Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 123 Participation

Professor Quirinus Quirrell, the new Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts this year, graduated from Ravenclaw College.

This professor is a relatively learned wizard, and his classes are very fresh, similar to that of Professor David in the first year of Kewen.

Professor Quirrell is not an outsider, because before this year, he taught the elective course of 'Muggle Studies' in the college, and he was transferred to the course this year.

But Professor Quirrell had less luck.

Before the start of this year, in order to be able to teach the 'Defence Against the Dark Arts class' more perfectly, Professor Quirrell went out on a trip during the vacation, intending to accumulate practical experience in 'Defense Against the Dark Arts'.

And this turned his life. Under the threat of Voldemort outside and bewitched, he eventually became the other's humble servant, and was possessed by Voldemort's remnant soul.

After returning to the academy, Professor Quirrell seemed to be a different person. He lost his former friendliness and cheerfulness, and began to become cowardly and helpless.

He also wore A Sanguo's turban on his head, which he never took off under any circumstances, because Voldemort's remnant was attached to the back of his head.

Kewen knew about this situation on the first day of school, but he was too lazy to participate in the plot.

Instead of exposing the other party with a lot of troubles, it is better to do nothing and just wait for the other party to be killed by the plot.


After flipping through the memory that automatically appeared in his mind due to the sense of sight, Kewen came back to his senses and watched Professor Quirrell running to the professor's chair in panic.

"Trolls!" Professor Quirrell looked helpless as he ran crookedly and shouted, "There are trolls over there in the basement!"

After shouting this sentence, Professor Quirrell also stopped halfway, and then lowered his voice weakly: "I thought I should inform everyone..."

After speaking, Professor Quirrell simply rolled his eyes and fell to the ground in a coma. That movement was so fake and exaggerated.

But at this time, apart from Kewen, no one would pay attention to Professor Quirrell on the ground.

After hearing the warning, all the professors stood up with serious expressions, while most of the students in the auditorium screamed in horror after a moment of silence.

On the other hand, George and Fred, who were sitting next to Kewen, were different. Not only did they not feel nervous at all, on the contrary, after looking at each other, their faces showed some eager expressions of excitement.

That's right, after all, they had seen with their own eyes how easily Kewen dealt with trolls, and they obviously wanted to try it for themselves at this time.


In the chaotic scene, Dumbledore shouted with a 'Amplification Spell', causing all the screams to disappear quickly, attracting the attention of the entire auditorium.

Seeing this, Dumbledore said solemnly and loudly: "Don't panic! Now! Prefects, bring the students from each academy back to the dormitory!"

Hearing this, the prefects of the four colleges hurriedly began to greet the students of their respective colleges.

Dumbledore nodded in satisfaction when he saw that the situation had been temporarily controlled.

On the other side, Kewen was in the Gryffindor team and was about to go back to the bedroom through the back door of the auditorium when a call suddenly sounded behind him.

"Kewen! Just stay."

Kewen turned his head and saw that it was Professor McGonagall.

A little puzzled, but Kewen turned around and walked quickly to the professorship after leaving the team.

"Professor McGonagall, do you have any orders?" Kewen asked.

"Mr. Headmaster asked me to greet you." Professor McGonagall said worriedly: "The castle is too big, and the professors are not enough, so I hope you can help patrol."

Cowen was stunned.

Professor McGonagall sees this,

There was no time to explain more, and then he warned: "You are only responsible for the inspection of the first floor, remember! Don't go to the basement direction, and if you encounter a troll, don't do it without authorization! Send it as soon as possible. Signal calls the professors!"

"Did you hear clearly?" Seeing that Kewen was still a little stunned, Professor McGonagall immediately raised his hand and patted Kewen's shoulder, and reiterated: "Remember! You just need to send us a signal as soon as possible!"

"Yeah! Good professor!" Kewen had already recovered his senses and nodded quickly in response.

"Okay, then be careful!"

After Professor McGonagall's instructions, he immediately turned around and walked quickly towards the direction of the basement classroom.

Soon, only Kewen was left in the entire auditorium.

Looking around the empty auditorium, Kewen thought about it, and then walked quickly towards the women's toilet on the first floor.

Originally, he didn't want to participate in any plot, as long as he quietly waited for various plots to kill.

But I didn't expect that the principal and professors had so much confidence in his strength that they actually asked him to participate in the inspection.

That being the case, then Kewen could just intervene. He had the plot memory as a reference, so he went straight to the women's toilet.

The distance was not very far, and it didn't take long for Kewen to arrive at the door of the women's restroom, listening intently. There was no movement of trolls around, only some faint sobbing sounds came from the women's restroom.

Cowen knew that it was Hermione inside, because she was mocked by Ron behind her back during the day, so Hermione didn't attend the dinner party, and she spent the whole afternoon in the toilet sad alone.

It's not easy to push the door and go in, because after all, the troll hasn't come here, so it's hard to explain when you go in.

Besides, Kewen didn't want to interrupt the bondage of the protagonist trio at will. If there was no troll crisis, the trio would probably have disbanded.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Kewen came up with an idea. He took out his wand and added an 'Illusion Charm' to himself to make himself invisible. combination.

Afterwards, Kewen waited at the door.

Less than five minutes later, heavy and slow footsteps appeared, gradually approaching the women's toilet.

At the same time, there were two other footsteps in the distance, rushing towards this side.

But just as the troll figure approached the door of the women's toilet, the other two running sounds suddenly stopped.

Cowen knew that it was Harry Potter and Ron who had arrived.

At this moment, the troll who was already very close to Kewen's hiding place suddenly stopped, his nostrils fluttered and sniffed, and then he bent down and got into the women's toilet.

Kewen followed closely behind the troll and also entered the women's toilet, and saw Hermione walk out of a compartment with her head lowered.

Sobbing slightly, Hermione was about to walk to the sink, raising her hand to wipe the remaining tears from the corner of her eyes.

But the next moment, Hermione, who lowered her head, finally found the huge shadow on the ground, then raised her head cautiously, and finally caught sight of the troll who was looking down on her...

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