Professor Lockhart was still there to introduce Snape as his dueling assistant, and he said that Snape would assist him in demonstrating the use of the magic spell 'weapon except you'.

As a result, Snape didn't give face at all, and instead called Kewen to the stage to demonstrate a duel with Professor Lockhart.

Seeing this, Professor Lockhart couldn't help being a little sluggish, looked at Snape in amazement and said, "This... I thought we..."

"Cowen Quinn," Snape said indifferently as he stood in the audience, "He is the recipient of the Second Order of the Order of Merlin."

Clearly, Snape knew Lockhart's virtues well enough that a single sentence would suffice.

Sure enough, after listening to Snape's words, Professor Lockhart's eyes almost lit up.

You know, since his pursuit of fame and fortune, he has barely managed to get a third-level medal.

Therefore, Professor Lockhart changed his face in a second, showed a big smile, and hurried to Kewen's side.

He took Cowen over, Professor Lockhart smiled enthusiastically, and loudly introduced to the students below: "That's right! Mr. Cowen Quinn! Winner of the Second Order of Merlin's Order! My life path Companion on the top! My friend!"

"Sorry Professor." Kewen broke free from the opponent's embrace with a little force, and said without a smile, "Can we start? I still have a lot of work to do."

Professor Lockhart was slightly stunned again, but he reacted immediately, still maintaining his so-called most charming smile, and said smoothly: "Of course! Everyone must know that the reason why we can achieve such a success is of course inseparable from our moments. effort!"

After putting gold on his face again, Professor Lockhart patted Kewen on the shoulder and exhorted with a cordial look: "Come on my partner! Let's present a wonderful demonstration for everyone."

"Ah, by the way, don't worry." Professor Lockhart pinched his waist with one hand and confidently said to the students in the audience: "After the demonstration, I promise to return the unharmed Kewen classmates to you, trust me, My shots will be measured."

Snape was fed up with Lockhart's constant chatter, so he suddenly said, "Get ready to start! I'll be your referee!"

"Ah of course! Thank you very much." Professor Lockhart was forced to silence.

Snape walked to the center of the audience, then motioned for Cowan and Lockhart to get ready.

On the stage, Kewen and Lockhart stood one meter apart, and then according to the procedure of the duel, they took out their wand and saluted in front of them.

After bowing slightly to each other, the two turned around at the same time, took five steps each, turned back again, and set up a duel stance.

Professor Lockhart pinched his waist with one hand, held his wand up in front of him, and bought a lunge with both feet.

Kewen, on the other hand, is less bells and whistles, his left hand hangs down naturally, and his right hand points his wand forward.

Under the stage, Snape saw that the two were ready, and then said: "Listen, after I count one, two, three, you can cast spells."




"Except your weapons!"

A duel must be chanted, and the wand swing must also be standard.

Cowen's response was quick, and he almost choked Snape's voice before he reached his wand forward slightly, while chanting the spell quickly and clearly.

A magic ray suddenly shot out, instantly spanning a distance of nearly ten meters, and hit the opponent's chest just as Lockhart uttered the word 'delete'.

This 'directional' spell, if it doesn't hit the directional target, can only cause the effect of knockback or knock-up.

Cowan was a little tired of Lockhart's previous shameless performance, so he deliberately didn't aim at the opponent's wand, but instead aimed at the opponent's chest.

Therefore, after being hit, Lockhart couldn't help exclaiming, and instantly flew backwards.

After crossing a distance of several meters, the effect of the magic spell on him disappeared, and he began to fall.

With a muffled 'bang', Professor Lockhart landed on his buttocks, smashing the duel table slightly, and even his buttocks turned twice.

at a loss.

Professor Lockhart sat there, as if he didn't know what was going on.



"Ha ha ha ha……"

There were a few stifled laughter at first, and then I didn't know who was taking the lead, and the students who were watching suddenly burst into laughter.

The laughter made Professor Lockhart return to his soul, and he stood up very quickly, with an embarrassed smile on his face, talking loudly, suppressing the laughter around him: "Okay, everyone, stop!"

After all, it was a professor, so the students had to give some face and suppressed their laughter.

Seeing this, Lockhart finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately said loudly: "I'm sorry for making everyone see my embarrassed appearance, but I have to explain!"

Tan hand pointed to Kewen: "I said before, I want to demonstrate the use of 'weapons except you', and Mr. Quin's spell casting is wrong this time! He didn't hit my wand!"

"Of course!" Lockhart continued to add loudly: "Mr. Quinn's shot was time-consuming, otherwise he would have shot according to the standard time! I can easily defend against the attack just now! I didn't expect Mr. Quinn to commit a foul, so he I was a little embarrassed by being accidentally cursed."

In the audience, many people listened to Lockhart's defense. After all, it was reasonable and well-founded.

Of course, there are still some people who don't listen to Lockhart's defense at all. Many people who have been staring at Kewen obviously know that when Kewen didn't take the shot, he didn't show any fouls at all.

At this time, Snape spoke again: "As the referee, I express to listen to your defense, and thus I announce that there will be another duel."

Lockhart's smiling face froze slightly, then rolled his eyes, and smiled calmly: "No problem! I can easily see through Mr. Quin's actions, this time I will prevent it in advance."

"The two duelists come forward." Snape ignored the other and raised his voice to command.

Going forward and standing opposite again, Lockhart stared at Kewen and smiled: "Remember the essentials, aim at the opponent's wand, and don't make a mistake this time."

Kewen also ignored the other party, raised his wand and saluted.

Lockhart was caught off guard and hurriedly saluted.

Turning around, the two re-stepped to distance themselves, then stood still and turned around to pose.

This time Lockhart learned a lesson, so he didn't pose any good, and Cowen still acted the same as before.



"Except your weapons!"


This time, Lockhart had just finished counting two in Snape, and before the three words had been completely spoken, he suddenly took a step forward, waved his wand and fired a magic ray, which went straight to Kewen's chest...

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