Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 329 Support

Remember [new] in one second! After some tangle, Leona finally chose not to send people down the mountain.

This is because Leona's thinking is somewhat rigid.

She joined the Burning Sun Sect since she was a child and was instilled with the sect's ideas.

Even though she became a goddess, the behavior of that sect was still deeply ingrained.

The Burning Sun Sect is aloof and exists for the God of the Burning Sun to herd the world. It doesn't care about ordinary people like lambs at all.

Although Leona also has a soft heart, but thinking about the customs and beliefs of the Rakor people, she finally chose to believe in the strength of the Rakkor people.

And aren’t there Senna and her friends who are kind enough to help?

Therefore, Leona chose to abide by her duties and prepared to stay on the mountain to wait for the arrival of the undead!

the other side.

Senna soon set up the boat and returned to the foot of the mountain.

She found Lucian and his group who also failed in the mission.

After the rendezvous, the two sides talked to each other about the situation. When they learned that everyone had failed, they couldn't help but feel some resentment towards the Rakkor people.

But everyone didn't give up.

Everyone has the belief to fight against the undead. Even if it is not for the Rakkor people, everyone still wants to fight the undead again!

So everyone stopped doing useless work.

They left the Rakkor tribe and chose an area suitable for fighting.

Next is waiting, waiting for the cloud of death to come to Mount Targon.

This wait is a day.

On the afternoon of the second day when everyone arrived at Mount Targon, the dark cloud of death finally appeared from behind a mountain in the distance!

And in the evening, the cloud of death finally arrived at the foot of Mount Targon!

Looking at the silver-white environment of the ice and snow, the dark color of the death cloud is too obvious!

The Rakkor people naturally discovered the cloud of death, and various tribes gathered their troops one after another!

More than a dozen Rakkor tribes gathered a total of less than 4,000 troops.

The army formed a formation in another terrain that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, as if they wanted to collide with the cloud of death.

After discovering this,

Senna immediately chose to abandon her original position!

After discussing with everyone, she immediately drove the battleship to join the Rakkor army.

But they were ostracized!

The Rakkor people did not allow the heroes to intervene in their battle, and they could only watch as they watched how the Rakkor people eliminated the undead.

The heroes were extremely annoyed by this, but they could only agree verbally at first.

Not to mention the hot-tempered Olaf and Rengar among everyone, even Senna, the best-tempered one, was a little angry!

Therefore, everyone agreed not to take action for the time being, and only after the Rakkor people had learned enough lessons, they would go in for rescue.

Inside the Death Cloud.

Karma, who controls the clouds, has long discovered the Rakkor army.

She did not stop the clouds, but controlled the realm of death to move forward.

It wasn't until the distance between the two sides was within 500 meters that Plank discovered the thousands of blockers outside.

He asked Karma: "Unexpectedly, there are actually gatherings of humans in this area. What are you going to do?"

"Run it over directly."

Karma replied quietly: "This mountain is very special. My perception is affected here. I need more time to find the exact location of the possessed spirit."


After a low laugh, Gangplank pressed the pirate scimitar on his waist: "I understand, I will go out to direct the battle, and you can stay here to search for the possessed spirit."

"Don't let the king down." Karma glanced at Gangplank and warned coldly: "I don't want to hear any more news of failure."

"I'm not that loser from Noxus!"

Gangplank smiled ferociously: "Along the way, I have learned clearly how the army fights, and I know how to effectively take advantage of the undead!"

"hope so."

Karma said quietly, then closed his eyes and began to perceive seriously.

Gangplank sneered again.

He glanced at Vigus who was squatting on a stone, then turned and walked away from the clouds.

Out of the clouds, Planck did not engage in any of the pre-war lies.

He drew out his machete and pointed at the Rakor army a few hundred meters away with a ferocious smile.

The next moment, countless undead souls emerged from the clouds.

On the way to Mount Targon, Gangplank had already asked Karma for advice on how to control the Death Realm.

But Gangplank's mental power is too low, only at the level of an ordinary person, so he cannot control the realm of death as easily as Karma.

There aren't many ways that Gangplank can do it through the Realm of Death.

But he has a clear understanding of his own abilities.

So he simply gave up most of the methods and instead specialized in an ability given to him by the death realm.

That is the ability to strengthen the undead!

At this time, Gangplank used all his strength as soon as the war started!

He directly controls the realm of death to strengthen the undead army!

As a result, the size of the undead that rushed out of the clouds increased, and the flying ghosts quickly turned into resentful spirits!

The distance of several hundred meters between the two sides was completely covered by the undead side in only half a minute!

The undead army suddenly crashed into the Rakkor defense line!

As a race that has guarded the Holy Mountain for generations, the Rakoul people do have some abilities.

Not only are they individually powerful, but the battle formation they form is also reasonable and orderly!

As soon as the two sides collided, the Rakkor battle formation immediately turned into a meat grinder!

The shield warriors stood in front, and the spearmen quickly thrust their spears out of the gaps in the shields!

And behind the spearmen, there is a row of soldiers holding weapons like Changge!

They passed the long-handled weapons over the heads of the shield warriors and kept smashing them downwards, assisting the spearmen to quickly eliminate the undead!

Next, the shield battle in the front row did not adapt to the impact to death.

When their physical strength is reduced, they will immediately shout to their comrades in the rear to prepare.

Later, when the spearmen thrust out their spears to suppress them, the shield warriors in the front row would immediately retreat along the passage that their comrades behind them had already given way to!

At the same time, another group of shield warriors will charge quickly along the passage!

The second batch of shield battles will form an momentum, and in conjunction with the spearmen's attacks, they will knock over the undead whose momentum is blocked!

In this way, the Raqor people relied on their battle formation to form a charge within the original position of the front line!

Instead, they made the undead who were originally the charging side seem to be the defending side!

The boundless army of the undead was thus resisted! And the undead are killed very quickly!

Even if the strength of the undead has been strengthened by Gangplank, it still cannot shake the Rakkor's front in the slightest!

So, will the Rakkor people win the war so smoothly?

of course not!

Planck's disdainful sneer said it all.

Just like what Gangplank said, he started from Shadow Island and came to the foot of Mount Targon. During this period, he experienced many wars, large and small!

There are victories and defeats in wars, and Planck has already summed up many experiences and lessons.

He didn't lie to Karma, he really knew how to command the undead to fight!

Just like this, Gangplank did not command the undead to carry out a mindless charge.

The flesh and blood undead rushed forward at his order, but the ghosts and resentful spirits did not.

Gangplank had already ordered the ghosts and resentful spirits to continuously gather in the air, but he did not let the ghosts and resentful spirits join the battle together.

Ordinary undead were used by Gangplank as consumables to delay the battle. He put his trump card on ghosts and resentful spirits.

As the battle continued, more than five minutes later, ghosts and resentful spirits had formed a miserable green sea in the sky.

Planck feels almost done.

The next moment, he suddenly pressed down the scimitar!

Following Plank's movements, the ghost ocean in the sky suddenly crashed down like a huge tsunami wave!

Even though the Rakkor immediately launched a long-range interception into the air, their attacks were unable to stop the disembodied ghost!

In an instant, countless ghosts directly overwhelmed the Rakor people's battle formation!

The wraith that could cause physical attacks immediately launched an attack on the Rakkor warriors! And weaker ghosts are mixed in at the same time.

Such an insubstantial attack immediately made the Rakor warriors taste the bitter pill!

They became so confused that they couldn't tell which kind of ghost attack they should mainly resist!

After just a short moment, the Rakor people's battle formation became completely chaotic!

The battle formation was not overwhelmed by the undead from the outside, but began to rapidly disintegrate from within!

Casualties appeared instantly, and the number of casualties was increasing rapidly!

Seeing that the outcome was decided, Plank smiled.

He smiled ferociously and his eyes were extremely proud!

At this moment, a long-range attack suddenly appeared!

Senna drove the flying battleship and quickly rushed into the battlefield from behind. On the ship, the long-range heroes kept shooting!

When the battleship came to an emergency stop and floated in mid-air, the figures of Lucian and Ahri jumped over the side of the ship at the same time!

Lucian activated his 'Holy Spear Baptism' ultimate move directly in mid-air. The holy light bullets continuously hit the ghosts in mid-air at Gatling's frequency, instantly clearing a large area of ​​the ghost ocean!

Ahri is surrounded by soul fire!

She threw three soul fires into the air, causing the soul fires to spin rapidly to destroy the ghosts.

After landing, Ahri expanded the rotation radius of the three soul fires around him.

The soul fire is controlled very finely. Even if the soul fire flies rapidly in the chaotic battlefield, it will only destroy the undead and ghosts, but will not harm the Raqor people at all!

Finally, Ahri condensed the last three soul fires into a ball of energy!

She held the magic ball in her right hand and continued to project it in all directions.

Every shot of the magic ball will instantly destroy all the undead on a path!

But there were too many undead and ghosts, and soon several vengeful spirits passed through Ahri's defense holes and rushed towards him screaming!

But Ah Li didn't panic at all, and didn't even care about those resentful spirits.

Because she still has teammates.

No, when those resentful spirits finally approached Ahri, the next moment, several crossbow bolts flew down from above!

The crossbow arrow with powerful holy light energy instantly destroyed the resentful spirit, and then, Vayne's figure suddenly fell from the sky.

She landed next to Ahri, and while shooting with the Holy Stone hand crossbow, she said: "Concentrate on killing the enemy! I will defend you from those who leak in!"

Ah Li smiled with spring in his eyes and continued to project the magic ball in his hand!

At this moment, three roars sounded at the same time!

Olaf, covered in blood, jumped off the side of the ship and quickly smashed into the area where the undead were most densely packed!

He activated his berserker bloodline and directly entered the red-eyed killing state!

Rengar is the same!

He has long wanted to take revenge!

Since leaving Ixtal until today, he finally came into contact with the undead again!

As a result, Rengar completely released the bloodlust and hunting desire in his heart!

He wielded the Holy Stone Wrist Blade in his left hand and a Holy Stone Short Knife in his right hand, and relied on his agile speed to continuously attack among the undead!

The exhilarating feeling of not having a single enemy made Rengar unable to stop roaring with excitement!

Also jumping off the side of the ship with Olaf and Rengar was Revan.

She is the most sane and does not directly enter a state of near madness like the first two.

Raven summoned a layer of magic shield in mid-air, and then fell into another area densely populated by undead.

Before the shield around him was scratched by the undead, Raven immediately stamped his feet hard!


The ground within a radius of five meters shook violently!

The energy shock wave exploded with shock, instantly causing the undead around it to fall into a dazed state at the same time.

Raven shouted.

She activated the power of the rune blade in her hand, extending the blade into an energy blade of two meters!

Raven quickly swept the weapon while spinning her body. After a circle, all the undead and ghosts around her were instantly wiped out by its attack!

And as the heroes joined the battle, the rate of casualties among the Rakkor people could not help but decrease rapidly!

But even so, the Rakkor people suffered nearly a thousand casualties under the ghost's surprise attack.

When the pressure eased due to the support of the heroes, the remaining two thousand Rakkor people immediately reorganized their battle formation!

At this point, none of them said anything about not allowing the heroes to help.

After returning from the confusion, the Rakkor began to quickly gather their formation around the heroes, and quickly reorganized the battle formation with the help of the powerful output of the heroes!

On the flying battleship, Senna stood on the bow and opened fire while surveying the situation on the entire battlefield.

After knowing what she knew, she shouted loudly to Graves and Gwen who were also staying on the ship: "Hold on! I'm going to activate the firepower of the battleship!"

"No problem boss!"

Graves responded while laughing and firing: "With the protective cover of this ship, the undead have no strength to break through!"

"Senna, go ahead."

Gwen, who kept controlling the magic flying needle, nodded: "There is no pressure here."

Senna nodded.

She didn't have time to say more and rushed directly into the cab after the ceasefire.

Soon after, Senna figured out the weapons system with the help of the ship's intelligence.

She immediately opened all the gun windows on the battleship's hull, and also started to accumulate energy for the main gun on the bow!

After a while, the roar of cannon fire suddenly resounded throughout the world!

Dozens of energy beams shot out from the gun windows on both sides of the battleship!

Those beams of light shoot back and forth in mid-air, vaporizing all the ghosts they touch!

Although the 'Hex Energy Cannon' cannot completely destroy the undead, it is enough to reduce the density of ghosts and greatly reduce the pressure on friendly forces on the battlefield below... (End of this chapter)


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