Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 180 Horcrux

The latest website: Voldemort's almost completely red eyes rolled his eyes and glanced fiercely within his line of sight.

In the silence of the crowd, he suddenly grinned.

At the same time, he said in a gloomy and stern tone: "I remember all of you! Next time I come back, I swear I will destroy each of you! Everyone's family! All of you!"

After the words fell, the field continued to be silent for a moment, and then exploded again in an uproar.

The timid people screamed harshly, and the timid ones also turned pale with fear.

Even the staff of the Ministry of Magic looked like they had no backbone at the moment, sluggish and didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Kewen sighed secretly, and then his eyes slowly swept across the stand again.

Following his gaze, the various voices in the audience gradually disappeared again, and everyone looked at Kewen with fear.

After getting the scene effect he wanted, Kewen lowered his head again and said to Voldemort under his feet: "I think, you shouldn't have a chance to come back again."


Voldemort tried his best to roll his eyes, stared at Kewen from the corner of his eye, and grinned, "Who can say for sure?"

Shaking his head, Kewen put his hands behind his back, glanced at the auditorium, and said, "Before, you were so stimulated by me that you lost your mind. At that moment, can your Occlumency Technique be maintained?"

Looking down at Voldemort whose eyes suddenly widened, Kewen shook his head and said, "There are seven Horcruxes in total."

"To shut up!"

Voldemort was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly gave a low voice.

How could Kewen do what he wanted, so he continued as if he hadn't heard: "When Harry was in first grade, Mr. Principal destroyed a remnant of your soul, and in second grade, Harry destroyed your 'diary Horcrux'. ."

"To shut up!"

Voldemort hissed sharply.

Suddenly, Snape next to him suddenly waved his wand, making Voldemort's mouth disappear and he could no longer speak.

Kewen was stunned,

Glancing at Snape, then smiling at him.

Continuing to uncover the scars, Kewen went on to count: "Your resurrection this time consumed another Horcrux, and when I was in the cemetery before, I destroyed the python, and at the same time, I also destroyed the python you were hiding in the body. shards of soul."

"Then..." Cowen glanced at Harry: "I attacked you again, making you go crazy, and personally destroying the fragments of your soul left in Harry's body."

As soon as the words fell, Dumbledore's eyes widened suddenly, and the surprise in his eyes could not be hidden.

He wanted to say something, but he held back the words and continued to let Kewen play.

Not noticing Dumbledore's demeanor, Cowan continued to say: "In this way, you have lost five Horcruxes, and you have two left."

"So..." Kewen smiled, stared at Voldemort's murderous eyes and said: "Our Mr. Dark Lord, you are planning, even if you fail this time, you can still use the remaining two souls. Will the device come back to life again?"

Voldemort could not speak, and could only stare at Cowen.

Shaking his head, Kewen put his hand into his pocket and took out a small box.

He opened the box, then shook his hands and fell, and dropped a necklace on the ground.

In the silence of the audience, Cowen pointed his wand in the direction of the Academy Castle, then looked at Voldemort and said, "The Slytherin pendant, Mr. Regulus Black, who decided to change his ways, in order to get it and put it destroyed and sacrificed himself."

"I accidentally got news of it from the Black elf, left school to get it two months ago."

Saying that, Kewen put his hand into his pocket again and took out a black flat box.

He dumped the contents of the box on the ground again, and then he looked at the jeweled headdress on the ground and said: "The crown of Ravenclaw was tricked by you from Lady Grey, the 'castle ghost', and made into a Horcrux. Hidden in a secret room in the castle."

"Coincidentally, in the last few years, I have spent almost half of my time in that secret room."

"Now." Kewen raised his left hand diagonally back and stared down at Voldemort. "Mr. Dark Lord, do you have any last words?"


A dirty wizard hat flew quickly from the direction of the castle, and was grabbed by Corvin's left hand that stretched back.

Withdrawing his hand, Kewen held the hat with one hand, and reached into the hat with the other hand, then drew out a silver ornate one-handed sword.

On the ground, Voldemort began to struggle suddenly.

However, both the lumbar and cervical vertebrae were smashed by Kewen, so under the paralysis, Voldemort could only feel extreme pain, but he could not move his body at all.

Cowan ignored Voldemort's actions, temporarily put away the Sorting Hat, then stepped forward and stabbed the Gryffindor Sword in his hand towards the gem on the Ravenclaw Crown.

The tip of the sword pierced the largest jewel on the crown.

The next moment, a ghostly scream suddenly sounded from the crown, and a large black mist dissipated from the broken gemstone, and disappeared in the air.

Before long, the black mist no longer appeared from the jewels of the crown, and Kewen glanced at Voldemort, who couldn't help but curl up, and then raised the sword.

Continue to lean over and open the 'Slytherin Pendant Box' with his left hand, revealing a black gem in the pendant box.

This time, without waiting for Kewen to act, as the pendant box was opened, a black mist suddenly emerged from it.

There seemed to be many ghosts in the black fog, constantly flying and screaming, showing an attacking posture to Kewen.

Kewen moved quickly and stabbed the 'Gryffindor Sword' in his right hand again, accurately stabbing the gem in the pendant box.


The cracking sound came out, and the black mist condensed in the air suddenly shrank, and then burst out in bursts of ghost howls.

Beside him, Voldemort arched his body slightly in pain, but touched the wound on his spine, which was immediately painful.

The disappearance of his mouth prevented Voldemort from screaming, but he was able to see his pain from his smashed eyes.

Looking at Voldemort's reaction again, Kewen turned his head with confidence, and then gently put the pendant box and crown back into the box and put them away.

He got up, put the two boxes back in his pockets, and then handed the 'Gryffindor Sword' to his left hand, and his right hand waved his wand one by one.

Barty Crouch Jr, who seemed to have lost his soul, suddenly flew to the vicinity of the wall of fire.

Then, Kewen controlled Peter Pettigrew, who was in a coma, to reel out a few meters and distanced himself from Voldemort.

Turning to look at Snape, Kewen said softly, "Sorry professor, I can only leave Peter Pettigrew to you."

Snape looked at Cowen in amazement, and then his eyes quickly became excited.

Turning his head suddenly, Snape gritted his teeth and looked at Peter Pettigrew. Before everyone could react, he suddenly raised his wand and swung it at him.

With a 'shredded body', Peter Pettigrew's body suddenly turned pitch black, then shattered and turned into fly ash in the air.

The sudden appearance of the "murdering" scene made the audience ignore Kewen's power, and exclaimed and screamed.

"Severus Snape!"

Minister Fudge of the Ministry of Magic couldn't help screaming: "How dare you..."

Cowan frowned slightly, and swung his wand in its direction.

The next moment, in the wall of fire over there, a giant dragon head made of flame suddenly jumped out, with its huge mouth open, it slammed into Minister Fudge.

The flame dragon head stopped less than a meter away from the other party, as if roaring silently.

The firelight illuminated Minister Fudge's whole body red.

After being sluggish for a moment, Minister Fudge came to his senses, and suddenly let out a harsh scream, fell to the ground, fluttered his legs and kept retreating, looking extremely frightened and embarrassed.

Seeing this, Kewen flicked his wand again, causing the flaming dragon head to disappear, and his dull eyes scanned the audience again.

Soon, the audience became silent again.

"Child, you..."

Professor McGonagall couldn't help but speak out, looking very worried.

Dumbledore suddenly raised his hand and pressed it on Professor McGonagall's arm, preventing her from continuing to speak.

Cowan gave Professor McGonagall an apologetic look, then turned to look at Harry next to Dumbledore.

In the dull and dazed look on the other side, he said, "Harry, use 'Break Your Body' on Voldemort."

"What, what!?"

Harry still didn't return to his senses, and asked in confusion.

"Fate can be predicted by some divination." Kewen said softly to Harry, "I'm worried that if someone else does it, Voldemort will appear a little bit of life, so you, the enemy of the devil in the prophecy ', it is possible to eliminate him most completely."


Harry came back to his senses and finally heard Kewen's words clearly, but because he heard Kewen's words clearly, he was extremely stunned.

At this time, Dumbledore finally couldn't help but insert himself, and said to Cowen hesitantly, "Here?"

"It's the most appropriate right now." Kewen nodded slowly, looked at Dumbledore and said, "Sir, only by letting everyone witness Voldemort's death with their own eyes can they get rid of the pressure that has been pressing in their hearts. shadow!"

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, and could only nod to admit that Cowan was right, and immediately said to Harry: "Go ahead, Harry, I will bear the consequences for you!"

Harry still looked a little hesitant when he heard the words.

If it were another place where no one was there, he might have done it without hesitation, but at this time there were so many people watching, and he seemed a little resistant to the matter of 'killing people in front of everyone'.

"Harry! Potter!"

Professor Snape suddenly growled bitterly: "What are you waiting for!?"


Confused, Harry turned to look at Snape, then at Dumbledore and the silent Professor McGonagall.

After a moment of hesitation, Harry finally gritted his teeth and raised his wand at Voldemort, who was lying on the ground.

As if sensing his final destiny, Voldemort struggled hard on the ground regardless of the severe pain in his spine...

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