Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 333 Parricide


So delicious!

It smells so good!

Ke Wen, who was silly and happy with a ball of bright rules, almost conjured up a wagging tail for himself!

It wasn't until he licked his face and made a lot of 'rule wine' but waited for a long time without receiving any response that he extinguished the delusion in his heart.

But Kewen is also satisfied!

After all, the ball of light held in his arms contains 99% of the rules of light!

He just accidentally came up with an idea and spent some time mixing the 'wine of rules', but he got such a generous reward.

Ke Wen is truly and completely satisfied!

As for Lucifer?

Hi! Let that treacherous son fall into the secret control of his father!

After thinking about it, Coven sent magical messages to Farah and Diana respectively, informing them that he was going to undergo a period of retreat that would last for several months.

And he gave some special instructions to Farah.

After everything was prepared, Kewen waited in the mirror space.

He waited for the show to unfold.

A few hours later, the outside time came to evening.

Uriel called Lucifer, and soon Lucifer came alone.

"Where's Kewen?!"

Lucifer started asking questions as soon as he entered the abandoned church.

And Uriel also started performing.

He smiled disdainfully, then raised his hand and pointed around the hall.

"Can't you feel it?"

He mocked: “The man you sent is indeed very powerful, but he made the mistake of being arrogant.


"What did you do to him?"

Lucifer suddenly calmed down. He stared at Uriel and asked again: "I don't believe you can hurt him!"

"Indeed." Uriel nodded and admitted: "He is too strong. I am indeed no match for him, but don't forget my ability."

Lucifer did not ask again this time, but the self-seal on his body began to become unstable.

But the key to releasing the seal is missing, that is, the pair of wings, so no matter how angry Lucifer is, he cannot break through the seal on his body and cannot return his power!

Uriel sensed Lucifer's state.

A complicated expression flashed across his eyes.

Then he continued: "Don't worry, your friend is not in danger. I just caused the space to collapse by playing with cause and effect, causing him to fall into a different space and get lost there."

"Impossible!" Lucifer growled: "Kewen almost transformed into the concept of space! How could he be lost in a different space?!"

Uriel spread his hands casually: "Yes, he has a lot of power. There is only one possibility to make him lose himself."

"You erased the concept of space there?!"

Lucifer gritted his teeth and uttered the words, then suddenly roared: "Impossible! You can't do it!"


Uriel reached behind his back and pulled out the flaming sword from the scabbard on his back.

Holding the dagger flat and showing it to Lucifer, Uriel smiled and said, "What if I have this?"

"Then... the Sword of Azrael?!" Lucifer whispered in shock: "How did you get it?!"

Uriel's eyes flashed with emotion.

He did not expect that Lucifer would fall to this level. As the most powerful of all angels, Lucifer did not recognize the nature of this sword, but believed the rumors and mistook it for the Sword of Death.

But Uriel would not explain anything.

He made a mistake and nodded slightly: "Yes, I borrowed it from the Angel of Death when she had no idea."

Uriel made a small swing with the sword and said at the same time: "Samael, you should know how powerful this sword is. I used it to erase the concept of space there and trap your friend in in."

"Give it to me!" Lucifer shouted angrily and ordered.

"You'd better not get excited."

Uriel turned the tip of his sword and pointed it at Lucifer, causing the opponent's footsteps to suddenly stop there.


He showed a victor's attitude and smiled contemptuously: "Samael, can you make the right choice?"

"Send mom back to hell, or..."

Uriel stretched out his free left hand, pointed his index finger straight down at the keys of the half-used piano.

Looking at Lucifer jokingly, Uriel threatened: "Or did you choose that little human girlfriend?"


Lucifer roared: "You didn't come here for mother at all! That sword!"

He raised his hand and pointed at the flaming sword: "You came here to hurt mom!!!"

"Then it depends on your choice, Samael."

Uriel's tone turned cold: "If you choose human, then leave your mother to me; and if you choose mother, then I will press this button. Do you know what will happen?"

He asked and answered himself: "Once this button is pressed, a series of coincidences will occur. Two days later, your little girlfriend will... die due to an accident!"


Lucifer completely lost his cool!

He maximized his sealed speed and suddenly rushed towards Uriel.

Uriel did not dodge and allowed Lucifer to knock him away.

When he stood up, Lucifer had already continued to rush over.

Uriel immediately put the dagger back into the scabbard behind his back, stood up and punched Lucifer to attack.

But his physical skills were no match for Lucifer, and Lucifer's attacks hit him on the cheek one after another.


Until there was a heavier muffled sound, Uriel's body flew out again and knocked the broken bench into pieces.


Uriel spat out the blood in his mouth and stood up.

And the way he didn't use the angel's power finally made Lucifer stop the attack inexplicably.

"Haha..." Uriel chuckled and stood up: "Is it weird? Why don't I use power?"

"What are you plotting?!" Lucifer frowned and asked.

"Because I want to prove it!"

Uriel looked jealous and suddenly shouted: "I want to prove! With the same strength, you are no match at all!"

"Inexplicable!" Lucifer stared at Uriel and took another step.

He quickly came to Uriel and continued to punch.

However, this attack suddenly failed, and Uriel just leaned back slightly and dodged it.


Lucifer felt a sudden force on his chest, and Uriel pushed him backwards with both hands.

"Are you confused?"

Uriel took some time to tidy up his clothes.

When he looked at Lucifer again, Uriel's expression was already full of confidence.

He explained: "The reason why I withstood your attacks several times is just because I have to spend some time reading your information. From now on, every move and every plan you make will be clearly seen by me. !”

After hearing this, Lucifer did not quarrel, he gritted his teeth and charged again.

As if Uriel was predicting the future, he suddenly made a sideways movement and successfully avoided Lucifer's punch.

The same goes for what follows.

Uriel made various moves in advance, causing all Lucifer's attacks to fail.

When he had enough fun, he started to fight back.


Taking advantage of one of Lucifer's attacks to miss, Uriel suddenly punched Lucifer in the face.

This punch almost knocked Lucifer blind.

Then Uriel pulled away with a smile on his face, taking leisurely steps.

Lucifer, who came back to his senses, touched the corners of his mouth.

He looked at the blood on his fingertips, and then charged at Uriel again.

"Watch your step."

Uriel reminded him jokingly.

However, when he spoke, Lucifer had already stepped on a stone on the ground.

This made Lucifer's figure slightly unbalanced.

Before Lucifer could regain his balance, Uriel had already accumulated his strength and punched Lucifer hard in the face again.

Lucifer suddenly became dizzy and staggered backwards.

In response, Uriel leaned down, picked up a stone, and flicked his fingers to send the stone flying onto the church wall.

The stone bounced off and hit another row of benches.

As if the straw that broke the camel's back, the bench suddenly cracked with a 'kacha' sound where it was hit.


A screw flew from the bench and headed straight for the fancy sconce chandelier on the ceiling.


There was a crisp sound, and the brass base of a candlestick was hit by a screw.

Even a small collision caused the already corroded candlestick base to suddenly crack and fall.

And precisely because of the lack of that small piece of base, the next moment, the entire chandelier suddenly could no longer maintain its balance.

Amidst the creaking sound, the chandelier suddenly tilted to one side.

The connection between the chandelier and the ceiling seems to be no longer able to bear the weight.


There was a crisp sound, and the entire chandelier suddenly fell from the ceiling.

And below him was Lucifer, who had just stood firm.


The chandelier hit the back of Lucifer's head accurately, causing Lucifer's eyes to instantly roll up, and he fell to the ground and fell into a coma.


A soft sigh sounded.

Uriel stepped forward slowly, reached out and grabbed the chandelier that was pressing on Lucifer and threw it away.

Then he ignored Lucifer, walked back to the dilapidated podium, stood next to the piano and continued to wait.

More than half an hour later, a figure crashed through the roof of the church and fell from the sky.

Maizi, who was wearing a tight leather jacket, landed on the ground.

"Are you Mazekin?"

Uriel asked as he reached out and pulled out the dagger from behind.

Maizi didn't answer. He touched it from his waist and held two hook-shaped daggers in his hands.

Uriel didn't pay attention.

He looked at the dagger in his hand with complicated eyes, then gritted his teeth and rushed towards Maizi.

After several rounds of fighting, Uriel's dagger was tightly clamped by Maizi with two hooked daggers.

As Maizi's arm exerted force, the dagger flew out of Uriel's hand and happened to land next to the unconscious Lucifer.

Uriel gave the dagger one last complicated look, and then he finally became serious.

With only a few small movements, he was able to dodge Maizi's continuous attacks. Uriel seized the opportunity and suddenly punched Maizi in the eye socket.

This made Maizi see stars in his eyes, and his vision temporarily turned black and he couldn't see clearly.

Immediately afterwards, Uriel opened his angel wings from behind with a "swish" sound, causing powerful power to appear on his body.

He reached forward and grabbed Maizi, directly grabbing Maizi's throat and lifting it up.

Ignoring Maizi's blows and struggles, Uriel's wings suddenly swung forward.

Bah! Bah!

There were two crisp sounds, and the wings hit Maizi's face one after another.

The angelic power contained in the wings directly broke through Maizi's magic defense and caused Maizi to suffer real damage!

Maizi suddenly fainted without making a sound.

Uriel retracted his wings and snorted coldly.

He looked at the wheat he was holding in the air and cursed in a disgusted voice: "Dirty devil!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Uriel flicked his hand and threw Maizi's body flying to the wall of the door.

No longer paying attention to the wheat that bounced to the ground, Uriel glanced at Lucifer, who was about to wake up.

His eyes fluctuated for a moment, and then he turned his back to Lucifer and walked to the piano.

Stroking the edge of the piano, Uriel sighed and said to himself: "Since you are so stubborn, then I will let you lose everything! I will deal with mom and that police detective together!"

Stretching out his fingers to press the keys, Uriel listened to the sound of getting up behind him, and he deliberately sneered: "No one can stop me!"


Lucifer's roar suddenly sounded.

Uriel acted as if he was surprised and turned back without warning.

The next moment, Lucifer rushed forward and suddenly thrust out the dagger in his hand.


The sword blade sank into the body without any hindrance.

Uriel instantly lost his strength.

He lowered his head to look at the dagger with only the hilt outside, and then slowly raised his head.

At this time, Lucifer's expression changed suddenly.

The anger and ferocity on his face was quickly disappearing, and his expression gradually turned into dull disbelief.

Looking at Lucifer with such an expression, Uriel forced a self-deprecating smile.

As his body slid weakly to the ground, he whispered: "I didn't expect...this..."


Uriel fell into Lucifer's arms.

He used his last strength to raise his hand and grabbed Lucifer's collar to break him out of his daze.

Lucifer immediately leaned forward tremblingly and put his ear in front of Uriel's mouth.

"The other also in...this world..."

After giving the final reminder, Uriel finally lost all his strength. His eyes gradually closed, and the arm holding Lucifer's collar suddenly dropped weakly.

"U... Uriel?"

Lucifer's body trembled, and his lips trembled as he called Uriel's name.

Lucifer, who received no response, raised his hand to touch Uriel's face. The ending in front of him made him fall into a sluggish state again.


After an unknown amount of time, Maizi, who woke up from a coma, came over.

She looked at the body of Uriel's clone and couldn't help but said with regret: "He deserves it!"


Lucifer looked up in despair, staring at Maizi with his eyes blankly: "What...have I done..."

He slowly lowered his head and looked at Uriel again.

"I...killed my brother with my own hands..."

The rich brilliance of humanity completely overwhelmed Lucifer, and tears of regret burst out of his eyes instantly...

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