The Mirror of Erised is nearly four meters high, framed by a golden arched window, supported by wooden legs in the shape of two claws.

Above the mirror is engraved a line of words: Eris, Uhru, Aytheubi, Kaflu, Aytheon, Vorhes.

If you read it in reverse, it is: I am not reflecting your face, but your inner desire.

Professor Quirrell obviously didn't know what the Mirror of Erised was. At this time, he ignored Kewen who was being 'controlled', but walked quickly to the mirror and kept checking it carefully.

After searching for a long time, Professor Quirrell couldn't find any clues on the magic mirror, so he turned around irritably, wanting to see if there were any clues around.

As a result, when he turned around like this, he immediately saw Kewen standing on the doorstep.

"Come here!" Professor Quirrell raised his hand to Kewen and ordered sharply, "Find me a clue!"

Cowan is also curious about the Philosopher's Stone, so take the opportunity to check it out.

Continuing to pretend to be under control, Kewen walked stiffly in front of the magic mirror and looked at the mirror.

However, as a result, Kewen's pupils swayed slightly.

Because he didn't see anything in the mirror, as if there was an ordinary full-length mirror in front of him.

Should not be ah. Cowen secretly said.

However, his mind turned quickly, and after a little thought, Kewen knew the reason.

But it was because he was still maintaining Occlumency at this time.

Don't think that the Mirror of Erised is very magical and can reflect people's hearts. To put it bluntly, it is just an alchemy item with a permanent 'intake of divine sense' attached to it.

Coupled with some manifestation development spells attached to it, it creates the effect of reflecting the inner picture.

Thinking of this, Cowen lost interest in the Mirror of Erised immediately.

As long as he continues to study alchemy, he will be able to create such a magic mirror sooner or later.

It's a pity, however, that he can't get the Philosopher's Stone from the mirror.

However, based on the original plot, Kewen felt that he might not be able to get the Philosopher's Stone from the mirror, because only those who didn't use the Philosopher's Stone in their hearts could get it from the mirror.

However, Kewen had been curious about the Philosopher's Stone from the beginning, and had a slight greed, so it was estimated that he could not meet that requirement.

Kewen was in a daze for too long, which made Professor Quirrell feel a little impatient, so he asked in an unhappy tone, "How is it!? Did you find anything!?"

"I didn't find anything." Kewen replied in a dull, unwavering tone: "This is an ordinary mirror."

"Ordinary?" Professor Quirrell frowned, turned his head and glanced in the mirror, and then growled angrily at Kewen: "How dare you deceive me!? Obviously I saw what I was looking for in it!"

"Shut up! Idiot!"

Voldemort's voice appeared again, and said in a tired tone: "He's under your Imperius Curse! How can there be any thoughts of his own now!"

Professor Quirrell's face changed in a second, and he quickly nodded humbly: "I'm sorry master! I forgot about this!"

"Kill him!" Voldemort ordered impatiently. "Now he's useless!"

"Yes! My master!"

Professor Quirrell responded respectfully, then raised his eyes to look at Kewen, his expression full of cruelty.

Just as Kewen silently recited the beginning of the 'Shenfeng Wuying' curse, Voldemort said again: "Wait!"

Professor Quirrell took out his wand and asked in surprise, "Master, do you have any other orders?"

"Someone's here," Voldemort replied softly.

Hearing that, Professor Quirrell immediately turned his head to look at the door, listening carefully, and there was indeed a sound of hesitant footsteps approaching.

"Master!" Lower the volume,

Professor Quirrell said as if he was in control: "It should be the 'Harry Potter'! During the day I heard him and his classmates saying that he would be here tonight! So I decided to start early tonight to avoid magic. Stone was taken by them!"

Voldemort did not respond.

Soon, the figure of Harry Potter came out from the long steps of the dark doorway.

The dim moonlight that shone into the room through the skylight shone some light around the magic mirror, allowing Harry Potter to see Professor Quirrell and Cowan clearly.

"It's you!? Professor Quirrell? And... why is Senior Quinn here!?"

Harry looked very embarrassed at this time, the red sweater was covered with dust and there were several slashes.

There were several small wounds on the hands and face, and a solidified blood scab could be seen.

Obviously, the first few levels have caused a lot of obstacles for Harry.

Kewen's original concern was also correct. Even if the trio worked together to break through the level, Harry was so embarrassed. If Kewen hadn't led the way, resulting in the lack of Hermione's participation now, then Harry Potter might not be able to arrive alive. Here it is.

At this time, after hearing Harry's doubts, Professor Quirrell said somewhat naturally: "Otherwise who do you think it will be?"

"I thought it was Snape..." Harry responded in confusion: "No! That's not right! It should be Snape..."

Hearing Harry's own words, Professor Quirrell chuckled mockingly, and then his expression changed instantly, turning into his usual cowardly and pitiful look.

At the same time, he said, "Yeah, Snape does look like a bad guy, who can doubt a stammering, poor Professor Quirrell?"

"Then him?" Harry Potter felt a sense of cognitive collapse, and looked at Kewen again: "What about Senior Quinn... Isn't he with Snape?"

"This genius?" Professor Quirrell regained his sullen expression, squinted at Kewen, and said with some pity: "Unfortunately, no one can deny his genius, but it's just a genius, I only need one' The Imperius Curse, I can make him obediently become my puppet!"

Next, Harry and Quirrell seemed to be playing at home. Rory asked Harry a question, and Quirrell gave a perfect answer and confessed to Harry the burden of Professor Snape. black pot.

Not only Kewen couldn't stand it, but even Voldemort lost his patience and couldn't help interrupting: "Enough! You bastard! Get me the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Yes! I'm sorry master..." Professor Quirrell was so proud just now, and now he is so humble and slightly bowed to ask for advice: "But, how do I get it?"

"Use Harry Potter!" Voldemort pointed.

Hearing another voice suddenly echoing across the room, Harry glanced around in astonishment.

Quirrell got the order, and hurriedly walked towards Harry, reaching out to grab him at the same time.

In the rear, Kewen's eyes lit up, his right hand trembled slightly...

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