Summarizing the information given by the Sorting Hat, after thinking about it, Kewen spoke again.

"I don't like dark underground, so Slytherin and Hufflepuff ruled it out. Tell me about Ravenclaw and Gryffindor."

"Of course you can." The Sorting Hat did not hesitate to say a few words: "Ravenclaw has its own small library, which has a wealth of knowledge, and the password for entering the dormitory is also different from other colleges. It is very novel to answer various questions from the door knocker. fun..."

"Wait." Corvin interrupted the Sorting Hat's introduction. "Ravenclaw has to answer a question to enter the dorm? What's the question?"

"I don't know." The Sorting Hat replied, "The question of the door knocker changes every day with everyone."

"Forget it, I don't like trouble very much either." Kewen responded indifferently upon hearing this.

"Haha, you're such an interesting kid." The Sorting Hat laughed and said, "Then there are more Gryffindors left, are you sure?"

"Well, okay, sure." Kewen nodded slightly.

"Okay, I'm going to announce." The Sorting Hat said, and then the 'mouth pleat' on the hat began to twist, and loudly announced in the hall: "Gryffin - more -"


At the long table of Gryffindor, all kinds of cheers sounded, and many senior students stood up one after another, raised their arms to applaud, and gave Kewen the warmest welcome.

"Very good!" Beside him, Professor McGonagall stretched out his hand to take off the sorting hat from Kewen's head, and whispered, "Very good boy."

"Thank you Professor." Kewen got up, thanked Professor McGonagall, then walked down the stage with a smile, came to the Gryffindor long table, and sat down on the bench that two classmates vacated for him.

The cheers and applause fell, and the students around Kewen leaned over to greet Kewen. The words of welcome continued, and Kewen nodded politely in response.

The branch continued. After more than half an hour, the last freshman was finally sorted, and the entire auditorium gradually became quiet.

Professor McGonagall put away the chairs and sorting hat on the podium, returned to the professor's table and sat down, and then tapped the crystal cup with a spoon.

Beside him, Headmaster Dumbledore got up again and said slowly: "Welcome again to the freshmen of the academy. Next, the banquet will begin."

After the words fell, large pieces of food suddenly appeared on the four long tables in the auditorium.


Exclamations continued from the freshmen's mouths, lamenting the magic of magic and the abundance of food.

Kewen glanced at the food in front of him. He ignored the huge oil-skinned turkey, and after ignoring the pots of corn, french fries, and bread, Kewen found something that he could eat.

There are two kinds of food that interest him, one is fried chicken legs, and the other is a pot of roast lamb chops.

Seeing that the little wizards around him had already started to work on the food, Kewen stopped observing. He grabbed three whole lamb chops for himself, and picked up ten chicken legs from the plate in front of him, and took them with his hands. Open and chew.

Speaking of which, Kewen hadn't had a full meal for a long time.

Unlike ordinary people and wizards in this world, don't forget that Kewen has master-level physical skills and strong physical fitness.

The stronger the body, the more nutrients it needs.

But for more than a month before, in order to avoid shocking the world, Kewen has always maintained a normal meal size for others.

For this reason, Kewen could only take advantage of the opportunity to be a guest at Penello's house to play a few times and fight a few sets of 'body fighting skills' to maintain his physical fitness and combat literacy from slipping.

In a new environment at this time, without Ollivander's attention, Kewen can finally let go of his appetite to fill his nutritional deficit for more than a month.

Anyway, no one would write to Ollivander because of his appetite.

So Ollivander noticed something.

Of course, Kewen, who is eating, is also deliberately reducing his sense of existence. He basically doesn't express any opinions on the surrounding topics, but only responds perfunctorily from time to time.

He continued to lower his mouth, spreading out the gnawed bones from time to time, and taking advantage of the inattention of the students on the left and right, he quietly stuffed a few into them.

During the period, when the various ghost parades at Hogwarts attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd, Kewen moved faster and wiped out a large amount of food in an instant.

At this moment, Kewen sensed the sight on him, and immediately turned to look.

It was at the Ravenclaw long table, and Penello stared at him proudly, as if complaining about how he came to Gryffindor.

Kewen returned a heartless smile and got a blank eye from the other side.

Hu Shihai plugged for more than ten minutes, and then Kewen stopped eating. Then he took a deep breath and ran the secret technique from the "inside of Fantasy Technology", so that the food accumulated in his stomach was quickly and completely digested.

Afterwards, Kewen finally started to eat normally. At the same time, I also joined the topic of left and right classmates to express some opinions...

The banquet lasted for more than half an hour, until no one continued to eat, Principal Dumbledore announced the end of the banquet, and at the same time made the leftovers on the table disappear instantly.

Then Professor McGonagall spoke and asked the prefects to lead the students of their respective colleges back to the dormitory.

Walking through the corridor through the doorway at the back of the auditorium, turning two stairs, everyone came to an empty tower full of moving stairs.

The students of Slytherin and Hufflepuff Academy were led by the prefect to the stairs leading to the bottom. The students of Ravenclaw took a step first and went directly to the passage leading to the tower on the west side of the castle.

Only the students of Gryffindor House remained.

"Prefect, what floor are we Gryffindor on?" a freshman asked.


"How many floors are on the top floor?"

"Eighth floor."

Hearing this, Kewen's expression froze, and he whispered softly, "I regret it..."

"Let's go, classmates." The male prefect greeted all Gryffindor students: "Pay attention to follow my footsteps, and be careful of those moving stairs. If you fall down, remember not to move, and wait for the stairs to return. Get to the right spot and move on, I'll wait for you."

"Okay..." Kewen muttered again: "I really regret it, can I choose a college again..."

Knowing that nothing could be done, Kewen just followed the prefect's footsteps just like the other freshmen.

Climb up the stairs one by one, and wait for the students who are taken to other places by the moving stairs from time to time.

Fortunately, there are a large number of murals around. Both the characters and the scenery in the murals are "living". When encountering enthusiastic portraits of characters, you can also chat with the students a few words.

After a long time, everyone finally climbed to the top floor, walked through a long corridor, and came to a 'fat lady portrait'...

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