Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 18 Scouting

When he got this wand three days ago, Cowen felt an arm-like feeling on it, just like when he chose a wand in the world of Harry Potter.

The magic equipment of this world, when facing him, still has an attitude of 'letting you pick it up'.

In the game, this wand is a special weapon for 'necromancers', and other people can't use the special ability on the wand when holding it in their hands.

However, after Kewen thought of his 'characteristics', he couldn't help but want to experiment to see if he could still break the special rules.

Thus, the present situation has arisen.

Following Kewen's movements, everyone's eyes could not help but focus on the monster's corpse, however, nothing strange appeared for a long time.

Kewen was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and patted his head.

For several days, he still hadn't adapted to his state of 'losing the ability to cast spells'.

Under the strange eyes of all the Rogues, Kewen took out a bottle of 'mana potion' from his pocket and drank it all in one gulp.

After all, he led the team this time, and he got a lot of 'mana potions' supplies from Kasha.

As the magical elements filled and spread in the body, Kewen pointed his wand to the corpse again, and ordered again: "Stand up!"


A gust of yin wind appeared from the corpse, and then, the corpse seemed to be swept up by the yin wind, and stood up without any help.

At the same time, Kewen felt that there was a connection in his mind. He could clearly perceive the state of the resurrected monster, and he could even give commands to it in his mind.

This feeling is very new.

Although it is somewhat similar to the effect of 'Intake Divine Mind', it has an additional feeling of control.

I tried to give a few instructions to the resurrected monster in my mind.

Even if the magic element in Kewen's body dissipated, the effect of this control still did not disappear.

After thinking about it,

Kewen drank a bottle of 'mana potion' again, and then pointed to another corpse: "Stand up!"

The whirlwind suddenly appeared, the corpse rose with the wind, and there was another control 'hub' in Kewen's mind.

"I see..." Kewen couldn't help but whisper, and then he thought to himself: In the real world, there are no restrictions like in the game.

As long as you have enough willpower, you can control as many corpses as you want. There is no saying in the game that you can control one more corpse for every level of skill...

Thinking of this, Kewen couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

Summoning flow, handsome!

As a magician, how can there not be a group of subordinates around to protect spellcasting?

When the enemy thinks that you are the only one, you raise your hand and summon a lot of younger brothers, asking if you are numb!

When others finally break through the siege of the younger brother, you raise your hand again is a magic, and then ask you whether you are surprised!


Thinking of this, Covington felt a sense of excitement rise from his tailbone.

Keeping this important goal in mind, Kewen finally regained his senses, and when he turned around, he met twenty pairs of different eyes.

Realizing that his lustful demeanor might be a bit silly, Kewen hurriedly pretended to be nothing and said, "Collect the spoils and move on."


No matter what the Rogues thought in their hearts, they still obeyed the orders during the battle, so after responding, they immediately disarmed the two resurrected monsters.

Seeing this, Kewen twitched the corners of his eyes. He just said that he was right. Now, isn't there no weapon for his summons?

However, the order has been issued for export, and Kewen is not easy to go back.

The organization team continued to move forward, all the way to the direction of the cemetery.

Captain Flavi's previous reminder was right. After entering the Cold Field, the monsters really became more numerous.

Over the course of the next hour or so, the team encountered six attacks.

Fortunately, they were all wandering soldiers, and the most attack by monsters was only about two dozen 'dark hunters'.

Although he had gone through several battles, neither Kewen nor the twenty Rogue warriors showed any signs of fatigue.

Because after each battle, those killed monsters will be resurrected by Kewen, adding a protective circle to the team.

Every time they encounter a monster attack, the Rogue warriors just need to get together and shoot arrows easily, and those resurrected puppet monsters will act as MT cannon fodder to block the monsters' charge.

Originally, some Rogge were still quite critical about the move of 'Kewen resurrecting the corpse', but after a few battles, they no longer had their minds, and they wished that Kewen could revive more corpses. The corpse is fine.

In the ignorance of Kewen, the cohesion of the entire team became deeper and deeper.

It went all the way in this way, and after about an hour, the team stopped.

Because after passing through a small forest, a huge monster tribe appeared in front.

The tribe is very large, with some low stone walls in it. You can only see the heads of many monsters, but you can't count the number of monsters.

Kewen ordered the team to stop in the woods, then turned to the crowd and said, "Hide carefully here, I'll scout the situation of the monsters."

"Sir, let's attack directly!"

The twins who first formed a friendship with Kewen were also sent out by Kasha, and it was Guazilian's younger sister Leisa who spoke at this time.

Lysa looked worried and suggested to Kewen: "It's too dangerous for you to go out to scout alone! We have so many corpses resurrected by you, and we can fight head-to-head with the monsters in the previous tribe."

Looking around at the worried expressions of all the Rogues, Kewen smiled and responded, "Don't worry, you will know what I did later."

After speaking, Kewen left the team and took a few steps forward, then suddenly jumped up.

The next moment, his figure instantly shrank in the air, turning into a magpie.


A low voice sounded, and none of Roger thought that Kewen actually had such a skill.

Cowen, who transformed into a magpie, circled in a small circle in the air, and then landed on Claudia's shoulder.

Turning his head, the magpie even spoke: "Are you relieved now? Well, wait here, I'll scout around from the air."

Under everyone's astonished gaze, Kewen flapped his wings and quickly rose into the sky, crossing the canopy above and flying high into the sky.

Continuing to circle around the entire monster camp, at the same time, Kewen also saw all the scenes in the camp.

Shortly after, Cowen returned to the woods, regaining his human form as he approached the ground.

The inertia of the flight made Kewen take two steps forward after landing. Valeila subconsciously raised her hand to help, but Kewen had already stopped.

He smiled at Valeera, and then Kewen raised his hand and beckoned to everyone: "Come around."

As he spoke, Kewen leaned over and picked up a twig from the side.

Crouching down, Kewen told the surrounding Rogge, "We will face a big battle next."

Saying that, Kewen drew a bow-shaped pattern like a crescent moon on the ground. The branches were at two points on the inside of the bow, and he said clearly: "Dark hunters and zombies are gathered in these two places, respectively. The number of monsters in each clan exceeds one hundred."

At a point in the middle of the entire pattern, Kewen continued: "In this largest area, there are more than three hundred fallen demons."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn.

Such a number of monsters is simply not something that twenty of them can face.

But thinking of those resurrected corpses and the magic of Kewen, all the worries in Rogge's heart eased.

They were all focused and ready to listen to Kewen's arrangements.

Not finding any changes in the mentality of the team members, Kewen continued to explain: "In addition, among the monsters of each clan, there is a special leader monster. I call them um... elite monsters."

Everyone nodded silently, remembering the term Kewen said.

"I have observed the surrounding terrain." Kewen looked up at the crowd and said, "If you want to go to the cemetery, this is the only passage, and the other areas are steep mountain walls, so we must have a fight with the monsters in front of us. battle!"

"Please make a battle plan!"

Claudia's eyes were full of absolute trust in Kewen, and she said with a firm expression: "I believe sir! I will definitely lead the sisters to a glorious victory!"

After the words fell, the expressions of the other Rogues also became firm.

Seeing this, Kewen showed a satisfied smile, then lowered his head and placed the branch a little in the middle of the two 'bow pieces'.

"Here!" Kewen raised his voice slightly: "There is a small gap here. If we attack from the outside position directly opposite the gap, the speed and number of monsters gushing out of the camp will be severely limited. "

"But of course we have to be vigilant on both sides."

Kewen added some branches at the upper and lower ends of the 'bow piece', and said, "We also need to guard against monsters coming out from these two directions and attacking us in a semi-encirclement."

Looking up at all Rogues, Kewen solemnly warned: "So, after the battle begins, you must not only stare at the monsters gushing out of the gap, but also be alert to the other two directions at any time."


Everyone responded in a low voice.

"Of course." Kewen chuckled again: "I believe those monsters don't have such smart brains. They may have been killed by half before they thought of attacking from both sides."

"But trust me." Kewen tried to calm everyone's tension in a relaxed tone: "I will arrange for those resurrected monsters to protect everyone, and at the same time, I will resurrect more monsters after the battle begins."

"Trust me!" Kewen emphasized again: "I will ensure the safety of each of you!"

Hearing this, everyone gradually became more at ease, and the slight death-defying look on their faces gradually disappeared...

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