accompany you on a mission, I will allocate most of my magic to the missing body."

Lisana shook her head quickly: "In short, Brother Kewen is the best!"

"Ha ha……"

Kewen laughed heartily, summoned a glass of juice between his fingers, and handed it to Lisana, saying, "It's alright, let's go and rest, and I'll register the task for you."

"Mmmm!" Lisanna took the juice, and then, like a cheerful elf, jumped up to the table of the Lebby team, and quickly started laughing and chatting.

Looking back, Kewen took out the registration form from under the bar and registered the task receipt.

Then, he raised his hand and patted the bar lightly, releasing a little magic power.

Soon, an interactive screen composed of magic power rose from the bar and stood in front of him.

Clicking on the icon of the file, Kewen registered the mission record with a 'magic pen'.

"I say……"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Kewen: "Why do you have to go through the trouble of registering twice..."

Kewen turned around, looked at Aiba Gelin, who had her body completely attached to the cylindrical barrier, and sighed helplessly: "Because the president of the guild hasn't used it yet, and the 'fairy terminal' has not been completely perfected, in order to To prevent the loss of information, it is natural to use the old method to register."

"But I told you..."

Under Aiba Gelin's "hehe" laughter like a "perverted pervert", Kewen said helplessly: "Can't you let it go?"

"She's so beautiful isn't she?"

Aiba Gelin completely attached her face to the small cylindrical barrier, and the originally beautiful face had been squeezed and changed its shape.

He stared at the statue on the 'fairy terminal' in the barrier, and praised in a sigh: "As expected of a fairy... She is so charming..."

"Don't think of it." Kewen smiled bitterly: "The fairy terminal is very important to me and the guild, and I really can't give it to you."

"Qi." Aiba Gelin made a voice that was both indifferent and disgusting.

Kewen's eyes twitched, but he suddenly thought of a good idea...

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