Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 20 Shopping

In just a few hours, so many things happened that surprised Kewen, one after another.

Carefully read the book in his hand again to confirm that he was not mistaken. It was clearly written that while chanting the incantation, the wand in his hand needed to be waved and shaken.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't understand why I could cast spells without waving my wand.

Cowen wanted to use a magic wand to try it according to the method taught in the book, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea. After all, he has performed enough to exceed the standard today. If he does something unexpected, it will be difficult to continue. People set up.

In this way, Kewen simply put down "Standard Spells: Elementary", and instead picked up the other necessary items for admission that Ollivander bought for him.

I don't know how long, just as Cowen was fiddling with the 'foldable crucible', Ollivander's voice suddenly sounded: "Okay, there's nothing to do."

Kewen followed the sound and saw Ollivander was walking towards the door while inserting his wand back into his arms. Seeing this, Kewen immediately put the crucible in his hand back into the box, and then got up.

"Are you familiar with the textbooks and learning aids?" Ollivander asked with a smile as he walked up to Kewen.

"Well, I've read it all over, sir."

"Very good, but don't worry about how to use them correctly for the time being. In the future, when you go to the academy, the teachers will teach you how to use them." Ollivander patted Kewen on the shoulder, and then nudged Kewen's He said on his back, "Let's go, let's get the rest of the things you need for school."

"Is it okay in the store?" Kewen asked Ollivander's hand, turning around and walking towards the door of the store.

"It doesn't matter, the magic shop we are going to is not far away. I will watch it on the street. If there are guests, I will come back to entertain." Ollivander responded.

Kewen stopped talking and walked out of the store.

When Fang walked out of the store, all kinds of noisy sounds in the alley were suddenly clear, and there were all kinds of laughter, chatter, and calls for sales.

Without waiting for Cowen to observe carefully, Ollivander raised the volume slightly, raised his finger to the left and said, "There, Mrs. Morkin's Robe Store, let's go."

Cowen responded and followed Ollivander's footsteps.

It was less than twenty meters away, and the two quickly stopped at the entrance of Mrs. Mokin's robe store.

"Come in, I'm looking at the wand shop here." Ollivander said, "After entering, I told you that I asked you to come, and I already gave the money in advance."

"Okay sir." Kewen nodded and pushed open the store door.

The same 'ding bell' rang, and Kewen entered the store, causing the owners and customers in the store to turn their heads and look over.

"Hello." Kewen glanced at the scene in the store and instantly recognized who the boss was, so he said, "Mr. Ollivander asked me to come."

"Ah, of course, child." The owner, Mrs. Malkin, a short and plump witch, responded enthusiastically, "Sit down, child, and I'll serve the Claysway family first."

"Okay ma'am." Cowen responded, nodding to the three members of the Claysway family who were watching him, and then sat on the bench that was also placed near the door.

As Mrs. Malkin's warm reception sounded, the Claysway family also took their eyes off Cowen and continued shopping.

Soon after, the Claysway family left the store with satisfaction, and Mrs. Morkin, who was sent to the door, turned around and said to Cowen enthusiastically, "It's our time to have the child."

"Okay lady, what should I do?"

"Come, stand here and follow my instructions." Mrs. Mokin greeted with a magic tape measure in her hand.

Cowen stood at the designated position, and then Mrs. Massagein instructed to raise her arms and legs, so that the magic tape measure could measure the size of him on his own.

The measurement will be completed soon.

Mrs. Mokin glanced at the data in the booklet in her hand again, nodded knowingly and said, "Very good, wait a moment, I'll go get you a school uniform."

"Excuse me," Kewen responded.

"Oh~ what a polite and good boy." Mrs. Mokin praised with a smile, and then walked to the warehouse.

Soon, Mrs. Morkin returned to the store with a cardboard box, handed the box to Cowen and said, "The robe, cloak, hat, all are in it."

"Thank you ma'am." Kewen raised his hand and took the box, without questioning the size of the clothes the other party chose. After all, this is the magic world, and people will not disappoint guests.

"There's the last." Mrs. Morkin pointed to a display shelf inside the store: "Go and pick out a pair of dragon leather gloves that you like."

Kewen followed the directions to the display cabinet, and quickly picked out a pair of black thick leather gloves.

The items that need to be purchased in the store are ready, and Cowen then politely bids farewell to Mrs. Morkin and joins Ollivander who is waiting outside the store.

Next, the two went to the 'Eala Owl Store', and Kewen chose a 'Long-eared Owl' with white and brown colors, because Kewen liked the ear-like feathers on the top of the 'Long-eared owl' very much. . Of course, I am also very satisfied with the bright red eyeballs and black pupils of the owl.

In the end, Cowen gave it the name 'boom.'

So far, everything needed to go to school is ready. As for the pets that can be brought or not, Kewen has refused.

During this period, Kewen can be considered to have a good understanding of the entire Diagon Alley. What he cares more about is Ollivander's warning to him, warning him not to go to Knockturn Alley.

The whole Diagon Alley is Y-shaped and formed by the intersection of three roads. The intersection is a Goblin Bank. The street on the right side of the bank belongs to Diagon Alley, and the branch road on the left is the overturned in Ollivander's warning. lane.

From a distance, Knockturn Alley seems to absorb light, and even in the daytime, it looks very dark there.

Kewen still has a little memory of Knockturn Alley, and I remember seeing it when I was looking for "Harry Potter" information on the Internet.

But I read it in Chinese at first, but now after Ollivander said the place name, Kewen subconsciously translated it into Chinese, which corresponds to the information in his mind...

After tasting an ice cream from 'Florin's Cold Drinks', the two returned to the wand shop.

Lunch time had passed by now, and not long after the two returned to the store, the customers Ollivander spoke of finally arrived one after another.

It is basically a family of three configuration, and parents buy magic wands for newly enrolled children.

Cowen had no place to help, so he had to move all the items needed for admission to the second floor and stayed in a small warehouse room Ollivander prepared for him.

After simply tidying up his future residence, Kewen randomly selected a textbook and began to read it...

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