Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 343 Resurrection

Kewen in the hotel hurriedly used some strength and quickly settled the two beauties beneath him.

After a sleeping spell put the two female stars into a deep sleep, he immediately put on his clothes and teleported away.

Corwin appeared on the beach where Lucifer was attacked.

He lowered his presence and stood aside to watch a somewhat chubby middle-aged man struggling to get Lucifer into the car.

As the car started and drove away, Kewen, who was standing on the beach, opened his mouth. After a while, he muttered: "What are you doing..."

He came to the rock and found the stick that knocked Lucifer unconscious.

Feeling the dissipating aura of light on it, he raised his head and asked, "Old man, what kind of drama are you playing?"

No response sounded.

Ke Wen shook his head. After thinking for a moment, he started to chase the car that had gone away.

He was so curious and wanted to see how things would develop next.

Following the car all the way, a few hours later Coven followed the car to the desert south of Los Angeles.

The attackers drove to a stop deep in the desert.

The other party once again dragged Lucifer out of the car with great effort and took off Lucifer's shirt.

Then, the man grabbed Lucifer's feet and dragged him off the road into the desert next to him.

Along the way, Lucifer's body was rubbed with many wounds by the ground, gravel, and thorny bushes.

But Lucifer just didn't wake up.

Ke Wen felt it very clearly. This was because Lucifer still had some power from heaven on the back of his head.

It was that force that maintained Lucifer's coma.

This made Kewen scratch his head again, unable to understand the deeper meaning of God's move.

He had no choice but to keep walking to keep up, watching the man drag Lucifer a hundred meters away from the road.

The man is so tired that he can't bear it,

After dragging Lucifer to a place with shovels and other tools, the man collapsed on the ground and panted for a long time.

After calming down, the plump man started moving again.

He grabbed a shovel and looked like he wanted to dig a hole.

Obviously, the other party wanted to bury Lucifer alive here.

Ke Wen, who was right next to him, did not stop him.

Because he felt that most of the heavenly power behind Lucifer's head suddenly dissipated.

Then, a scene appeared that made him couldn't help but widen his eyes.

A rustling sound sounded, and a pair of white wings slowly grew out from Lucifer's back.

The wings pushed away the gravel on the ground and the dry bushes that were pressed down by Lucifer. Even though it was night, those white wings seemed to glow on their own, allowing people to see clearly.

The puffy man naturally saw this scene as well.

After being stunned for a short moment, the opponent suddenly collapsed and let out a scream, immediately dropped the shovel and turned around to run away.

Corwin paid no attention to the fleeing attacker.

He opened his mouth slightly, stared at Lucifer's wings and finally figured everything out!

"I see……"

He suddenly murmured: "Divinity has been sublimated, but Lucifer still lacks knowledge of himself!"

"As long as he doesn't recognize this, this power will remain hidden in his body and cannot be revealed."

"But he is now in a coma...conscious and has no thoughts..."

"In this state, the self-protection mechanism of the divine body finally revealed the power of the angel..."

He looked up at the sky again.

Coven sighed and shook his head.

He laughed.

God still knows how to play!

If Lucifer is to discover this on his own, I don't know how long it will take.

As a result, God easily arranged a cause and effect, and Lucifer woke up instantly.

Now, Lucifer has more fun to watch.

Corwin cast a teasing look at Lucifer.

He couldn't wait to see what Lucifer would look like when he discovered angel wings.

Unable to hold back, Ke Wen laughed out loud.

But he immediately held it back, for fear of waking up the unconscious Lucifer.

Finally looking at Lucifer's desolate appearance with his bare upper body, Ke Wen teleported and disappeared in a flash.

He returned to the hotel.

After sprinkling a piece of holy light on the two female celebrities on the bed and waking up the beauties, he focused on Lucifer's side while continuing to enjoy himself and launched the charge.

Lucifer was unconscious for a long time.

At noon the next day, he woke up confused and confused in the sun.

The skin was red from the sun, and the many scratches on the body were also dehydrated and exploding.

Lucifer woke up and touched the back of his head, then stood up in confusion.

He turned around and looked around at the desolate and hot desert, as if he had been broken into pieces and didn't know how he got here.

But he soon wouldn't have to think about that.

Lucifer finally discovered angel wings!

He tilted his head slightly in astonishment, staring at the wing tips that passed over and swung above his head.

Finally, he looked up to the sky with broken eyes, as if asking God what he had done to him!

In the Hollywood temple, Coven took pictures of the magical illusion in front of him with his mobile phone.

He smiled evilly and took pictures of all Lucifer's embarrassing looks.

Now, he would have enough evidence to laugh at the other party later.

After Lucifer finished venting his anger towards the sky and flapped his wings and flew onto the road, Coven waved his hand to cancel the surveillance illusion in front of him.

He canceled the camera function and dug out the phone book, and called Angela, whom he had not contacted for more than half a year.

"Oh my God! Where did you disappear to, Kewen?!"

As soon as the call was connected, Angela immediately whispered: "If Farah hadn't said that you were busy with business, I would have used national resources to investigate you as a missing person!"

"Haha, I made you worry about Angela." Ke Wen said with a smile: "I have been really busy these past few months. I'm sorry, it was too sudden, so I forgot to inform you."

"What did you do?" Angela asked, "Are you really okay?"

"It's really okay." Ke Wen responded: "Just think that I am going to further my studies. My strength has improved a lot in the past six months."

"That's it." Angela breathed a sigh of relief, and then she smiled and said, "Then I want to congratulate you, Kewen."

"Thanks, so how about celebrating?"

Ke Wen walked to the window. He looked in the direction of the police station and smiled: "Let's have dinner together."

"Oh...oh, wait for me for a moment." Angela changed the subject: "There is a knock on the door here. I will call you later."

"You work first." Ke Wen naturally agreed.

At the sound of 'come in', Angela temporarily hung up the phone.

Within two minutes, the call came back.

Ke Wen answered the phone, but what was waiting for him was Angela's apology.

"I'm really sorry Kewen." Angela was a little helpless: "I'm afraid I can't do it tonight. How about tomorrow?"

"Of course it's no problem." Ke Wen responded warmly: "What's wrong? Has there been another vicious incident?"

"No." Angela explained: "The police station has a new deputy chief, and he invited me to have dinner together in the evening. Everyone else agreed, and I couldn't refuse."

"That's it." Ke Wen suddenly said, "It doesn't matter, let's get together tomorrow."

"Then it's settled." Angela said with a smile: "I'll catch up on my work first and try to get off work as early as possible tomorrow."

"Don't work too hard."

Ke Wen warned, said 'see you later' and ended the call.

Since he was free again tonight, he simply took out the female celebrity photo album from the space and started looking through it.

He planned to choose two bed partners for himself to relieve the loneliness at night.

Time came to night in a blink of an eye.

The police dinner party that Angela attended has ended.

The airborne deputy director got permission from Angela to send Xiang home on the grounds of getting closer and discussing work.

After arriving home, Angela asked politely if she wanted to go inside and sit for a while before leaving.

Unexpectedly, the deputy director agreed.

This made Angela's polite smile become a little stiff, but she could only invite the deputy director in.

After inviting the other party to sit down on the sofa, Angela went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

She used clear water to express her thoughts and said frankly: "Marcus, I hope you don't misunderstand. I didn't invite you into the house because I wanted to have anything to do with you."

"I know."

The deputy director named Marcus is short and has the face of a gentle gentleman.

He smiled and nodded implicitly: "Director Dodgson, I just want to talk to you about work."

Hearing this, Angela's smile became natural again.

She smiled and nodded: "Just call me Angela. So, Marcus, what aspect of work do you want to talk about? Is there any new work that is difficult to handle?"

"No, I can handle that."

There was something strange in Marcus's smile.

He seemed to be joking and said: "Angela, I read your information before being transferred here. After more than ten years as a police chief, you have no idea of ​​going further, so you plan to stay in the police station and wait for retirement. What?"

Such rude words made Angela suppress her smile again.

She frowned slightly, looked into Marcus' eyes and asked calmly: "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is." Marcus no longer concealed his evil thoughts: "Angela, since you are so unmotivated, why not leave all the work to me? You can enjoy doing nothing in the police station for nothing. Those who get paid enjoy life.”

"So are you seizing power?"

Angela laughed: "Deputy Director Marcus, although I got the position of Director because of some connections, I have been working hard during my years in office, so what makes you think that I will press your button?" What about a vegetarian meal with corpses as mentioned?"

"There is no reason, you will agree."

Marcus didn't smile like a good man, and a faint dark light seemed to flash through his twin children: "Angela, you will listen to my instructions, right?"

Angela suddenly began to lose consciousness.

She became dazed as if hypnotized.

Nodding slowly, Angela was about to respond, but suddenly woke up.

She quickly pressed to the bottom of her collarbone.

Feeling the coolness that the necklace pendant sent into her mind, Angela stood up suddenly amidst Marcus' astonishment.

With a one-arm backflip, Angela jumped over the back of the sofa and landed on the ground.

She knelt down, quickly took out a pistol from the gap between the sofa and the carpet, and pointed the gun at Marcus.

"Who are you!"

Angela asked sternly: "That was hypnosis just now?! No! That was extraordinary power! Tell me! What is your purpose!"

Do all your qualifications come from that ability? ! "

After a series of questions, Marcus, who was still sitting on the sofa, finally came to his senses.

Facing the gun, he smiled without any nervousness.

"What a surprise..."

Marcus still had that joking look. He looked at Angela curiously: "You can actually get rid of my mind control? It seems that you are not a mortal."

"answer my question!


Angela instantly opened the pistol's firing pin and safety with her thumb pad.

She slowly backed away to a safe shooting distance: "You'd better not play any tricks! Trust me! Even if I kill you here, I won't be investigated or made things difficult for you!



Marcus chuckled meaningfully: "Please believe me too."

He raised his right index finger and tapped it between his eyebrows: "You might as well try to shoot, you can't kill me."


Angela is determined and decisive.

She pulled the trigger instantly without any fuss.

The bullet turned into a stream of light and flew out of the gun's muzzle, and instantly penetrated Marcus's eyebrows with a stunned look on his face.

The potential energy of the bullet carried Marcus' body backwards and fell onto the back of the sofa.

Angela held up the pistol that was still smoking from the muzzle, staring at Marcus' body while slowly stepping forward to check.

However, as soon as she moved two steps, Marcus suddenly came to life again with the sound of struggling to breathe.

The wound between the eyebrows healed quickly, and the two children regained their agility from the dead silence.

The resurrected Marcus took a deep breath, looked up at the astonished Angela and smiled: "How? I said, you don't even..."

boom! Bang bang bang——

The trigger of the pistol was pulled by Angela repeatedly, and bullets flew out of the chamber, hitting Marcus in the head accurately.

When Angela emptied the magazine, half of Marcus' head had disappeared, and his skull and brain were splattered everywhere.

Angela didn't let her guard down.

Instead of checking on Marcus, she turned around and hurried to the kitchen.

She soon returned to the living room with several magazines.

Quickly changing the magazine of the pistol and loading the bullet, Angela placed the remaining three magazines within easy reach.

She raised her gun and aimed it at Marcus, quietly waiting for his reaction.

As expected by Angela, Marcus returned from death again half a minute later.

The broken brain grew rapidly, and the blown skull quickly returned to intact as if going back in time. In the end, Marcus didn't even mess up his hair.

But Marcus, who was resurrected again, was confused.

Because Angela's determination surprised him greatly.

When normal people see him resurrected from the dead, shouldn't they be horrified and shouting?

But Angela is too calm...

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