Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 15 Consensus

Inside the store, Kewen looked cautious. When observing the items in the store, his eyes revealed a look of curiosity, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Then he turned his head and looked outside the store, looking at the wizards of all shapes and sizes, Kewen again showed a look of longing and helplessness.

Just as Kewen turned his head to look outside the store, Professor McGonagall and the wizard under the bay window outside the store simultaneously withdrew their gazes from the inside of the store.

At this time, Ollivander's voice sounded out of thin air again: "So, has the Ministry of Magic confirmed the child's situation?"

"Yes, Mr. Ollivander," the wizard responded. "As for the child's situation, our investigation ends here."

"Professor McGonagall?" Ollivander asked in a tone.

"The academy's observation and understanding of the child has come to an end." Professor McGonagall nodded slightly: "After the school starts, I will observe the child for a while to see if the child's body has any sequelae of the 'curse'. or hidden dangers.”

"Okay." Ollivander's voice sounded: "Please forgive my rudeness, I will confirm again, the child is sure not someone who deliberately arranged to come to me, right?"

"Our Ministry of Magic can confirm." The wizard said solemnly: "We confirm that there is no manipulative spell on the child."

"Thank you so much." Ollivander said: "In this case, I will also bear all the property problems of the child during school according to my contract with the Ministry of Magic."

"Mr. Ollivander?" Professor McGonagall interjected in surprise: "I thought that the relationship between you and the child should be an adoption relationship, not the compensation relationship you expressed?"

"No no, Professor McGonagall," Ollivander said. "Don't believe the bullshit in the papers."

"Indeed." The wizard explained to Professor McGonagall, "The contract between the Ministry and Mr. Ollivander is to bear all reasonable expenses for the child's schooling, not an adoption contract."

"Is that so?" Professor McGonagall nodded slightly.

"After all, it's the second child who survived the 'Death Curse'. The newspapers exaggerate this, and it's normal for the story to be told." Ollivander's tone was a little uncomfortable: "Everyone wants to touch that child along the way. Luck, it seems that they will be able to escape from the curse in the future. Even the old Tom of the bar is as diligent as if it were a different person."

"Mr. Ollivander." Professor McGonagall frowned slightly and turned his head slightly to look at the empty space: "I know you have just suffered a troublesome incident, but could you please calm down a little bit."

"Ah, sorry, I was the one who ripped off Professor McGonagall."

"No, it's normal, no matter who it is, who suddenly encounters a change like you, will be out of balance." Professor McGonagall's tone was gentle: "But we need to think about that child, compared to Mr. Ollivander, you , that child may have suffered more, after all, at his age..."

"Sorry again Professor McGonagall." Ollivander said in a remorseful tone: "I will pay more attention to this in the future."

"Then I'll trouble you first." Professor McGonagall said: "After the school starts on September 1, I will continue to enlighten that child in the school."

"It bothers you too, Professor McGonagall." Ollivander responded.

"Then..." The wizard said when he saw this: "Our three-way consensus is over, and I will submit the result report to the ministry."

Professor McGonagall nodded slightly and looked at no one again: "Then Mr. Ollivander, do you still want to continue to observe with the 'Illusory Body Charm'? I still have several home visits for freshmen to deal with."

"Um... no."

Between the words, Ollivander's figure suddenly appeared out of thin air from an angle that could not be seen from the inside of the wand shop.

"Then Professor McGonagall, Mr. Ollivander." The wizard nodded slightly to the two of them: "I'll go back to the ministry first,

If there is any situation that requires us to communicate again, you can come to the Ministry to find me, or write a letter. "

As Ollivander and Professor McGonagall nodded at the same time, the wizard turned and merged into the crowd.

"I'm leaving too," Professor McGonagall said to Ollivander.

"Let's go together." Ollivander smiled.


"I was a little ill-considered before." Ollivander explained: "The child should have not eaten for two days. I am afraid that he only drank a little potion during the period. I need to prepare some food for him first."

"God." Professor McGonagall was first surprised when he heard this, and then immediately turned to look at Kewen in the store with pity: "Did he never say he was hungry?"

Seeing Ollivander wryly smile and shake his head, Professor McGonagall sighed, "What a sensible child."

"Let's go, let's go to the Leaky Cauldron." Professor McGonagall urged: "Go and prepare some food for the child. It is best to prepare it as soon as possible, and be careful not to let him starve. Gluttony, it will hurt his stomach..."

The exhortation went away, sometimes mixed with Ollivander's response...

Inside the wand shop, Kewen didn't know anything about the conversations that took place outside the shop's window, and he still maintained his personality attentively.

Although because of the Taijutsu master, he seemed to vaguely feel that eyes were being cast on him from time to time, but Kewen didn't care. Maybe passers-by in the alley occasionally saw him in the store.

I don't know how long it took, but I didn't see any clocks in the store. Kewen, who maintained his acting skills, felt a little bored.

By the way, didn't Ollivander say that during this time period, the business of the wand shop should be very good?

Why has it been so long, but no one has come to buy a wand?

Thinking about what came, at this moment, three figures blocked the light of the store door. With the sound of 'ding bell', the store door was pushed open, and a couple led a teenage child in. in the store.

"Wow! Mom and Dad, look! There are so many wands here!" As soon as the little boy entered the store, his eyes didn't fall on Kewen, the big living man, but he was excited and looked at the wand box in the store.

"James, be polite." The lady in the family of three said, smiling and teaching the children: "Don't make noise at will in noisy places, and keep quiet first in quiet places."

It's a pity that the child's attention is now on those wand boxes. It is estimated that his mother's words have long been heard in the left ear and the right ear.

"Child, are you here to buy a wand too?" the man in the family of three asked Kewen softly.

"No, that..." Kewen stood up stiffly, and stuttered in response: "Mr. Ollivander, he, he went out, he will be back later, I am helping him look at the store. Mr. Ollivander explained that you can wait a while, or first..."


The door opened again, and Ollivander's figure came in at the right time...

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