Putting the money in his pocket, Cowen asked Professor Flitwick, "Professor, have you brought Penello to buy everything?"

"Not yet." Professor Flitwick responded with a smile: "We just exchanged money from the Goblin Bank, and the first stop is here."

"Then do you have other families to host?" Kewen continued to ask.

"Yes, I will visit two Muggle families today." After Professor Flitwick answered, he asked curiously, "What? Is there any question in the book that Xiao Kewen doesn't understand? Then my work for today is completed. Then, come here to answer you."

"No, it's not, Professor." Kewen scratched the back of his head shyly, and 'conceited' glanced at Penello secretly, and then explained: "I mean, can I help teach you? Picking up Penello? I know very well what items are needed to start the school, I think this will save you a lot of time as a professor."

"Haha..." Ollivander laughed abruptly.

Professor Flitwick wanted to say something, but after hearing the laughter, he looked at Ollivander subconsciously. After seeing the playful look in the other party's eyes, Professor Flitwick immediately 'suddenly realized'.

"Ugh, cough..." Professor Flitwick clenched his fists to cover his mouth and coughed, and then said with a smile on his face, "Of course, I mean, of course, um, that's it."

After speaking, Professor Flitwick looked at Ms. Kriwat again and asked, "Is it okay? I can guarantee that Xiao Kewen can definitely be your shopping guide."

"Of course." Ms. Clearwater smiled and nodded, and at the same time glanced at Kewen with a playful look: "I believe in Mr. Quinn."

"Me too!" Mr. Kleiwatt answered without assertiveness, with a scornful expression on his face.

"That's good." Professor Flitwick looked at Kewen: "Then I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry, Professor!" Kewen raised his chest with confidence, as if he had taken on a great mission.

"Come with me, Mr. Kriwat, Ms. Kriwat, and..." With a tone of excitement and anticipation that could not be concealed, Cowen greeted Penello: "Penello, let's go to the next bookstore first. "

"Of course!" Penello looked expectant after hearing the words, worthy of the "Ravenclaw seedling" in Professor Flitwick's eyes, when he heard the book, he immediately came to the spirit.

The Crewatt family followed Cowen out of the wand shop. Inside the store, Ollivander said with a smile, "It seems that little Cowen has met the right person. I have never seen him do this to anyone of his age these days. Take care."

"Haha." Professor Flitwick said with a smile: "Little Kewen is a very good boy. He has become more and more cheerful these days. After entering the academy in the future, he will definitely make more friends."

Ollivander heard the words, smiled and nodded...

On the other hand, Kewen led the Kriwat family of three to buy all the school supplies needed for the start of the school year.

During the period, he completely let go of his acting skills, likable characters, and detailed instructions and explanations, which not only made his relationship with Penello greatly improved, but also gained a lot of support from the two adults of the Kleiwatt couple. Compliment, the relationship between each other is very close.

After buying the last piece of school supplies, the group walked out of the store, and the moment of separation came.

Penello clearly showed a look of reluctance. After hesitating, he turned to his mother and asked, "Mom, can I invite Kewen to play at our house?"

Mrs. Kleiwat heard the words, with a calm and predictable look, smiled and nodded: "Of course, there are many Kewen Clubs, if you get along together, you can teach you a lot and let you understand as soon as possible. And get used to the magic world."

"Really? Great!" Penello cheered and looked at his father again.

"Of course! We welcome Corvin to our house very much!"

He gave the answer with a smile in advance.

"Thank you Dad!" Penello exclaimed with joy, then immediately turned to look at Kewen: "Then Kewen, can you come to my house as a guest? I still have a lot of questions to ask you."

"Well... I'm fine." Cowen responded shyly and with some 'expectation': "However, I need to go back to the wand shop and ask Mr. Ollivander."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Penello started directly, took Cowen's hand and walked in the direction of the wand shop, and said at the same time: "Let's go and talk to Mr. Ollivander, if we go home early, just in time I can let you taste my lunch, I tell you, the food made by my mother is delicious."

Being held hand in hand, with his back to the Crewatt couple, Cowen looked at Penello's flowing straight hair, and couldn't help pulling the corners of his mouth, revealing a heartfelt smile.

Soon everyone returned to the Ollivander Wand Shop and explained the situation to Ollivander.

Ollivander obviously did not expect things to develop to such a point, but he had no reason to refuse, and could only confirm to Cowen: "Are you sure you can?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Ollivander." Ms. Kriwat said first, "With me here, Kewen will have no problem."

"I have no problem." Kewen also said, "I remember the location of the street where the Leaky Cauldron is located, and I can also take the 'Knight Bus' back."

"Well... that's fine." Ollivander pondered for a moment, nodded and agreed.

Then, Ollivander looked at Ms. Kriwat again and said, "Then little Cowen will trouble you."

"Where." Ms. Kriwat smiled. "For a good boy like Kewen, I sincerely hope that he can have more contact with our Penelope, and I will take good care of him."

"Me too!" As a Muggle who would be ignored by wizards everywhere in Diagon Alley, Mr. Clearwater couldn't wait to show his presence.

"It's great!" Penello cheered and entertained Kewen excitedly: "Let's go! I can show you the fairy tale books I have collected and the dolls I have collected. Of course, I have many more. So many questions about magic to ask you."

"Okay, okay..." Kewen's right cheek trembled indiscernibly, wondering if he had fooled himself.

After saying goodbye, the Kleiwat family of three left the wand shop with Cowen and returned to the world of ordinary people through the Leaky Cauldron.

Looking at Cowen all the way, as if he could say hello to anyone, the Crewatts looked at Cowen with a more cordial expression.

After exiting the Leaky Cauldron and getting into the car driven by Mr. Clearwater, Cowen let out a long, inaudible sigh of relief.

Finally... Temporarily escaped from the magic world and got rid of the surveillance that I don't know exists...

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