Passing through the wall, Kewen's eyes darkened.

After his pupils contracted and quickly adapted to the light, Kewen found himself on another platform.

Before he could observe the surrounding environment, Kewen immediately pushed the luggage cart to avoid the passage behind, in case Penello and the others bumped into him when they came over.

His foresight was correct, because as soon as he avoided it, Penello exclaimed and rushed out of the wall.

Unable to adapt to the sudden change in the environment for a while, Penello did not stop in panic and continued to rush forward.

Seeing this, Cowen stepped forward immediately, reached out and grabbed Penello, which successfully prevented Penello from rushing directly under the platform.

"Penello run slowly! Be careful of the platform ahead!"

In the rear, with some anxious shouts, Mrs. Kleiwatt's figure quickly emerged from the wall. When she saw the scene of Cowen and Penello, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, little Cowen." Mrs. Krivat patted her heart and said fearfully, "It's fortunate that I have you, otherwise Penello would rush under the platform, which happens every few years. , Those children were admitted to the hospital before they entered school."

"It should be, ma'am." Kewen smiled and let go of his hand, and then patted Penello on the shoulder: "Aren't you scared?"

"Scared." Penello stuck out the tip of his tongue guiltily.

But the next moment, Penello began to let himself go again, leaving the previous thrills behind, and the novelty began to observe the new station in front of him.

"This child." Seeing this, Mrs. Clearwater shook her head helplessly...

At the urging of Mrs. Crewatert, Cowen and Penello checked their tickets and boarded the train, walked through two carriages, found an empty compartment, opened the door and walked in.

Penello did not take a seat after entering the door, nor did he help Kewen, who was easily carrying two large suitcases behind him. Instead, he jumped, kneeled on the soft seat of the car seat, opened the window, and looked towards him. Outside, he waved his hand to Mrs. Clearwater and said hello.

Seeing this, Kewen shook his head and smiled helplessly, and walked into the compartment with two suitcases.

Put the two owl cages away, stuff the suitcase into the luggage rack, and then sit down on the chair opposite Penello.

"Korvin, I'll trouble you to take care of Penello in the academy." Mrs. Clearwater said helplessly through the car window: "If only she was as sensible as you."

"Mom~" Penello coquettishly said, "I can take care of myself."

"Yes, yes~" Mrs. Clearwater softly agreed with her daughter.

Next, Mrs. Cloveratt and Penello exhorted each other, and Cowen occasionally interjected to chat. After about twenty minutes, the train whistle sounded and it was time for the departure.

"Okay, Penello, Cowen, close the window, the train is about to start." Mrs. Clift took a step back and said with a smile: "Otherwise, the train will start running, and the wind will pour into the car and blow it up. of."

"I know mom." Penello was a little reluctant: "Mom must remember to write more letters to me."

"Yeah, so do you." Mrs. Clearwater said and looked at Kewen again: "And little Kewen, remember to write to me, if Penello gets into any trouble in the college, he must first Tell me and your uncle for a while."

"Don't worry." Kewen responded with a smile...

As the window was closed by Penello, the train suddenly vibrated and started slowly.

As the train slowly accelerated and drove out of the station, Penello, whose face was close to the window, could no longer see his mother, so he regained his body and sat down.

"Humph! Don't complain to mom!" Penello hummed threateningly, looking very cute.

"It depends on your performance." Cowen responded and got a grimace from Penello across from him.


With a long sigh of relief, Kewen stretched his arms and stretched his waist.

Then the acting went offline, and his demeanor became casual.

Under Penello's astonished gaze, Kewen no longer remained seated, but lay recklessly on his side on the bench, resting his head on his hands, and smiled at Penello, who was somewhat sluggish opposite: "What's the matter? look at me."

"Wow~ Why do you seem to have suddenly changed?" Penello observed Kewen carefully and asked in a surprised tone.

"Isn't there an adult watching? Why don't you relax yourself?" Kewen responded with a smile.

"It seems you're right." Penello nodded in agreement, but after looking at the seat, he shook his head and said, "But I'm not tired at all, and I don't want to lie down. Besides, there are other things in case I wait. What about people in the cubicle? That would be rude."

"Then you can do whatever you want." Kewen said indifferently, and then asked: "I heard that you can only arrive at the academy at night. What are you going to do for so long?"

"I don't know, maybe I will continue reading." Penello replied: "I don't know the others, and I don't want to go out."

"Okay, what book to read?" Kewen said, raising his right hand, shaking his wrist, the wand quickly flew out of his sleeve and was held by Kewen.

"Keep watching the standard spell." Penello responded.

Hearing this, Kewen kept his side lying position and pointed the wand in his hand to the box on the luggage locker.

The floating spell box floated out; opened the spell box and pulled it open; the textbook that Penello needed for the flying spell flew out of the box.

Without waiting for the book to fly in front of him, Kewen switched the floating spell again and controlled the book to float in front of Penello.

The last effect was like a recovery spell that went back in time, causing the box to close automatically, and Kewen continued to use the levitation spell to put it back on the luggage rack.

Penello watched Kewen's operation all the way, and then he held the textbook in his hand and commented in amazement: "Kewen, you are really the most genius among the people I have ever met! Your use of magic spells is so good. "

With a wave of his hand, Kewen retracted his wand and said casually: "Practice more, use more. That's why those adult wizards can practice the magic spells I just did to the level of silent casting, just use the wand to command, I can do what I do silently.”

"I heard you talk about silent casting and wandless casting." Penello said longingly, "I don't know when I will be able to do it."

"Just use the spell often," Cowan said. "You'll do it sooner or later."

"I also believe that I can do it myself!" Penello raised his chin slightly proudly: "I am confident that I will not be worse than anyone except you!"

clang clang clang.

The door glass of the compartment was knocked on, and an old lady pushed a mobile snack cart at the door and asked, "Do you need something to eat, children?"

"I've been waiting for a long time!" Penello immediately dropped the book, took out two gold Galleons from his pocket, and said excitedly.

Apparently, Mrs. Kriwat had given Penelope a lot of information on the train in advance...

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