The notes left by Kewen were passed to each other by the professors for viewing. After everyone read it, they all looked like they were 'dirty'.

Professor Quirrell was the last to take the note to watch, but he had just finished reading the entire contents, and before he could think about anything, Dumbledore raised his hand and asked for the note.

Holding the note, Dumbledore looked at the above formula with a smile, and after thinking about it, he said, "As I said, little Kewen has a lot of whimsy."

He replied to Kewen's special bar: "Humph! Disgusting people do have a set!"

Dumbledore declined to comment, and re-examined the question with some headaches, but it was as if he was reading a book from heaven, and he had no idea what the formula meant.

After a moment of silence, Dumbledore suddenly chuckled, and then said: "I really like this problem, so let's do it like this, and count this problem into the level."

"You know the answer?" Professor McGonagall asked in surprise.

"Of course." Dumbledore looked a little distressed: "This is really a difficult problem, but fortunately I managed to get the answer."

"That's good." Professor McGonagall nodded reassuringly.

Dumbledore put the note back on the table, then looked up at the professors and said, "But everyone, go back first, I need to stay here for a while."

"Anything else?" Professor McGonagall asked. "Do you need everyone to stay and help?"

"No need." Dumbledore waved his hand gently, then glanced down at the numbered floor below his feet, and said worriedly: "I have to stay and look at the explosion trap arranged by Xiao Kewen, so as not to be too powerful, if the castle structure is damaged But it's not good."

The professors suddenly felt that Dumbledore's concerns were necessary.

Next, the professors said goodbye and left.

Dumbledore stood in the room for a long time, until he felt that the professors had completely left the secret room, and he was slightly relieved.

With a flick of his hand, Dumbledore grabbed the wand, and then cast the ultimate use of the 'Revelation Spell'.

The next moment, large orange-yellow magic particles quickly poured out from the floor of the room, gradually forming a vivid '3D picture' in mid-air.

What was displayed on the screen was the activity of the Kewen trio in the room a few days ago, but only the screen could be seen, and the sound could not be heard.

Dumbledore moved his footsteps from time to time to watch the retrospective screen, and it was only after watching all of Kewen's actions that he lifted the spell in surprise.

Walking directly to the floor tile marked with the number [Five], Dumbledore gently waved his hand to raise the floor tile, revealing the note below.

"So the answer is five?" Dumbledore murmured softly.

After looking at it, Dumbledore pressed the note again under the floor tile, then turned to scan the other floors, Shaoqing, Dumbledore smiled abruptly with a 'haha'.

"That little guy..." After trying to understand everything, Dumbledore murmured dumbfoundedly: "I deceived everyone, how can there be any explosive trap..."

Recalling how he was being led by the nose just now, Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, chuckling from time to time as he left the secret room...


For the next few days, Kewen behaved honestly, after all, he missed the point on Halloween night.

But surprisingly, none of the professors he had come into contact with in the past few days told him about trespassing in forbidden areas, as if they didn't even know.

Kewen thought for a while, is this the professors indulging him again?

Two days later, still no professor came to tell him about the forbidden area, and even Professor McGonagall didn't mean to warn him.

In this way, Kewen was completely relieved, no longer worried about his trespassing in forbidden areas, and put it aside.

On this day, it was Professor Snape's turn to take charge of extracurricular tutoring.

However, there are not many aspects that Kewen needs guidance now.

So in the counseling room he and Snape went their separate ways, one was doing his homework and the other was working on a book on the 'Potion Standard'.

After the tutoring time was over, the two of them cleaned up and left the tutoring room together.

On the way to the auditorium, Cowan noticed that Snape was limping, and after a little recollection, he understood what was going on.

But Snape's leg injury left by the three-headed dog was not healed.

Seeing this, Kewen couldn't help but said with some concern: "Professor, is your injury okay? Why hasn't it healed for so long?"

Snape glanced at Cowan blankly, and responded in an unwavering tone: "Don't worry about it!"

Cowan had long been accustomed to getting along with Snape, so he continued unconcernedly: "Professor Quirrell said in a class before that the wounds caused by the iguanas don't heal well, and the effect of the potion has no effect on that. The wound is weak, but adding some iguana blood to the potion will restore the potion's effects to normal."

Speaking of which, Kewen suggested: "How about you get some blood from the three-headed dog and add it to the potion to try?"

Snape's footsteps paused for a while, then quickly resumed, squinting Cowan again and said, "Do you like to meddle so much?"

"I don't care about you, professor."

The relationship is already so familiar, so Kewen joked: "After all, the way you walk with an injury is really detrimental to your majesty. The sooner you recover, the sooner you can recover to the one look that makes the little wizards tremble with fear. The majestic professor."

Snape stopped completely this time, and turned to stare at Cowen.

Cowan looked at Snape calmly as if I was really thinking of you.

Shaoqing, Snape took a deep breath, then raised his head to look around, and then looked at the lawn outside the promenade.

Cowan was a little puzzled, and followed Snape's movements and looked back and forth, but he didn't see anyone.

At this time, Snape finally opened his mouth, and while continuing to look around, he said, "I heard that you have mastered a lot of targeted spells?"

Kewen didn't understand why Snape said this. As a tutor, he should have a good understanding of his learning progress.

Snape continued, "You know what? I also mastered a lot of spells in school, and even invented some myself."

"Well, I know your achievements as a professor." Kewen nodded in response.

"You used 'Spider Retreat' when you were in the Forbidden Forest, didn't you?" Snape said, walking to the other side of Cowen.

"Ah, yes..." Kewen was even more confused.

"I invented another little magic spell recently." Snape stood up and stared at Cowan.

"What is it?" Kewen had some expectations: "Can you teach me?"

Snape took out his wand, pointed it at Cowen, and gave a low voice in Cowen's daze: "Cowen Quinn retreats!"

A ray of light hit Kewen's chest instantly, causing Kewen to feel a huge force pulling behind him, pulling his body over the railing and flying into the lawn.


The curse made him unable to stop his figure, and Kewen screamed while reeling on the lawn.

Seeing this, Snape suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and while putting away his wand, he muttered in a low voice, "Ah...I wanted to do this for a long time..."

After speaking, Snape continued to leave briskly.

After turning a corridor, I met Ellie Weiya, who was in the third grade of Ravenclaw. In the other party's cautious look, Snape's mouth twitched and he nodded to the other party: "Good evening."


Ellie Weiya froze all over, and the books she was holding in her arms were scattered all over the place...

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