The latest website: Many of the magics in the Harry Potter world cannot be used in this world, because Kewen cannot translate it with the pronunciation of "Rune script".

But fortunately, 'Intake Spiritual Mind' and 'Occlumency' can be converted and used.

Right now, Kewen is preparing to use 'Intake Divine Mind' to read the minds of these 'giant beasts'.

However, the 'mind reading mantra' can only read what the other party is thinking about at the moment, so another mantra must be used to cooperate.

So, Kewen took out his magic wand and shot 'Out of Body', guiding the thoughts of the beast in front of him.

Afterwards, Kewen stared at the dazed eyes of the 'giant beast' and began to read the other's heart.

The memory appears to be very chaotic, and the corrupted beast seems to be a lunatic, and most of the thoughts in his mind are filled with madness, bloodthirsty and other negative emotions.

However, with Kewen's efforts, he managed to find some memory pictures that he wanted to know, but the pictures were fragmentary and he couldn't make them smooth.

Seeing this, Kewen retracted the 'Mind-Reading Curse' and set the target on the next 'giant beast'.

One after another 'giant beast' was guided by Kewen and read his mind. After reading all twenty beasts, Kewen immediately closed his eyes.

After summarizing all the scattered pictures in the memory partition of "Goldfinger", it didn't take long for Kewen to successfully get what he wanted.

Guess is right, although these 'giant beasts' are not the keeper of the 'Inifus' tree, but they also know the location of the tree.

Opening his eyes, Kewen looked around to check the surrounding environment, compared with the content in his memory, and soon found the route to the giant tree of 'Inifus'.

"Destroy them."

Cowen waved his hand, ordered the Rogues around him, and then walked to Flavy who was cleaning the battlefield in the distance.

Seeing Kewen's figure, Flavi stood up and asked, "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Well, I got the position of 'Anifus'." Ke Wen nodded: "After the battlefield is cleaned up, we will go straight there.


"no problem!"

Flavi showed joy. Although she followed Kewen with no regrets, who wouldn't want to be able to complete the task earlier?

Conveying Kewen's instructions, the Rogers accelerated the speed of cleaning the battlefield after hearing the words.

After stacking the equipment routines into several hills, Kewen had to donate some small cloth bags again. After all, the harvest in the past two days was really too much, and even he didn't have a few 'traceless stretch cloth bags' in stock. .

If there are going to be a few big battles to come, Cowen may have to get into the suitcase to make some temporary pockets.

After cleaning the battlefield, the Rogues carried out a short period of repair, replenishing arrows and replacing worn weapons.

Then, the team started again.

This time, Kewen led the way, led the team forward for a certain distance, changed direction, and got into the forest.

The team began to evolve with experience, and some Rogues changed to long spears to guard against the "corrupted blood eagles" that came down from the air.

The enemies encountered next turned into jungle monsters, with fewer 'hard-haired mice' and more 'blood eagles' and 'giant beasts'.

However, it was not a problem for the team, because after the two-day battle, the strength of the 200 Rogge had nearly tripled.

Kewen is very jealous about this, but he can't help it. Who made him not be able to 'level up' like the Rogers...

Slowly advancing all the way, more than three hours passed, and in the evening, the team finally found a clearing in the forest.

In the center of the clearing, a dead giant tree stood conspicuously there.

The team temporarily hid in the forest, shielded by trees to avoid being discovered by the monsters in the clearing.

Kewen and Flavey stood in the front row of the team, looking at the environment in the clearing intently, counting the number of monsters in it.

After observing for a while, Flavy whispered: "Sir, it's a bit difficult to handle. There are too many 'giant beasts' in it, as well as a few elite monsters you mentioned, and a leader monster."

"Yeah." Kewen nodded slowly, agreeing with Flavey's 'difficulty' statement.

The power of the giant beast is very strong. Among all the puppets that Kewen resurrected, only the less than one hundred 'beast puppets' can fight against them.

Today, there are nearly three hundred 'giant beasts' in the open space, not to mention four elites and one leader.

Ordinary 'giant beasts' are thick enough, so aren't the five special monsters stronger and harder to kill?

After observing for a while, Kewen kept calculating in his mind to simulate the battle, but he didn't get any results that could win.

In order to ensure the safety of the Rogers, Kewen had to dig his old bottom again.

I took out the suitcase and went in, and from the studio, I took out all the alchemy models that were kept.

After weighing the chessboard with the model in his hand, he began to calculate and simulate again in his mind. Valley

After substituting forty-nine alchemy models, this time, Kewen finally got the result of a perfect victory.

With a slight smile, Kewen immediately began to teach Flavey offensive tactics.

After the explanation was finished, and after confirming that Flavy remembered, Kewen carefully threw all the models into the edge of the open space in front of him.

Drank the 'mana potion' and activated all models with the wand.

Soon, the forty-nine models rapidly grew in size at the same time, and came to "live" with their bodies shaking with a 'clucking' sound.

The accident attracted the attention of all the 'huge beasts', and under the roar of the leader monster, all the 'huge beasts' immediately roared and charged towards the numerous stone models.

Seeing this, Kewen immediately manipulated the puppets in his mind, causing hundreds of 'beast puppets' to stride out of the forest, first rushing up to meet the enemy.

bang bang bang-

The two monsters were quickly entangled together, and huge fists fell on each other, making a dull knocking sound.

Because the puppet giant beast has unlocked the 'instinct lock', the first few attacks are very fierce, instantly suppressing the enemy giant beasts.

However, due to the unrestrained force, the 'puppet giants' fractured after several attacks, and then they could only play the role of meat shields.

At this moment, Kewen commanded another forty-nine 'alchemy stone statues' and began to break into the battlefield.

Twenty stone statues were deliberately set aside to surround the five special monsters, successfully blocking the opponent's footsteps. Then, Kewen controlled nearly three hundred ordinary puppets to enter the battlefield.

However, Kewen didn't expect those ordinary puppets to cause any effective damage. He just controlled those puppets to surround the giant beast and hinder the giant beast's movements.

And the effect was just as Kewen expected. After all the stone statues and puppets were sent out, they successfully blocked more than 300 giant beasts in the open space, interrupting the charge of the monsters.

Seeing this, Kewen waved his hand vigorously forward. Flavy saw it and immediately led the Rogues to the edge of the open space.


All of them wrapped magic elements around their arrows, and after they simply scattered the areas to aim, they loosened their bowstrings one after another.

Pieces of magic arrows were fired, and the 'giant beasts' were pierced through their heads by the arrows, and they fell to the ground after barely standing for a while.

With a salvo of magic arrows, the team successfully eliminated nearly fifty 'huge beasts'. Immediately, the Rogues bent their bows and arrows again and began to brew the second wave of magic arrows.

While Kewen was drinking the 'magic potion', he waved the 'necromancer wand' again and again, resurrecting the destroyed giant beasts into puppets.

In this way, as the battle continued, the number of puppets that Kewen resurrected did not decrease, but instead became more and more.

Almost five minutes later, all the ordinary 'huge beasts' in the entire open space were transformed into puppets by Kewen, and only the five special monsters were still surrounded by more than a dozen alchemy stone statues, roaring in vain.

Kewen glanced at the audience, looking at the more than ten alchemy stone statues that had been damaged, and couldn't help showing a little pain in his expression.

However, this is not the time to feel distressed. If the five special monsters are not eliminated, I am afraid that the other side will destroy more stone statues.

Therefore, Kewen hastily issued an offensive order.

The Rogues drank the 'mana potion', then opened their bows to aim at the five special monsters, and after a short brewing, they shot magic arrows again.

After a rain of arrows, the four elite behemoths had more than a dozen magic arrows inserted into their heads and fell to the ground quickly.

And the leader monster was even worse. Almost all of the remaining more than 100 arrows hit its head, and its entire head was completely smashed by the arrows.

The body still stood upright for a while, and finally, after the hammer of an alchemy stone statue, the leader beast finally lay on the ground silently, smashing the ground with a muffled 'bang'.

Seeing this, Kewen sighed and waved his hand: "The battle is over, the battlefield is cleaned up, and it is customary to raise vigilance."

"Yes-" Rogers responded in unison.

Without paying attention to the movements of the Rogues, Kewen stepped forward in pain and walked to the corpse of the leader monster.

Instead of touching the corpse, he checked the damage of the Alchemy Colossus immediately.

Twenty giant statues were originally sent to hold back the special monsters, but now, five stone statues have been completely destroyed, and four are too damaged to be repaired.

The remaining eleven stone statues are also covered in scars and pits.


Taking a slight breath, Kewen sighed in his heart that the power of these elites and chief beasts was too great.

Enduring the distress, Kewen began to recycle all the alchemy statues. At the same time, he wondered if he could find a way to upgrade the colossus in the world he would travel through in the future.

After all, these giant statues are too rigid now, and the combat is too inflexible. It would be nice to add an automatic combat mechanism to them in the future...

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